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2008/12/31 03:21:52瀏覽2320|回應12|推薦10 | |
我升級啦!-與孫相見I’ve been upgraded! - meeting with grandchild 她望著媳婦又尖又圓的肚子,心想預產期過了八天,全家都聚在紐約迎接了,孫子還不想出來,她不禁為媳婦擔心,將來這孩子怎麼生啊! She looks at her daughter-in-law’s oval belly thinking that it’s been 8 days past the due date. The whole family has gathered in to meet him, yet the grandson still didn’t want to come out. She worries for her daughter-in-law, thinking how will she be able to get through this! 飯後,媳婦獨坐躺椅,那神情有幾分的落寞,她忍不住地挨著媳婦身邊坐下,撫摸媳婦圓鼓鼓的肚子,忍不住地跟那未出世的孫子心靈對話。她輕拍媳婦的肩安慰著:「謝謝妳,辛苦妳了,媽媽會繼續念經回向給妳和肚子裡的寶寶。」婆媳對話,講著講著,兩個女人都流淚! After lunch, she sat with her daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law sat on the lounge chair and seemed a bit tired. Her heart went out to her, so she sat next to her and touched her daughter-in-law’s tummy and had a heart-to-heart talk with her unborn grandson. Afterwards she pat her daughter-in-law on the back and said:“Thank you, it’s hard work, Mom will continue to pray for you and the baby.” As the mother and daughter-in-law talked, both shed a few tears! ↑婆媳情深 loving mother and daughter-in-law 對於她的大兒子,她有太多的感動在心頭,從出生到現在,她常常以有這麼傑出的兒子而引以為榮! There’s not enough words to express how she feels about her older son. Since the day he was born, she has often been proud to have such a wonderful son! On the morning of December the 26th, her younger daughter-in-law told her the news that the older daughter-in-law had gone to the hospital as of 11PM last night with contractions although she had not given birth yet. 她打開電腦檢查她的blog,奇怪,平日流覽人數頂多700人的,怎麼突然竄升到二千六百八十,她檢查了所有文章和相片,並沒發現什麼異常現象,她雖納悶,心裡也有了點譜,也許,也許是她那未出世的孫子送給奶奶的禮物吧! She turned on her computer to check her blog, and a strange thing happened. Normally there’s about 700 plus views per day, but somehow it rose to 2,680 today. She checked all her articles and pictures and didn’t find anything unusual. She thought to herself and came to the conclusion that maybe it’s a present from her unborn grandson! 等待的心情,度秒如日!Each second feels like a day when you’re waiting! 終於,她的手機響了!兒子告知,她的孫子,她的長孫,平安來到世間,母子平安,嬰兒身高 Finally her cellphone rang! Her son told her the news. Her grandson, her eldest grandson, has arrived safely into the world. Both mother and daughter are fine. The baby is 感恩的淚流得滿臉,她放下了心頭巨石告訴兒子:「請您先替媽媽謝謝媳婦,先替媽媽擁抱她!」 Tears roll down her face as heart fills with gratitude. She puts down the heaviness that was in her heart and tells her son: “Please thank daughter-in-law for your mom, give her a hug for me!” 下午她和先生到醫院探訪長孫。 That afternoon her and her husband went to visit her eldest grandson. ↑有子萬事足-母子平安 all is right in the world - mother and son are well 哇!五官端正,眉清目秀,連頭髮都烏黑油亮!她彷彿看到當年的自己,當年大兒子出生時也是超過 Wow! Facial features proportional, clear eyes, even his hair is shiny black! She remembers back in the days when her eldest son was born, he was also larger than meat and had a hard time at the hospital. It took her half a month to get discharged! Now even with advanced medicine, the pain and hardship of birth still remains. This is what makes women great! ↑出生後五個小時 five hours after birth ↓爺爺奶奶的心情 emotional grandpa and grandma ↓期盼-祖孫對話 anticipation- conversation between grandmother and child 後記:孫子才來報到,這對憨厚的阿公和阿嬤,已經在為孫子的教育費作計劃,這個孫,真是集三千竉愛於一身啊! P.S.: Grandson had only just arrived, the simple and honest pair of grandfather and grandmother have already started planning their grandson's education money. This boy, really has everyone doting on him! ~記下這段,與眾分享內心的喜悅~ I write this to share my happiness with everyone.
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