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2008/06/22 02:55:11瀏覽511|回應3|推薦9


Authority has nothing to do with what is right and wrong. It derives from power. Where there is power, there is authority. The concern here only points to the ability of controlling the power. The more control that is placed, the more power there is, and the authority thence stands. However, the occult of power blinds itself without knowing there is also limitation. As if light could almost penetrate into every particle of the universe, darkness still exists. I am standing at the edge of the power circle, and soon I would decide to leave the circle.

**Picture Sorce:webjx.com

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Oh... that's a big misunderstanding
2008/06/22 21:53
I suppose I should have made it clearer – I am the one who remains literarily challenged (definitely not you, by any measures).
Why apologize for your guess? It is pretty close the last time, and if I can pretend for a moment like George in “Seinfeld,” it’s right on this time -- I’m a marine biologist, I once saved a big whale (哈哈! well, enough about me).
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-23 01:00 回覆:

Are you sure it wasn't a dolphin? haha...

I haven't seen "Seinfeld", but it seems it is a fun show to watch as my friends around me talked about it a lot.(Now you are talking about it, too.) The reason that I haven't watched the show and allowed my curiosity postponed is because my prejudice on Larry David. He has performed his best to be an unlikable person in the show "curb your enthusiasm", which I have watched for one season. I know the character is meant to be that way, otherwise it wouldn't achieve the purpose of the show. I don't know if I can take another similar unlikable character in "Seinfeld" as I heard that Larry was the inspiration for the character(George), maybe I am wrong. 

2008/06/22 11:02
I was just trying to point out, purely from scientific standpoint, that the power of light to penetrate through common material is rather limited (maybe that’s what you are inferring after all). Water, on the other hand, can penetrate through just about anything (although it can be a very slow process). I remain, literarily challenged.
[If you know what I do for a living, you may get a kick of what I said about water.]
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-23 00:18 回覆:

Yeah, the limitation of power is what I try to point out. Perhaps I should alter the title from "authority" to "rebellion". I understand your point. It's quite all right that I remain literarily challenged. 

My apology of having guessed that you are student. As far as water plus my imagination goes, your profession could be in quite a big range. Let me see...A scientist working with sharks could be another guess from me. (Please excuse my manners.)

From someone who is literarily challenged...
2008/06/22 06:25
I realize that the use of “light” gives you a more dramatic effect in your description (as you also alluded to "blind" and "darkness"). Scientifically speaking, however, water is far more “powerful” than light in this respect. Water can penetrate practically anything (yes, practically anything); whereas light is rather poor in this capacity. Granted, the permeability of water through some seemingly impermeable material is so very low that it can be pretty boring to watch it happen (哈!)
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-22 09:48 回覆:
Very insightful, indeed. You remind me the power of water. However, as I tried to illustrate the limitation of "power", I analogized light as power, and darkness would be as power limitation where light cannot reach. As to water, I am thinking what could be the equivalent of darkness in the analogy. As you said, the opportunity of finding a competent antagonist to water is rare. What do you think?