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Bad mood – why didn’t my teaching go well?
2012/03/23 15:10:12瀏覽390|回應4|推薦39

I was in a bad mood this morning after I finished my lecture. I prepared for my lecture well since I made sure the flow of it would be great in one hour. I wanted to show the students a mini case with all accounting numbers, and then prove them the theories.


However all the equipments in the classroom were not cooperating - at all. First, when I was using the Tablet on which I can use a pen to write on my slides and handouts - it was frozen. So I tried the document camera since I can still show the students my derivations under the camera – it was broken too. I couldn’t use the white board because it would be too far away for most students to see anything on it cause there were about 250 students attending my lecture today. When I started lecturing, the battery in the radio mic went dead – so I had to change the battery when I was talking, and of course made a mistake because I was distracted.


So I had to introduce the theories first because the lectern computer was the only thing which worked. However the flow of my lecture was totally random – I couldn’t think of the proper things I should say first, or later, because I became very unorganized. Then I became nervous again and it was never helpful to be nervous in public speaking. Finanlly the technician came - a half hour after I called our IT dept. - and solved my problem.


So that’s it. After my class I called a friend but she was too busy to talk to me. Gladly another colleague saw me – I was sobbing actually – and grabbed me to have lunch together and I was happier after lunch. However I still blamed myself for not having the Plan B. But... how could I know all the equipments in the classroom can be not working at the same time? I know it’s just not my day today – but, it’s really not fun to have this kind of experience!!!

( 在地生活紐澳 )
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Teaching in the Western culture is not easy!
2012/04/03 22:33
Teaching with heart!  Teaching like you would teach your own retarded children.
Celine_參加歌唱班(celinetl65) 於 2012-04-08 19:12 回覆:
Thanks for your nice words! Just hope... they would think that they may not have known everything and thus are more willing to learn. Also, there are 300 of them - not easy to take care of everyone...

go go go
2012/03/29 17:52


Celine_參加歌唱班(celinetl65) 於 2012-03-31 12:37 回覆:

Thanks very much for your nice words.

A colleague who taught in the US before said so too - students here can be comparable to his former students but the class size is 2 to 5 times as before.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2012/03/24 08:34

You are teaching accounting!

Are you in Melbourne? You are welcome to drop in for a cuppa if you like.

Celine_參加歌唱班(celinetl65) 於 2012-03-24 14:46 回覆:

Oh, that's very nice! Thanks for the warm invitation. I hope I could swim over the ditch to your place since I am on the other side of it - in NZ teaching finance actually.


Have you heard of this....
2012/03/24 05:33
Sometimes the shit will hit the fence. Stay back and take a deep breath; life goes on. No one will blame your for the glitches. I am sure you are a wonderful teacher that the students understood.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks for adding me as your friend.

Celine_參加歌唱班(celinetl65) 於 2012-03-24 14:43 回覆:

Yes, I've tried to get over it - thanks for the nice words. To be honest, I was including your blog into my favorite site and then the universe just sent me a signal to add you as a friend. :-)
