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早期的年空海出生於當今Zentsū吉 省範圍內的贊岐在四國島的 [讃岐国多度郡(さぬきのくにたどのごおり)] 。 他的家庭成員佐伯貴族家庭,古大友族的一個分支。 有一些疑問,他的誕生名字:Tōtomono珍貴的記錄在一個來源,而其他地方的毛(真魚)記錄。 Mao is generally used in modern studies 學習「毛詩」。空海出生在一個重要的政治變化的時期皇帝 Kanmu(另選Kammu,河781-806)尋求鞏固自己的權力和延長他的境界,採取措施,其中包括最終從奈良 平安時代 (現代京都 )將日本的首都。 多一點,是關於空海的童年。 在十五歲時,跟隨叔父阿刀大足(あとのおおたり)學習論語・孝経・史伝等・At the age of fifteen, he began to receive instruction in the Chinese Classics under the guidance of his maternal uncle 他開始接受指令在中國典籍的指導下,他的舅父。 在此期間,佐伯,大友族遭受政府迫害的指控,氏族酋長,大友Yakamochi,負責暗殺他的對手藤原Tanetsugu 。 家族財富由791下降時,空海遠航到奈良,在當時的資本,研究在政府大學,Daigakuryō(大學寮 ?) 。During this time, the Saeki-Ōtomo clan suffered government persecution due to allegations that the clan chief, Ōtomo Yakamochi, was responsible for the assassination of his rival Fujiwara Tanetsugu . The family fortunes had fallen by ?? when Kūkai journeyed to Nara, the capital at the time, to study at the government university, the Daigakuryō ( 大学寮 ? ) 畢業生們通常選擇為官僚負盛名的位置。 空海傳記建議,他變得幻滅與他的儒家思想的研究,但在佛教研究開發出一種濃厚的興趣,而不是。Biographies of Kūkai suggest that he became disillusioned with his Confucian studies, but developed a strong interest in Buddhist studies instead. 入大学明経科學習,於岡 田 博士處學習「毛詩」「尚書」「春秋左氏伝」等。同年,從一沙門處(一説勤操ごんぞう)接受「虚空蔵求聞持法」教受。之後便離開大學,並於阿波国大瀧ガ嶽(あわのくにたいりゅうがだけ)和土佐国室戸崎(とさのくにむろとのさき)等處勤念修行。
22歲左右,空海介紹了佛教的實踐中,涉及誦經 的 真言菩薩Ākasagarbha( Kokuzō )。 在此期間,空海經常尋求孤立的山區,在那裡他高喊Ākasagarbha口頭禪無情的。 在24歲時,他出版了他的第一個重要的文學作品 ,桑戈Shiiki,在他從廣泛的來源清單,其中包括儒學,經典引號道教,佛教和。 奈良的寺廟,與他們廣泛的圖書館,擁有這些文本。At age 24 he published his first major literary work, Sangō Shiiki , in which he quotes from an extensive list of sources, including the classics of Confucianism, Taoism , and Buddhism . 在24歲,十二月一日著寫「聾瞽指帰(ろうこしいき)」一巻,評論儒教、道教和佛教之優劣。此文即是後來的「三教指歸」一文。 在這一時期在日本歷史上,中央政府嚴格管制通過的崇光百貨( 僧綱佛教, 祭司事務辦公室 ),並執行其政策的基礎上Ritsuryō系統。During this period in Japanese history, the central government closely regulated Buddhism through the Sōgō ( 僧綱 ? ,Office of Priestly Affairs ) and enforced its policies, based on the Ritsuryō system. 修道者和獨立的僧侶,空海一樣,經常被依法取締和法律之外的生活,但仍徘徊下鄉或從寺廟到寺廟。 Ascetics and independent monks, like Kūkai, were frequently banned and lived outside the law, but still wandered the countryside or from temple to temple 在這一時期的私人佛教實踐,空海做了一個夢,其中一名男子出現,並告訴空海Mahavairocana經是聖經所載的學說,空海正在尋求[1 ]雖然空海盡快設法獲得此經的副本。這只是最近才成為可在日本,他馬上就遇到了困難。 During this period of private Buddhist practice, Kūkai had a dream, in which a man appeared and told Kūkai that theMahavairocana Sutra is the scripture which contained the doctrine Kūkai was seeking. [ 1 ] Though Kūkai soon managed to obtain a copy of this sūtra which had only recently become available in Japan, he immediately encountered difficulty. 許多經非翻譯梵文的書面Siddham腳本。 空海發現的佛經翻譯的部分是非常神秘的。 由於空海找不出一個人可以澄清他的文字,他決定到中國學習的文本。 安倍晉三教授建議, Mahavairocana經彌補了他的興趣在宗教活動的實踐和理論知識之間的差距,通過他的研究獲得。Professor Abe suggests that the Mahavairocana Sutra bridged the gap between his interest in the practice of religious exercises and the doctrinal knowledge acquired through his studies. COPY from http://www.koyasan.tw/principle%20of%20Shingon.htm
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