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Celebration Business (Literary Fiction)
2008/03/31 10:12:11瀏覽330|回應0|推薦0
“It’s dark.” Casper said in a low voice.
“It’s not that dark.” Fran said.
“I can’t see a bloody thing.” Casper’s eyes closed into a narrow slit.
“I can see the top of the tower.” Fran said.
“What do you see there?” Casper asked.
“I cannot really see anything on the tower. It is like a black crown in an iron-grey background.” Fran moved his index figure to mark the shape in the air.
He stopped as if he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Casper,
“Maybe because of the water glittering at the back. We were there last night, remember? The lake is behind the tower.”
“Right, that party last night was really something.” Casper said.
“Yeah, you had a full garment on you, eh?!” Fran sneered at him.
“Don’t even mention it! I have to pay 20 bucks to rent that tuxedo.” Casper said regrettably.
“I didn’t really care how I looked. I was there for the job and the food.” “Did you taste some of those sour chili shrimp cocktail?” Fran asked.
“It was nice, but my stomach didn’t really agree with me. I had to take so many trips to the man’s room.” Casper complained.
“The key, Casper.” Fran suddenly asked.
“What key?”Casper said.
“Do you remember to take the key of Mr. Delarary’s room.” Fran asked.
“Of course, it’s right here in my pocket.” Casper points at the right pocket of his black leather jacket.
“The key is determined to get the job done.” Fran said seriously.
“Oh, I was talking to this guy, Andrew, at the party last night.” Casper said.
“Weren’t we supposed to keep a low profile?” Fran frowned.
“I didn’t tell him anything. He was asking me what I do. I told him I was in celebration business.” Casper said.
“Celebration business? We are not those people throwing parties.” Fran frowned again.
“We throw something else.” Casper insisted.
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