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2009/06/02 21:46:29瀏覽787|回應6|推薦21

客倌您好  打那來
(外地人 : .....)

喔   你住得老遠   要坐飛機來
飛機像隻大鐵鳥   轟隆隆的
怪嚇人的   我沒坐過
你手上捧的一束束的   是啥門子啊 
唉喲   是我們這裡出的   很多很多的小花兒
它們漂亮吧   和你們那長得很不一樣   是吧
風霜    可比任何人捱得多

你要去院子裡逛逛啊   歡迎歡迎喔

小心   別踏著那些小草   腳下彎著腰的小草
它們不起眼   和您自個院子的很不同   對唄
冰雪    可比任何人冷許多

您要走啦   不再多坐些啦
留步  留步   我能不能再問問您啊 

(外地人 : ....

哈 哈  您弄擰了  我那敢怪您攀折花草喲
您愛  就多採些了唄  算它們福氣   遇著您
還有  您那是不是常看到明星啊

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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keep the faith
2009/06/05 18:31
I turn on the news and can't  help thinking how sick the world is!  All the lies and exploitations prove that we're "the fallen ones".  However I believe there's a meaning for you with your desperation for justice and frustration with mankind.  If everyone would learn to "go deep" within himself, and be conscious about the choices he makes, the world would have become a better place.  I have faith, do you?
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-06-05 22:09 回覆:
Maybe I was too skeptical such that  I set my mind to the dark side too often.
There are still quite a few good traits from our kind.
There are still quite a few good people who are benevolent, most of time.
Once in a while the sun is clouded. Once in a while the water is blurred.
Our generations to come will tell.
Some thousand years from now, they will ridicule us like the way we look at those primitive humanoids. I certainly hope.

Faith is a heavy word. I have no answer for myself.

more to say
2009/06/05 01:45
I don't want to go with cliche that "All men are pigs." The truth is "it is what it is."  Human being are such a wrath that I doubt I can keep the world pretty for my kids with all the "gardening"(preaching) I do.  It's very sad, but I'll keep on trying regardless of how small the chance I have to win the battle. 
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-06-05 06:18 回覆:
More reply from me too :-)

I respect your courage and I hope for the best future as much as you do.

We need a big salvation for the whole mankind. I am not trying to bring religion and/or soul discussion here. I am trying to say "We need to look deeper inside ourselves and help ourselves."

I always wonder "Have I become our blood thirsty ancestor ?  Brutalizing you own kinds can be in the form of killing, economically rip-off, contempt, exploiting with unfair advantage and emotion manipulation."

Our modern world, after I crack off all those sugar coatings and pull off all neon lights, is merely a slaughter house in my most slant view.

Developed countries exploit under-developed countries' nature resource, cheap labor and help big time to develop their women resource. Even in the modern society like US, I went through many mandatory professional management trainings and walked out on the verge of vomiting. Why ? all they teach inside those course are focusing on:

1. How to cover your own arse.
2. How to emotionally take advantage of people's weakness.
3. How to divert people's want into your want.

Nothing is really like creating a brighter future for all people in an organization. They call it professional MBA tips and I call it eating human flesh with a knife and fork.

Am I sick or the whole world is sick ?

flowers to be appreciated
2009/06/05 01:32
Dear BS King,

Don't let The World become your pain body.  People like you who have higher moral calling, realize the nonsense of human race.  Therefore, the ability to discern and evolve spiritually is a lifetime quest. 
The other day I was gardening while my little girl plucked some flowers with thrill.  I couldn't help yelling at her for my hard work went waste.  She questioned me with such a honesty ,"I wanted to get them for you, Mama.  What's the use if you can't enjoy them at home anyway?" I simply forgot she doesn't worry about keeping up appearance.  Kids have so much to offer, because they're genuine and less "corrupted".
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-06-05 08:41 回覆:

It's frustrating to maintain the rare several ones that stick with the belief in virtues, disciplines and principles when the rest of my fellow Sapiens are taking big advantage of the system in professional life as well as the casual frolicking...

Do not get me wrong, I don't mean I am a person of all those good merits. I have most of the seven sins from my condemned ancestry, call it Adam or Naked Ape whichever you may. However at least once in a while I try to grow out of all those.  In the meantime,  all those observed concocted "civilization" with "exact brutality" rip out my heart.

Kids are great. I always want to be one of them. I talk craps, I put on all those parodies... all in all, I am mimicking my old self from the long past.

Apple *
2009/06/03 20:10
誰願意被攀折? 誰願意被賤踏?
觀光客走馬看花. 只見車水馬龍, 花花世界. 那看到門後另一個悲慘世界?
採花踩草我不多說. 依此為生的人才是可憐可憫.
普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-06-03 21:32 回覆:
The empathy is a great essence of humanity. For people who believe in soul, it's the soul.
I've witnessed many things in US as well as other parts of world. To tell the truth, the more I see, the more I doubt the existence of so called soul. Sometimes I even want to give up myself to sink into the torrents of cruelty.

Nonetheless, I feel glad there are some people like you and my dear dude BB (see response below) who still stand fast at the last fortress of Homo Sapiens when the rest of world has gone wild into the bloody palms of Neanderthral.

By the way, rumar has it,  if you take the Theory of Evolution serious, we were cannibal once...

2009/06/03 03:33

As for that Don Juan of yours (who I hope is reading this right now), he loves

no one but himself, yet he needs to be told by many about how they love him

(worship is probably the right word). Unfortunately for him, the real stuffs

come in a two-way street – no giving, no receiving. Don’t you think he knows

that as well?  And this is how he ends up dealing with it: buying loves. In the

name of ‘I’m providing for all my concubines’ he shows you he’s a great family

man (God forbids) and in the act of soliciting one-night-stand opportunities he

try to persuade you (and himself in particular) what a great romantic figure he

truly is.

No, no pet talk and no fuzzy logic today. This is a day my fire of anger cannot

and will not extinguish. Loneliness? Since when that has become an excuse for

irresponsible behaviors and where does one draw the line between ‘loneliness’

and ‘selfishness’ in this case when all I’ve seen is other people paying the

price for his gracious ‘loneliness’? 

Now convey this to that Mr. Casanova of yours – I see in him nothing more than

a spoiled and frighten child lost in the world of real adults. He wants to sit

at grown-up’s table, does he? Someone please tell him that he needs more than

just a bath and a gorilla suit. Also tell him that I don’t think deep down

inside he is equal to the task so I suggest him get off the chair (bottom down

first) and start looking for his way home so mama can wipe his nose clean. Some

one should have teach him a lesson long ago and were I that person, trust me, I

would have torn that little brat a new one – one point for humanity.

You will probably delete this after you read it; an understandable action and

certainly well within the bound of your prerogatives.

普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-06-03 11:29 回覆:
Continued too.

My friend is indeed the Casanova incarnation. Then you might ask why I keep a pal like him ? Well, I think he is a combination of 段正淳 + 田伯光. Then you know whom I envision myself into. shameless put. By the way, I also drink like a whale and talk like a trash can.

He told me he likes to incubate a lot of kids. That is all right.  But he also says something out of the normal practice: "Not with the same mate." That creates a big chasm in the social system as we know of.  This is a personal practice as long as he is not cheating on those ladies about his marital status.

Anyway, the coverage on Casanova is totally off track from the gist of my verse. This verse just reflects what was in mind when I saw those anomalies around during my stay. You can swear at those people who take advantage of other people's poverty, you can spit on them too.

For me, I chose to laugh at  human race with a cold stare,  as always.

Pissed again...
2009/06/03 03:21

You have written a good verse so now live with the consequence.

After being briefed by you about the whole story prior to your putting it into the present text, reading it becomes emotionally even less bearable. My dislikes toward the two gentlemen you have described to me earlier increase by manifolds because of your verse; not that they are described in it but the bringing back of what you told me a few days ago. No one has the right to treat another human being with that kind of attitude. Just because people serve us doesn’t mean they are our servants. Of them two, the one born with a silver spoon in his mouth and behaving thus has yet grown out of his diaper and probably never will whereas the other who started under meager condition, fighting his way up, only to fulfill the purpose of complacently trampling his fellow human beings is worse – he knows what it is like yet he does it any way. 

How would I deal with it? When someone serves me, I am purchasing his/her service, not him/her the person, and I am doing it with full gratitude. We are helping each other out as he/she doesn’t really have to sell it to me....(tp be continued)

普希金 酷不停囉(cchang95014) 於 2009-06-03 11:08 回覆:
Sorry to make you feel pissed off. Hopefully this verse didn't disturb your morning mood.
This sort of caste system, albeit we despise it,  does exist everywhere in our daily life. Sometimes we are the Brahmins, sometimes we are Shudras. This is part of human nature to put oneself at a non-disputable higher position to keep the advantage and comfort the conscience, if any, which is left.

Even in the blog world, I also observe this sort of phony superiority big time. People brag about their completeness in life, their status of being carefree, their insurmountable diploma and/or financial success... etc. As a side note, am I molding myself into a soft-hearted humanist so as to implicitly brag about my lofty moral conduct ? I don't know. Just observe my extreme behavior difference  while running at D-Bar and the top of mountain, you can call me a schizo.

I still suffer my jet lag. I woke up around 5:00am. I rendered this verse after a cup of tea. Although this verse is apparently not your cup of tea...