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2008/07/05 00:33:40瀏覽403|回應1|推薦10 | |
1. 玻璃匠的劍 巴若維亞能夠在穆藍諾城裡帶著他的劍。他是火和玻璃的結合大師。他並沒有在三月十五日殺死托索後受到審訊,因為他是全威尼斯最偉大的玻璃創作者。他將他的女兒嫁入麥地錫家族。阿維爾拉多˙麥地錫幫助巴若維亞離開穆藍諾城。他在他七十歲的時候到了荷蘭,他一直到死前都被這低地國奉為最珍貴的寶藏。 2. 君子好逑 我手中握著一把黃色雛菊穿過這早晨的市集。一個可愛年輕小子坐在聖彼得羅的噴水池旁邊,對我唱出為她而活。我在他的眼中看見陽光與水花起舞。 3. 包達面具 他快速穿過廣場。我看不見他的臉,他戴著金色的包達面具。我決定跟隨他。 1. Glassmaker’s Sword Giuseppe Barovier was allowed to carry a sword in Murano. He was the master of fire and glass. When he killed Toso in the eyes of March, he was free from prosecution because he was the most respectable glassmaker in the whole Venetian state. He married his daughter into the family of Medici. Averardo de Medici helped him to flee to the Netherlands when Barovier was at his age of seventy. He was the treasure of the low country until the day he died. 2. Love Chaser I am holding a daisy bunch and walking through the morning market. A sweet lad sitting at the fountain San Pietro sings me lo vivo per Lei. I see the sunshine dancing with the splashes in his eyes. 3. Bauta He walks briskly through the Piazza. I cannot see his face. He is wearing a gold bauta. I decide to follow him. **Pictures from History Federation & Гэлнэрэн
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |