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2013/10/16 08:05:19瀏覽1475|回應9|推薦55 | |
再見北斗七星 許其正 2013/10/12大紀元時報文學世界
篝火晚會結束要離開時 從紛雜的人群中,突然 響起那小女孩的驚叫: 「我看見北斗七星了。」
長久身陷滾滾紅塵中 確實久矣不見北斗七星 抬望眼,只見湛藍的穹蒼中 無數星星不住閃爍著 顯得特別大特別亮
其中有七顆更大更亮的 順序排列,形成魁和柄 那正是北斗七星,依稀 我童年時看見的模樣
驚喜中,我深深地,貪婪地 吸著清淨無塵的空氣,頓覺 四周盈溢許多熟悉之物: 我童年時鄉間的綠景、芬芳 以及鄉人樸素的語言笑貌
我整個身心沉浸在 愉悅和甜美的回憶中 一如和久別的老友重逢 在這異鄉的陌生草原 註:一九九九年八月十三日,是大海洋詩社諸同仁參加在內蒙古海拉爾舉行的中國新文學學會第十六屆學術年會及草原之旅的第十日,也是大會結束後旅遊的第二日。是夜,全體與會者在敖包山莊享受全羊大餐晚宴,並參加篝火歌舞會。結束時,九時已過,氣溫已轉涼,突然,華中師大教授張永健和王芝夫婦的孫女張璟驚叫:「我看見北斗七星了。」引得大家仰頭上看,引我進入童年的回憶中。今日台灣,空氣汙染太過嚴重,要看到北斗七星的機會已不多,要由看北斗七星進而引發對童年回憶的機會自然也少。唉!
Seeing Big Dipper Again Hsu ChiChen
The campfire party was over People began to leave Suddenly a little girl’s voice was heard in the crowd: “Look! Big Dipper!”
Landing in the vanity of the world I hadn’t seen Big Dipper for a long time Looking up at the azure sky I saw countless stars twinkling Bright and clear
Among them there were seven stars Brighter and clearer than the others That was Big Dipper Which looked as same as it was when I was a child
Deeply and greedy I breathed in fresh air Many familiar things suddenly appeared before my eyes: The country scenery, the fragrance of grass and trees The villagers’ simple words and their smiling faces
I lost in sweet memories of my childhood As if meeting an old friend again After a long separation In the unfamiliar grassland Note:Aug.3,1999 was the 10th day of the colleagues of Ocean Poetry Club participating in the 16th Learned Annual Meeting and the Grassland Tour held by Chinese Sociaty of Modern Literature, and it was also the 2nd day of the Tour after Meeting . That night, all participants had the Dinner Party to eat an entire sheep, then attended the Campfire Party of Singing and Dancing. The campfire Party ended over nine o’clock that night when it got a bit cold. Suddenly Zhang Jing, granddaughter of Mr. Zhang Yongjian and Mrs. Wang Zhi who work as professors at Central-China University, shouted ,” Look! Big Dipper!” Her voice aroused everybody looking up at the sky, and aroused the memories of my childhood. The air is seriously polluted in Taiwan today. It is nearly unable to see clear Big Dipper. Therefore, I have few chance to recall my childhood by being aroused with seeing Big Dipper. Ah! |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |