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2007/07/18 16:46:14瀏覽479|回應0|推薦0 | |
40. sniff (v)(1) [i ] to draw air into the nose with a sound, esp. in short repeated (2) [I;t] to do this in order to discover a smell in or on 吸著氣聞嗅;嗅出 (3) [T] to take (a harmful drug) through the nose 用鼻吸入(有害的藥物) (4) [T] to say in a proud complaining way 嗤之以鼻的說;以輕蔑的口吻說 (n) (1) 嗅,聞;吸氣聲 (2) 嗤之以鼻 sniffer (n) sniffy (a) infml 傲慢的,瞧不起人的 sniff at sthg. (vt) to dislide or refuse proudly 嗤之以鼻; 瞧不起 類 turn up one's nose at sniff out sthg. (vt) infml to discover or find out (as if ) by smelling sniffle (vi) to sniff repeatedly in order to keep liquid from running out of the nose, esp. when one is crying or has a cold (尤指感冒或哭泣時不斷地) 抽鼻子 (n)抽鼻子聲; (非正式) 鼻塞; 鼻涕 snore (vi) (n) 打鼾(聲) snort (vi) 噴鼻息,自鼻孔噴氣作聲; 哼著鼻子以表示( 不耐煩、憤怒 ) He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably. 他欣然聞了聞杯裡的綠茶香味 He sniffed the fresh morning air. 他吸進早晨的新鮮空氣 "I expected something rather nicer," she sniffed 我指望的要好得多呢,"她輕蔑地說 The dog sniffed at the stranger. 狗聞聞那個陌生人 The boy caught a cold and was sniffing. 那男孩子得了感冒,呼吸起來鼻子呼哧呼哧的 His mother told him to stop sniffing and blow his nose. 他母親叫他不要ㄔㄔ地抽著鼻子, 去擤擤鼻涕 My roommate sniffed at my idea of becoming an artist. 我的室友對我要當藝術家的想法嗤之以鼻 He cleared his nose with a loud sniff. 他大聲吸氣清了清鼻子 You shouldn't sniff at such a good offer. 你不應該對這麼好的提議嗤之以鼻 Police sent dogs into the crowd to sniff out drugs. 警察把狗放入人群中以嗅出毒品 trying to sniff out the cause of the problem 試圖找出這個問題的根源 the police uses sniffer dogs to hunt for drugs and explosives. 警察用專門嗅探的狗搜尋毒品和炸藥 She was shocked to discover her young son was a glue sniffer. 她發現自己的小兒子吸膠毒成癮時感到非常震驚 41. curl (n) 捲毛,捲髮[C] ; 捲曲[C][U] (vt) 使(頭髮)捲曲; (藤蔓等)纏繞;使捲起來[(+up)] The hairdresser curled her hair. 理髮師將她的頭髮捲起來 Her hair curls naturally. 42. grip (vt) 握(或咬,夾)牢; 緊緊捉住 (n) [C][S1] 緊握;緊咬;夾住 She gripped my hand in fear. 她恐懼地握緊我的手 類 vt.抓住;握緊 seize、clutch、clasp、clench 43. chant (vt) (1) 反覆(單調)地唱(或說);吟誦 (2) 歌頌、唱 (n) 詠唱,吟誦; 讚美詩,聖歌 The crowd chanted their demand in front of the city hall. 群眾在市政廳前齊聲有節奏地呼喊著他們的要求 The demonstrators chanted in the square. 示威者在廣場上單調而有節奏地喊叫 44. snort (v) (1) [vi] to make a rough noise by forcein air down the nose 噴鼻息; 自鼻孔噴氣作聲 (2) [vi; vt] to express (esp. impatience or anger, or sometimes amusement) (as if )by this sound 哼著鼻子表示(不耐煩、憤怒或高興);噴出;發出 snorted a laugh 冷笑了一聲 (3) (美)【俚】吸(毒品) to snort powdered heroin 吸海洛因粉 (n) 噴鼻息;鼻息聲;噴氣聲 snortometer (n) 鼻息測量器 (用來檢測受測者是否吸食毒品或酒精) He gave a snort of disgust. 他厭惡地哼了一聲 She began to show signs of impatience and snorted audibly. 她開始顯出不耐煩的樣子,鼻子哼哼作響 "Never!" snorted my father. "這不可能!"父親哼地一聲說 Sara snorted a laugh. 莎拉冷笑了一聲 She’d been snorting cocaine. 她一直在吸食可卡因
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