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2008/04/08 09:23:20瀏覽265|回應0|推薦2

Starvation slowly sculpts human bodies. First, the body starts to burn out its fat deposits. Body weight drops. Metabolism sinks. Internal organs degenerate. Stamina plummets. Skin turns blotchy, dull and grey. Emaciated and wrinkled visage belies the true age. Bones pop up under the skin as muscles atrophy. Fluids retain, puffing out the belly. At last death abates the pain. Multiply this progression by millions. Such is the outcome of famine.

The following two clips are from the movie, Sult(Hunger)(1966), directd by Henning Carlsen. The movie is based on a same-name novel by Knut Hamsun. 

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