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why 加拿大中国学生频遭诈骗 ? most bastards in BC came from taiwan!
2017/11/14 13:51:30瀏覽155|回應3|推薦0

加拿大中国学生频遭诈骗 中领馆促加警方尽早破案

--my sister living in BC and most her friends came from taiwan including the one very very rich who purchased weapons for taiwan government for long time but quite isolated from any others. And most her friends are support rotten MJD, their husbands working in taiwan, some of them very regret returned back to taiwan when they found out 黑心蔡英文 made taiwan even worse(their husbands jobs also impacted) then struggled coming out again. unfortunatedly they sold original bigger houses can't buy back(jump too high, higher than double price) but bought much small now. indeed i never saw any free chinese newpapers in BC chinese(taiwanese-so-called) grocery stores when i visited her coupple times. 

when they can't get decent jobs in Canada and other countries then more and more became 诈骗 bastards.

i hope 遭诈骗中国学生 can tell whether they recognize 诈骗人口音.

Obviously many 中国学生s didn't spend time to read news, it is very bad. when i saw many 遭诈骗 chinese in china i also felt that they seemed didn't read news at all.

I must spend lots time to read chinanews so knew what's going on the world and won't that easy to become victim. 

i wonder china 领馆 could remind 留学生 must pay attention and spend time to read news. today i still though chinese in china and other countries  are quite naive very easily 遭诈骗. I have to admit in usa i also thru 6? years to stay away any 诈骗人 emails, advertisements who declared this and that free or invest this and that. except lost money in REIT/some mutual funds investments(bought from 诈骗 agents who worked as individual and bank). 

one time i got phone called(should be in usa) about foreign currency investments they used remote install the software for me,  i have computer background after installed i immedaitely cut off their remote controlled. after playing couple of days(simulation) i did call them inquired questions then they gave me a phone seemed in china(that made me more trust). i called and thru their answers i figured out it is a fruad like 比特币 game. indeed couple years later it happened in china.

诈骗人口音 sounds like both taiwan(in usa) and china(south 福建 or台湾).

( 在地生活北美 )
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2017/11/14 15:27

advice for 即将入伍中国留学生 反思去留

when some usa solidiers killed in Bush's bloody wars I inquired my husband opion, he told me the same as Trump that no sympathy because those soliders got pay, it's their fate. i was shocked and told him if i die for my country to defend the enemy invading that's ok but not for this bloody invaded other countries wars. 

i don't remember he ever say anything.

when my husband's eldest nephew ungraduated(church school wanted be priest) then tried to join navy we all thought that would be much safe for him. then a solidier killed others in usa army and one of them was his friend so he made final decision--打退堂鼓 and we all happy for him.

if you are the only son and your parents (in china) rely on you then better learn form our ancestors 历史镜子--父母在不远游 不要白发哭黑发. 活着的 is the most important.

if you are tall and strong(better learnt wu-kung) you may not suffer other bad solidiers hurt you.

i really don't think it worth for getting green card to risk your life, especially usa wars won't stop for long while. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 15:33 回覆:

all chinese from taiwan i met their jobs hardly can keep till retire including my younger brother(the longest till 58?), many lost in their 35+ and if more than one year can't find job then you are out unless switch to another job type.

when my 2nd brother came living with us to find a job, my husband told me he better change another job type as all time he was manager he knew how company's HR hiring policy very well, i told him but didn't listen. he did take job training on computer solftware related classes and passed exam. but that won't help because too long without job and too old.

when he worked in usa(including Sigapore when usa airplane companies moved to Singapore) over 10 years(the last year he didn't file tax because he left Singapore didn't know when get another job, when he came in usa too late to make up by rule). he tried find job in taiwan but failed because he only knew the portion he worked on, he found out i knew/learnt much more than him.

because in taiwan I was allowed attending many seminars even not job related and training classes in my company-K&C, while usa doesn't and very limit you to learn only your job related(totally capitalism style), usa company also forbid you carry any job related documents including yours home. if you want to learn more you have to spend your money, your time. i would say if you really want to get some experiences then 3-5(if you have chance promoted) years is the best then back to china that you still can catch up.

during bloody Bush's wars many lost jobs and tried to run small restaurants but suffered many kind 打压 (including WJ spread rumours to black chinese restauarnts) they hardly can succeed.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 15:57 回覆:

if you really want to get some experiences then 3-5(if you have chance promoted) years is the best then back to china that you still can catch up.

--if you can in the 1st year realize whet i said are all true then 1 year is enough. but 3-5 years may help you easy enter foreign companies in china. however i won't encourage you working for foreign compaines in china because they apply the same rules as in their countries. the worst is japan companies. because when my company suffered rotten A-bien mayor began falling down, one of our dept(i was one of the dept.) which made money and did parking (including tower-type )/仓贮-automation sold to japanbastards company(i insist stayed and transfered to another dept. i worked hard and quite excellent so my company's boss treated me very good even let me did sales that i shouldn't because lack of lot sales skills).  one day as sales i visited them, they told me how terrible they suffered(they even afraid to chat with me without looking around whether any japanbastard monitor us). they really can't endure treated as "殖民人第二", quite suffcated and many marked as secrets they can't touch/learn. this is why many japan-made in taiwan, taiwan never can learn but continue buy parts/services from japan. the dirty LDW forced taiwan continue buying japan made. even today 黑心蔡英文 . they ignored the facts but want taiwan people became japanbastards' "殖民人第二" forever.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 16:22 回覆:
as senior software project leader frequently i have to help consultant companies review bidding proposal and later sale sales assistand ans sales i have to offer propsals(all made by my self except when i was requested working with consultant companies projects) i felt how can japanbastards got so many projects in taiwan that they hardly provide their products specification and when i can't but verify with them, it took long time and still won't answear. however German Simens and usa companies willing provide their products spec and will answear questions. until i was told by my friend working in consultant company that many projects japan companies only will coopearte if they knew they will get the projects in advance. And japan companies assigned the electrician designer--the old guy who tried to marry me and also taiwan independent supporter who got japanbastards electricity certificate. this is one of the main key to make sure japan company definitely win the project.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 16:40 回覆:

the worst 即将入伍中国留学生 after you graduated you worked in arm-related, it very likely make your more hard to find a job unless your job in  arm-related experiences can be applied in other companies. you made a biggest mistake in the beginning. 

my husnand's sister husband (mexican) after he forced out from army(quite earlier), he only could get a job in hospital as arranged supplies-related for each patient/doctor rooms.

2017/11/14 14:36
--don't expect too much especially this is chinese(taiwanese-so-called)诈骗 bastards involved. unless Canada 警方 willing coopearte with china detectives and allow them come to CA.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 14:39 回覆:
if i were 加警方 i would coopearte with china together to solve the case, and in the future can make a movie  published in china.

2017/11/14 14:17

my feeling about 加拿大 is they are very slow comparing with usa. we drived to 底特律 for applying visa to visit my sister. they are very 慢慢地. and in BC vancouver, their people gave me the same feeling 慢慢地, but 温和的. then my sister told me very few jobs in there, most jobs in east side, here for retiring people. her friends(most are wives with kids living alone and husbands working in tawain including her husband) either working as accountant/banker or most like her no job. the only one working as cleaner. my sister frequently donated clothings(always let the cleaner picked up 1st) but when the cleaner retired, my sister found out the cleaner got good retiring pay(same as the salary), much higer than she got now.

her younger son went unviversity(famous number one) in east side and told us winter snow very high. after graduated worked couple years he decided moved back because the huge snow in winter he can't suffer any more(the job requested him working outside). however he got job easily as building-related. he told us in east side his projects for big/tall factory/office buildings, in west side most are residents appartments.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 15:29 回覆:

all chinese from taiwan i met their jobs hardly can keep till retire including my younger brother(the longest till 58?), many lost in their 35+ and if more than one year can't find job then you are out unless switch to another job type.

when my 2nd brother came living with us to find a job, my husband told me he better change another job type as all time he was manager he knew how company's HR hiring policy very well, i told him but didn't listen. he did take job training on computer solftware related classes and passed exam. but that won't help because too long without job and too old.

when he worked in usa(including Sigapore when usa airplane companies moved to Singapore) over 10 years(the last year he didn't file tax because he left Singapore didn't know when get another job, when he came in usa too late to make up by rule). he tried find job in taiwan but failed because he only knew the portion he worked on, he found out i knew/learnt much more than him.

because in taiwan I was allowed attending many seminars even not job related and training classes in my company-K&C, while usa doesn't and very limit you to learn only your job related(totally capitalism style), usa company also forbid you carry any job related documents including yours home. if you want to learn more you have to spend your money, your time. i would say if you really want to get some experiences then 3-5(if you have chance promoted) years is the best then back to china that you still can catch up.

during bloody Bush's wars many lost jobs and tried to run small restaurants but suffered many kind 打压 they hardly can succeed. 

in Califoria most can't find decent jobs, so they working for An-li type(this is how rat companies entered into taiwan then china and became a nightmares to both side people especially china).