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2013/12/14 07:39:12瀏覽1167|回應15|推薦88 | |
Seventy Years as Spring Hsu ChiCheng World of Poets 2013/12/14 Margaret Ann Waddicor's opinions: Seventy years as spring- I so very much enjoyed the first verse of this, but then there was too much for me.It is repetition of the same. And willy nilly isn't consistent with the poems character. This could be much shorter and more precise, it would be a very fine poem indeed then. I say this because that's how I feel about it, others have different ideas, but this is my opinion. World of Poets 2013/12/1 Hsu ChiCheng's response: Thank you very much. I'm specialized in writing simple and precise in my poems, and you said more precise is need of this poem, it appears that I must do my best effort in this way. I'll do my best as you said. Thanks a lot. Hsu ChiCheng World of Poets 2013/12/14 Panayiota Ryall said: Research Diplomate in Logotherapy and SRN - specializing in adult survivors of child abuse Seventy Years as Spring — Written for the 70th birthday ~ To be able to see beyond the writers difficulties with English to capture the writers spirit in the words they have chosen to express what's in their heart and on their mind... priceless... but then again, I have an affinity for the aged and the wisdom of years they possess so this kind of poem has a deep and special meaning for me. World of Poets 2014/1/7 中文原詩如后: 以七十為春 許其正 ——為七十歲生日而寫 如枯木之逢春 如久旱之得甘霖 他乃一幼芻 從七十破殼而出 以七十為萬物始生的春 不僅重現(注1),更是重生 立即展開他特具的心的翅膀(注2) 鼓起一陣風,欲摶扶搖而直上青天 (這次他能和以前切割嗎? 這次他能獲得一個新的環境嗎? 這次他能攫取一個新的機會嗎? 這次他能過新日子快樂而自足嗎?) 可以肯定的是 不管願不願意,必須 命定在西斜的夕照下 翩翩飛向朦朦的暮色裏 飛進凜冽的寒冬中 緊握自己堅定的意志 以堅強的精神力量 去克服肉體的老化 去肩起歲月的重量 閃發自己的光和熱 取得自己的暖…… 破殼而出,然後展開翅膀 摶扶搖而直上青天吧 以七十為萬物始生的春 與歷來成就非凡的老人為儔 這次會更堅實更穩健 這次不僅是重現,更是重生 精神上必須脫胎換骨 以克服肉體的老化 肩起歲月的重量 穿行在酷熱、嚴寒和風雨中 跨越過所有千山萬水,崎嶇不平…… 注1:《重現》為本詩作者中英對照詩集,2008年5月由環球文化出版社出版。 注2:《心的翅膀》是希臘女詩人札拿他·卡莉瓦-帕白奧安諾的一本詩集,由雅典梧桐樹出版社於2007年5月出版,系希臘語、英語、法語、義大利語和漢語五種語言的混語版。除作者以希臘語書寫外,英語由Zacharoula Gaitanaki翻譯,法語由Constantina Spanou翻譯,義大利語由Tota Tsakou-Convertino翻譯,漢語由本詩作者翻譯。
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