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SOS What to buy? iMac or Sony Vaio PC?
2008/03/14 04:06:42瀏覽2696|回應19|推薦37

As you might already know B's PC broke down about a week ago…   Now it's time to get a new desktop computer.  B has shopped around during those days but has a hard time to decide what to buy?

Sony Vaio looks stunning and iMac is beautiful too, but apart form the design, on the user's point of view which one is better? Or say which one is more suitable for someone editing photos and running a website?

Are you a current user of Viao or iMac? Would you share your experience with B?  Telling B what are the advantage and the disadvantage of those two systems(content)? B will appreciate your helpful comments. Many many thanks in advance...

Sony Vaio 技術規格 : VAIO® LT Series PC/TV - Premium Model http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921665291464

iMac 技術規格 : 20 吋 iMac (MA877*)

Or any other suggestion?

( 知識學習其他 )
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2008/03/14 18:33

我同意不飛, Scubagolfer, Beaver的看法

我曾因為愛上Mac的白色小巧, 便於攜帶的外型, 勇於嚐試, 最後還是向檔案格式的互通性等等不便屈服......

B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 02:13 回覆:
Oh?  My honey also say: if you buy iMac, don't ask me for help....
because he and his IT department in the company, no one knows iMac.
B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-05-20 16:49 回覆:
But now after nearly 2 months of using iMac, I never really need his help.
There is an iMac SOS centre, whenever I am lost, I always can get a back up by calling them. So far I have been truely happy with my new iMac.

I have used iMac before - not bad,
2008/03/14 15:51
but I would stick to PC. My brother who is an industrial designer talked about getting an Apple for months, but got a PC in the end.

I think both look great, but when you run into some computer problems as a user, there may be more PC users who can give you advice or solutions on PC.

What I would avoid is using Explorer as browser, it is a magnet for viruses. Mozilla Firefox and Opera are just as good, in fact, faster and more secure. They can be downloaded for free from the internet - open source softwares. I have all three, but am browsing mostly with Opera. At UDN it is impossible to write html text under Opera or Firefox though. So I sometimes have to write blog articles under Explorer.

I have told the UDN office about this problem, but so far haven't got any answer. With my other blogsites, there is no such problem.

Good luck and hope to read your new articles soon!
B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 02:21 回覆:

You're right somehow... My husband said the same thing.

Still can't decide which one to buy, so it may take a long while till I write a new article; although I got lots of new photos from Piedmont-eating and St. Moritz-ski trips.

iMAC vs PC
2008/03/14 13:15
I have iMAX, HP desktop and Dell laptop. Like the other guy was saying, you need two copy of the same software. One thing really good for Mac is that you rarely get virus.

If you carry the laptop around then I would consider the new Mac Air. It's soooo cool
B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 02:26 回覆:
Yes. iMacAir is cool. I love its design too. (but do I really need it?)

Every time my PC broke down all due to the Virus, not this time though.... That's one of the reason I am considering iMac now.

Here we go...
2008/03/14 11:51

既然有此 article & thread,由訪客簿移到這裡回答

Let me switch to English then...

I've considered Macs before, but gave up due to its proprietariness & enclosed-environment nature. However, Apple does build nice & attractive machines for sure.

If you're ready & willing to try a new system(Mac OS, Safari browser...etc down to a One-button mouse, even), consider the iMac by all means. If not, sticking to Windows/PC may be a good idea.

BTW, iMacs are like that VAIO you're considering, nothing to tinker around with.

Hi, it's me again
2008/03/14 10:33

VAIO LT Series PC/TV: US$3300.00
iMac 24" 2.8GHz:  US$2,249.00

You pay more for VAIO's Blu-Ray Disc Support and the multi-media TV function. 但是燒錄CD的速度也相對變慢。iMac因為結合比較前衛的dual-layer superdrive,燒錄以及讀取CD/DVD的速度已經比同級的PC慢了,VAIO PC/TV比iMac還慢,這點要納入考量。用電腦看電視或Blu-Ray Disc對妳很重要嗎?


B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 19:25 回覆:

BB 咖啡。以淚封印
2008/03/14 10:03

不飛說的第一二點 真的要考慮 我自己用PC   但工作office 則兩者都有   so I have to spend EXTRA time and energy to learn how to use MAC .
不過 Sony Vaio  長得  真...是...好....!

B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 19:34 回覆:
Indeed, both Vaio and iMac are beautiful.
We got the same eyes for nice things?  

2008/03/14 09:14
Industrail designers 多數都用 Sony Vaio NB.  稍微 upgrade RAM, 跑設計圖都沒問題. 
B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 19:35 回覆:

2008/03/14 08:52
I am both a PC and Mac user (50/50).  I haven't seen the new Sony Vaio pc so I can't really comment on it.  But it's obviously operating on the Windows platform.

There's really no difference in dealing with your requirements of graphics and web.  Unless you have some Windows only softwares, then they are not going to run on Mac.  I use Photoshop for graphics and Dreamweaver for Web.  They run on both platforms.

I love Mac's operating system, interface and its Chinese input method.  It's more user friendly but it requires some learning and getting used to, especially for pc users.  Are you prepared to spend time learning it though? That's the question.

If you ask me, I would get the 24" iMac.

B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 19:40 回覆:

Yes, I also set my eyes at 24" iMac at the moment.
Thanks a lot, your opinion is very useful.

2008/03/14 08:32

1. 相容考慮 :若你手上已有的軟體是PC版的話就可以加進新的PC, 不然就得另花銀子買MAC版. 當然若你嫌原有的PC軟體太舊, 反正想換最新的, 以上就不是問題.

2. 市面上和 PC 相容的軟體和零件比MAC多, 也比較便宜. 電腦本身, 類似型的PC也比MAC便宜. 

3. 但是, 小心幾乎所有的市面上賣的 PC 都預先加了微軟的VISTA, 若買的型類太陽春, 如硬體記憶容量低, 運算卡不怎麼樣, 你自己又要再加上其他軟體, 和圖片的file 都很大的話....等等, 這個電腦運作會像牛步一樣.  要買有高記憶容量和針對 VISTA 開發的圖片運算卡等等是非常必要的, 所以, 要有心理準備當肥羊.

4. 用慣 PC 後再轉用 MAC 需要適應期, 不是很難, 但就看你願不願意.

5. MAC 針對個性化的彈性設計比 PC 好, 喜歡玩電腦的會覺得親切, 也比較有成就感.

5. 市面上新的PC 和MAC功能方面越來越像, 在處理圖片編輯方面差別不大, 雖然擁戴MAC 的發誓他們的比較好(你會發覺MAC的愛用者有近乎宗教的狂熱去宣傳MAC的好處). 

以上是我短時間想到的, 希望對你有用.

B(bruhlmeier) 於 2008-03-23 19:50 回覆:

Wow..... what a first helpful and practical suggestion!  Deeply touched by your above sharing.
How's your partly new life in H.K.?  More great stories to tell.....?

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