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Be strong
2008/12/30 08:10:28瀏覽280|回應1|推薦12
Hi, NiuNiu

Last night, you all slept.  I watched some CBC news, and stayed a little bit late.
Suddenly, I heard something very noisy, not rain, not snow...  you know what? I found Mars' kids were shooting BB gun at our windows.  I took some pictures, unfortunately, no card inside.  So I pretended that I "really took some pictures".   After that, they kept shooting.  I picked some bullets from our backyard, put in the plastic bag that we collected some already.  I went to their door, it was after 11:30, I banned the door loudly.  The bigger one is a teenager, he shouted me from their second floor window, I showed him the bag, and shouted back to him, "stop shooting at my window!"  Not much surprise, he denied, "It wasn't me."  "I don't care if you do it or not, it is from your window.  Stop shooting or I will call the police, I took your pictures, I will show it to the police."  He was a little bit hesitate.  I asked him, "do you think we Chinese are strangers, so you pick us, right? "  He was a little bit afraid of what I said, and said, "no, I am not racism." Then, Mars came out and asked me what happened.  I told him, he was so angry , shouted to his kids.  I stopped him, I said, only they stop shooting, that is ok.  It was almost midnight, I do not want neighbours came to join us.   So I returned to our house.  Today, it is very quiet.

I changed a lot after living in Canada.  I still fight for anything unfair to us.  Last year, this year, everyday....  I hope you always keep aware of these person.  They are odd.  We do not do anything bad to them, but they just hate Chinese.  I won't be weak or ignore the problems, but please be careful when you go out alone, especially when you are after school.  I will write a letter to the house company, and ask to move.  I hope it works.

Oh, Oh, I heard something, I will go out to check it again.  Maybe it is another fight.  I will go to collect more evidence. 



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2008/12/30 20:48





