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2024/09/23 00:52:55瀏覽11|回應0|推薦0 | |
IBM已悄悄裁员超1000人,年龄集中在50-55岁之间--1000+1800 china->1%全球员工
9/24/2024 just found out : 华为PC/notebook current version contains Windows系统 明年纯血鸿蒙PC版(notebook) 已经实现手机,PC切换互通 微软 Windows(x安卓子系统), 苹果Macintosh Linux 手机安卓 Android iOS 腾讯应用宝PC 端 (安卓子系统, 微软) --im glad to see the news 明年华为 纯血鸿蒙, so we can have time to make sure it fit our daily jobs for spouse entertainment only, mine on line pay bills and download money-related statements, usa government/SSA, health insurance provider, utilities company... expect pure/plain text editor. i dont have to worry visit china websites but usa related to us. i prefer 纯血 made in china so no worry usa back doors embeded. haaa really been tortured enough its time dump usa made. ========================================== "如果是iPhone塞满爆炸物,媒体就会更快明白这是多么恐怖的先例" 2024-09-19 11:46:17 来源: 澎湃新闻 北京 ...斯诺登18日X平台上评论说,黎巴嫩寻呼机爆炸事件“让世界上每个人都变得更不安全了”。 他说,试想“如果有一天出厂的iPhone内部塞满爆炸物,媒体就会更快明白今天发生的是一个多么恐怖的先例”。他直言“没有什么可以为此辩解,这就犯罪”。 斯诺登不久后再次发文,还附上了据称是美国“2013年大规模监控项目曝光的绝密照片”。 “这些照片揭示了美国国家安全局(NSA)是如何对运输途中(通常是在机场)的商业货物下黑手,以监控最终收件人的。”他写道,“十年过去了,货运安全从未得到改善。”... --it just like MS updating, once there is a bug it wont be solved and sooner or later happens to every one. i dont know why in 2024 every day crazy updating all bugs returned back yesterday seemed battery charging today another problem popped up and wont charge at all. that is the way usa is because became one of usa threaton weapons. when you found a way it seemed solve the problem then next day it happened again just like the other posters showing "how to fix the problem" all wont work for you. because MS block them, wont allow any chanlleger succeed. Think about it: master want the whole world know(让世界上每个人都知道) i can force any equip with battery (including UPS-type) device not charging. the only way is expect China/Russia develope O.S. and internet-related can completely independently from master controls MS windows and internet IP addresses. maybe thats the purpose 三折 5G 手机 replace MS OS by 华为鸿蒙HarmonyOS系统 with on-screen KB, 语言与手写输入 and screen big enough for seniors and finger. the only thing is whether can block masters millions virus invading and disable battery charging thru internet. i believe data files management is not a problem for china S/W engineers. i hope soon can hear 华为 answearing. it would be the most popular and safe 手机 to the world.very expecting 华为 succeeds. really cant endure and suffering MS windows millions bugs with badly file explorer any more. i wonder whether 华为 and those been foreign companies IT-裁员们 work out build the completely IT-world that produce and fit different field plus senior me-type very basic requirements which is not fancy and frequently update type but must solid data files management such as many years money-related statements, 100% plain notepad-like app my wrote papers for blog.... (many data files are stolen by MS updating, i did backup old notebooks data files, 1 external huge HD dying became unstable and some data files failed). we wont buy win12 any more but consider 华为三折 5G 手机 for spouse. hoping when he give to me(just bought w11 this year) i still can use it for years because it is CN $20000/7=us$2800 in the past we only bought the cheaper but good around $400(for me)-$800+(spouse working) then $350-$600(spouse retired,78 old now) . notebooks. ps Lenovo w10 battery not charging might cause by the boss turned to USA ways but it will kill his bussiness like other usa made companies -car, notebook, and MS win12 soon. it is usa itself kill their business. 9/23/2024 what do i expect senior me-type very basic requirements which is not fancy and frequently update type but must solid data files management such as many years money-related statements, 100% plain notepad-like app my wrote papers for blog.... (many data files are stolen by MS updating, i did backup old notebooks data files, 1 external huge HD dying became unstable and some data files failed). --A. from what suffering battery no charge problem : original battery driver closed(N/P), then power management then Advantage which can edit threshold but disappeared. to me would rather pure battery driver which was the simplest no worry no charging problem. i did suspect whether MS power mode, power management, Advantage conflict with each other. searched cant find any answear except a poster inquired MS power mode and power management which overide the other? Lenovo declared after verify inner then give the answear. thats it, i bet MS wont tell/cooperate. if i uninstalled power management, next day showed power and battery driver not installed. i followed searched solution by Disk Management to update 2 drivers, still no charging.... cant believe a simple battery problem takes forever. B. as file explorer thats a long time problems much worse than MS DOS. especially onedrive and user HD who overide the other?... if not use onedrive whats happen ? C. why 100% plain notepad-like? because win11 disallowed win10 version even it declared how to do it. that is the new version enforce user to use. D. in the future 华为 also has versions management problems. so i expect for seniors very basic version wont be impact by new veriosn of 鸿蒙 O.S. and other Apps. updating. only solve the existing bugs. certainly anti virus related can allow frequently updated. such for seniors product 华为 can work with smaller company who hire IT-裁员们. same as for different field required products. All together build independent China IT world. not limit by masters any more. 别急着更新!微软承认Win11 24H2会导致蓝屏、指纹失效等 2024-10-02 22:58 来源: 驱动之家 发布于:河南省 快科技10月2日消息,微软日前正式发布了Windows 11的最新大版本更新24H2,版本号26100.1742。 然而,微软很快就承认了该更新存在一些问题,其中包括可能导致设备指纹传感器失效和蓝屏等。 据微软官方说明,Windows 11 24H2更新后,部分用户的指纹传感器可能无法正常工作。 此外在配备英特尔11代酷睿处理器的设备上,如果安装了特定版本的英特尔音频驱动,更新后可能会出现蓝屏死机现象,解决这一问题需要用户将音频驱动更新至更高版本。 --微软很快就承认蓝屏死机现象? MS never admitted until i posted 蓝屏死机现象 happened the moment MS updated win10 and caused battery cant charge in the end caused my notebook cmos battery and battery died. such 蓝屏死机现象 happened many times since MS crazy daily updating. 更新后Easy Anti-Cheat(EAC)反作弊软件可能会失效,这影响到使用了该软件的多款热门多人游戏,如《堡垒之夜》、《VRChat》和《星际公民》等。 此外,微软还确认了Safe Exam Browser浏览器在更新至Windows 11 24H2后无法启动的问题,该浏览器的3.7及更早版本存在启动兼容性问题。 --if only if your notebook only for entertainments, such MS miilions bugs are not serious problems but if you use it for your jobs then dump MS windows asap. Windows再现Bug!西部数据SSD安装Win11 24H2蓝屏死机:临时解决方法来了 2024-10-14 18:18 来源: 驱动之家 发布于:河南省 --the best solution dump windows 11 asap. Less and less you can control your (win10->win11) notebook ie MS auto-updating even you turn off /shut down your notebook, or you select active hours to delay update. if you didnt use MS OneDrive you better prepare well or your huge data files would be disappeared. no matter who is usa president, master wars wont stop so why still use windows? review what happened to Afghen terrorists-so-called then we all are the next suffering because those bad things became masters weapons. ps Win11大更新让用户集体崩溃!蓝屏死机、光标不见、9GB缓存删不掉 2024-10-13 12:22 来源: 驱动之家 发布于:河南省 快科技10月13日消息,微软近日正式推出了Windows 11 24H2大版本更新,然带来了AI元素、Wi-Fi 7支持和搜索功能改进等多项新特性。 但在更新后,部分用户遇到了蓝屏死机、鼠标光标消失,以及一个无法删除的近9GB更新缓存文件。 多位用户报告称,在升级到24H2版本后,他们的设备频繁出现蓝屏死机问题,一些浏览器和某些型号的指纹传感器无法正常工作。 特别是带有过时音频驱动的Intel PC和运行特定游戏的用户,由于Easy Anti-Cheat工具与系统的兼容性问题,游戏运行时也出现了崩溃和蓝屏。 还有鼠标光标消失,尤其在基于Chromium内核的应用中,如Google Chrome和Microsoft Edge,当鼠标光标移到文本输入框上时,会突然消失,变成一个看不见的空白。 不仅如此,更新过程中还创建了一个8.63GB的缓存文件夹,且无法通过常规方法删除。 即使使用磁盘清理工具或系统文件检查工具,这个大缓存文件依然存在,占用了大量存储空间。 目前微软已经意识到这一问题,并正在准备相关的补丁进行修复,同时建议用户不要尝试删除这些缓存文件,以免引发更严重的系统问题。 返回搜狐,查看更多 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。 --as i said win11 worse than win10, the most painful is 光标不见. MS finally admitted 蓝屏死机 caused by their updating. after these you would suffer video input device disappeared(no sound problem), video lag deadly problem (cant watch video)...just felt why i bought notebook to abuse me. ========================== ps IBM已悄悄裁员超1000人,年龄集中在50-55岁之间 2024年09月19日 12:24 芯智讯 9月19日消息,据The Register援引IBM内部员工的爆料报道称,IBM过去几天在美国总部一直在偷偷的“大规模裁员”,影响了数千人。 “与传统的裁员不同,这次裁员是秘密进行的。”这位IBM员工表示:“我的经理告诉我,他们必须签署保密协议才能谈论具体细节。” IBM 发言人告诉 The Register,“今年年初,IBM 披露了一项劳动力再平衡费用,这将占 IBM 全球员工人数的非常低的个位数百分比,我们仍然预计 2024 年结束时的就业水平与我们进入时的就业水平大致相同。” IBM 的 2024 年第一季度财报显示,其计提了 4 亿美元的“劳动力再平衡”费用,以支付计划裁员的成本。而在此之前 2023 年,也计提了 3 亿美元的“劳动力再平衡”费用。2023 年初,IBM 宣布计划裁员 3,900 人。 截至 2023 年底,IBM全球约有 288,000 名员工,2024 年的“非常低个位数百分比”可能性可能是 1%(2,880 人)、2%(5,760 人)、3%(8,640 人)或更多。假设每个员工的成本是固定的,去年的收费和裁员披露表明,大约 5,200 个职位将被裁减,花费 4 亿美元。 去年,IBM 首席执行官 Arvind Krishna 表示,IBM 预计将用 AI 取代大约 7,800 个工作岗位,但没有提供具体的时间表。IBM公司股价今年迄今上涨了 33%,达到每股 215 美元。 IBM 的发言人没有回应更具体地说明裁员人数的请求,也没有解释在哪里招聘了新职位以保持员工人数不变。 --obviously is in 印度 根据消息来源称,IBM此次裁员主要针对高级程序员、销售和支持人员。同时,爆料的员工称,其工作岗位将转往印度,这反映了IBM美国的招聘将冻结。但据说IBM在印度的招聘工作正在进行中。此前IBM 也有将工作岗位转移到印度的历史。 --i would say they want to stay in usa not move to 印度. 与之前的裁员或用 IBM 的委婉说法来说,“资源行动”一样,The Register被告知受影响的人基本上在 50-55 岁之间,工作年限在 20-24 年之间。 这位爆料的IBM内部人士表示,裁员“似乎只有 L7、L8 和 L9 职级的人,在支付结构中处于相对的顶部。” 尽管IBM在过去和目前正遭遇许多的年龄歧视诉讼,但 IBM 坚称它不会系统性地基于年龄进行歧视。 值得一提的是,在今年8月下旬,IBM正式宣布关闭中国研发部门,约1600名员工被裁员,补偿标准则为N+3。编辑:芯智讯-浪客剑 --that means 1600+1000=2600 almost 1% if some 员工 from Indo/china select to transfer 印度 such as 280人. ps in 1995?-1998 IBM sold LAB division and router division to ATT (not current SBC(ATT) earlier already sold to Advantis but bought back then put on open bid i.e ATT won. the reason is must obey FCC communication rules, and IBM would rather sold out. didnt see spouse got N+(1-3) but ATT signed to keep IBM 员工 3 years. and pension must cash out which was illegal. Trump cant do anything about it (not move jobs out) because IBM all the years stay away usa rules. IBM is business oriented. if you heard new field going to perform, you should be alert the old definietely gone or move out. if any usa government rules apply even the new field would sell out. ps suddenly bad economic recessing news cant hold/hide any more but showed up. i would say Trump has chance to win. 经济增长刺激措施?? --i would prefer create jobs more better than give money to every one. in fact we can see people need something such as restaurants didnt obey rules, maybe issue food ticket for local who need help and to make a deal with the boss that must obey the rules then can get clients. those get food tickets must monitor whether the boss does job right. certainly make sure the cooking skill is ok. there are other similar situation. if too many same kind stores in the area then can help those lack of skill transfer to other field or move to other area. enough jobs for workers thats the most important. during Bush wars and side effect caused economic recession i can see very clearly usa companies only issue job contract so one person salary must 50% goes to HR ie one job raise 2 people by cut 50% worker salary for many years 2004-2013 (some even later). many IT employees laid off, they became HR looking for contractors who fit the requirements for companies. i can smell some bigger companies would offer extra jobs to make unemployee rate down for couple years later immediately cut down the jobs. we can called it is politic related behind. 特朗普威胁将征收200%关税,若制造商将生产转移至墨西哥 2024年09月24日 07:46 环球市场播报 美国前总统特朗普周一威胁称,如果农机巨头约翰迪尔将生产转移到墨西哥的工厂,将对这家公司征收200%的关税。 这位共和党总统候选人在宾夕法尼亚州史密斯顿举行的一次会议上说:“他们几天前宣布,他们将把很多制造业业务转移到墨西哥。” --约翰迪尔 : my employees can work in 墨西哥, we turn 墨西哥 into usa 殖民地. 他说:“我现在只是通知约翰迪尔:如果你们这样做,我们将对你们想卖到美国的所有东西征收200%的关税。”特朗普将关税作为其竞选经济政策的一个关键焦点。 --约翰迪尔 : if my business lose money, will you make up for me, or die together? 约翰迪尔此前宣布,计划将部分产品的生产转移到墨西哥,此举导致其在美国爱荷华州的工厂裁员。 特朗普说:“这伤害了我们的农民。这损害了我们的制造业。” --it depends. usa cost too high, and not many want to work in 制造业, phone service, nurse... this is why usa 产业外移. in 2006? Canada compay was in chicago then move back, spouse got interview and accepted then got called that their employee agreed to work in Canada. in the end we both applied Jewel grocery job, same thing happened but this time the worker agreed from employee to become contractor. 这似乎是特朗普第一次在竞选活动中特别提到约翰迪尔。这位前总统的评论似乎是即兴的,只是由作为活动背景的约翰迪尔拖拉机引起的。 这位前总统还对在墨西哥生产汽车的汽车制造商发出了类似的威胁。 “我们将对进入美国的汽车征收100%到200%的高额关税,它们将不再具有竞争力,”他说,“所以你们最好留在密歇根州。” 责任编辑:于健 --haaa IBM would chanllege as : if you force me not move divisions to Indo, i would close/lay off the division (new field can sell out), who scare who. but not 约翰迪尔 because IBM boss has many kind businesses, still can continue be boss. ps 特朗普重大警告!美国大选迎来重磅时刻 2024年09月09日 12:34 东方财富网 美国大选迎来重磅时刻。 美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在最新演讲中警告称:“你离开美元,你就不能和美国做生意了,因为我们要对你的商品征收100%的关税。”他还声称,如果没有赢得总统选举,今年11月的总统选举“可能是美国最后一次大选” --the only one can 离开美元 is the country doesnt import usa products. and export not rely on usa such as Russia. usa itself going to produce more oil/gas might enough for inner need. usa electronic products have more difficult because 黎巴嫩爆炸 case, no one believe master didnt involve. And deep government will continue Baiden wars even Trump cant stop. 特朗普与民主党总统候选人哈里斯将于周二晚在费城展开正面对决,这不仅是二人的首次交锋,也可能是最后一次:在11月投票前,两位白宫竞争者之间没有安排其他辩论。这场对决很可能会成为2024年竞选中的重大转折点。 值得注意的是,在这场关键辩论前夕,哈里斯突然遭遇重大民调打击。《纽约时报》的最新调查显示,特朗普在全国潜在选民中以48%对47%的优势击败哈里斯。《纽约时报》推测,这可能意味着哈里斯的“蜜月期”和“兴奋的八月”结束。 --if americans realize Bush 8 years if 哈里斯 continue master wars for another 4 years.. we are retired except everything jump high, no worry no income. i did envy our old lady has retire income (10 years older than spouse, 65 retired), while spouse 10 years as contractor jobs on/off cant but work to 69. |
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