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2012/03/23 07:35:05瀏覽501|回應3|推薦4 | |
這些年,也陸陸續續地翻譯了一些詩歌,要是有詩班或個人喜歡這些詩歌但是找不到中文歌詞,儘管拿去唱。如果有建議,更是無比歡迎。 這一首” 神聖屈辱的奧秘” 是翻自The Mystery of the Divine Humiliation。 為John Stainer 所作的The Crucifixion 的第六部分,有時也被稱為Cross of Jesses, Cross of Sorrow。歌詞是William John Sparrow-Simpson 所寫,原文如下: 1. Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow, Where the blood of Christ was shed, Perfect Man on thee did suffer, Perfect God on thee has bled! 2. Here the King of all the ages, Throned in light ere worlds could be, Robed in mortal flesh is dying, Crucified by sin for me. 3. O mysterious condescending! O abandonment sublime! Very God Himself is bearing All the sufferings of time! 中文翻譯 神聖屈辱的奧秘 1. 耶穌十架 哀慟十架 曾染基督寶血痕 在你之上 義人被殺 至善真神竟捨身 2. 宇宙主宰 永世君王 寶座榮光照太初 為贖我罪 道成肉身 死於酷刑與羞辱 3. 大哉奧秘 降尊為卑 捨棄大能和威嚴 獨一真神 甘受刑罰 背負我罪到永遠 想聽英文版歌曲或想找歌譜的人,可以拜访 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSZ8O3TOcxw |
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