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2013/09/13 20:57:00瀏覽827|回應5|推薦27 | |
[中国•台湾]許其正 春滿乾坤(组诗) 望向明天 被冬天桎梏著。 滿眼是灰暗,矇矓不清。 顫抖著。好冷! 冬天發揮著淫威,鞭笞著大地萬物。 別害怕!鼓起勇氣!向前!向前!望向明天! 與其躲在一個角落裡顫抖、悲嘆,何如做好準備,等待衝鋒的那一天? 沉潛 別以為不動就是死了。別以為靜寂沒用。 冬日裡,冷凍,枯黃,乾涸,似無生命跡象。那是常態。蟄伏,沉潛也是常態。 蟄伏。沉潛。 沉潛。蟄伏。 蘊釀另一股力量。蓄足養分。 總有那麼一天,生命甦醒過來,重新出發,那時生命的活力或將更進一步。那必將是春天降臨人間的時候。 燕馱春回 燕子又飛回來了。 我看牠們翩翩飛舞著,一隻一隻馱著眾草繁花,淺碧濃綠,姹紫嫣紅,以春換冬。 可以確定,那些秋風冬雨蕭條鬱卒的日子已去。 初芽 被乾燥寒冷的冬日殘酷地肆虐了一段時日的枯枝,最近經過造物的手持續不斷地滋養、撫慰,滿佈皺紋灰褐無光的一張醜臉,終於展露出微笑了。 哈哈! 春風春雨 幾番春風春雨過後,大地多彩多姿起來了,熱鬧起來了。到處可以看到枝葉長出翅膀,披著綠色,不住飛翔;花朵才是美妙,她們一下便變成蝴蝶,也不住飛翔,有紅的,有黃的,有綠的,有白的,有花的……輕盈盈,明亮亮,掛著歡笑,帶著快樂。 誰能不喜歡她們? 奇景 那天清晨,從原野的一個角落傳來窸窣的聲音,引起了我的好奇。尋找了好久,我終於找到了:那是一些草的芽苗。它們正聚精會神地在朗誦詩歌。它們一個個用勁地朗誦,以致全身汗濕,以致雙腋長出了翅膀,更妙的是全身發光,飛升了起來……。 我很感奇怪。我從來沒看過這情景。 充滿喜悅 有一群細皮嫩肉的初生嬰孩 在枝頭那些新芽新葉間 不住嬉鬧著,咿呀著
蝴蝶開始繞著他們飛舞 鳥雀開始嚶嚶鳴唱 人們心中開始充滿喜樂 [Taiwan China] Hsu Chicheng Heaven and Earth Filled with Spring (group poems) Toward Tomorrow Shackled by winter. Eyes filled with murky gray, dim and distant. Shivering. How cold it is! The winter is wielding its despotic power, lashing against the earth. Don’t be afraid! Rally your courage and go forward, forward! Toward tomorrow! Prepare yourself for the day to charge forward, instead of shivering and sighing in a corner. Torpidness Don’t run away with the idea that inaction means death, that silence is useless. In winter, coldness, yellowness, dryness, it seems no sign of life, which is normal. Hibernation and torpidness is also normal. Hibernation. Torpidness. Torpidness. Hibernation. Brewing another force. Accumulating nutrient. One day, when life revives to restart, the vitality of life is enhanced, time for spring to descend to the mortal world. Spring Back on Swallows’ Back Swallows fly back again. I watch them flying and soaring, a pair after another pair carrying green grasses and riotous blossoms, winter out and spring in. And I’m sure, gone are the days of chilly winds and desolate rains. Budding The dead twigs abused by the dry, cold winter days are from time to time nourished and solaced by Creator’s hands, and the ungainly face lusterless with gray or brown wrinkles begins to show smiles. Haha! Spring Winds and Rains After a spell after another spell of spring winds and rains, the earth is animated with a profusion of colors. Here and there green leaves and twigs, like wings, are dancing and flying; wonderful are the flowers, which instantly change into butterflies: red or yellow or green or white or mottled … light and bright, joyful and mirthful. Who does not take a fancy to these flowers? A Rare View One morning, from a corner of the field comes the voice of crickets, which intrigues my sense of curiousness. After seeking and searching, I have finally retrieved its source: the buds of grasses, who lose themselves in declaiming poems, so such so that they are wet through and wings grow in their armpits — what is more wonderful is that they glow all over and begin to fly upward … I have a strange feeling. This is a rare view for me. Filled with Joy A group of babies freshly born with delicate skin In the new buds and leaves and twigs \Are babbling, frolicking Butterflies begin to dance around them Birds begin to cheep and chirp And the heart of people is filled with joy (Tr. by Zhang Zhizhong) 2013/8/8世界詩人季刊 2013/8/8 The World PoetsQuqrterly |
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