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2011/07/07 10:08:48瀏覽489|回應3|推薦44 | |
Ena 搬到 Florida六個月 我說過:她有十隻綠手指 前四個多月 利用佛羅里達最美好的季節 播下的花種子,長成了, 開花了
草地,是 Larry最得意的成就 ~~它長成這麼厚實的綠地毯~~ 後院的石板路,是我最愛取鏡的角落
~~這是溫馨小窩的門前樣貌~~ * 難怪,當 Larry 茶餘飯後,坐擁這幽靜小窩 * 總忍不住要叨叨敘語: * 【對待花、草、樹、果,就像對待所愛的人,要細心呵護!】 Flowers, Plants and Vegetables by L.C. M. Flowers, Plants and Vegetables If you think about it,they are like people. Each one is little different in size,shapes and looks, same as us. They all like the sun, shade, some rain and once in a while, it may feel good, if you want to talk to them. Remember this: When you’re in the garden Flowers, Plants and Vegetables are like people. Please take care and love them. ﹝Larry 業餘寫作歌詞,作品曾譜曲在電台播放﹞ |
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