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Russia/China similarity more and more,Trump joins to 站到新起点
2017/11/11 05:34:06瀏覽179|回應13|推薦0

Russia/China similarity more and more,Trump joins to 站到新起点 and save the earth together.
《焦点访谈》:中美关系 怎样站到新起点
--top class could 1+1 >2 which also called as win-win.

before we married I had a dream about his parents, father was skinny quietly and calm, mother was fatty with happy smiling(i never saw their photos till i forced his younger sister family moved out then she took out and inquired whether my husband wanted some,  exactly both very like what i dreamt) asking me how am i so sure can live with her son? i was very confident and answeared back :人定胜天. he never brought me to visit his parents tombs(he did visit my father tomb in 2000) even i told him our chinese ways, until one day i told him i really needed to tell his mom something then in front of her tomb i admitted i was wrong 人不能胜天. 

after i found out the abuser caused our marriage serious problems, i did tell my husband we are 1+1 less than 1 that freuently spent lots time looking for the stolen things which made both exhausted, because abused my body also spent lots money in medical expenses and got same result:unknown  as he has huge pains now.
the only thing i don't get is why my husband didn't understand it, could cooperate with me to solve problems asap. it is the biggest nightmare to me. because he did help my mom so told him won't active divorce him. even the abuser abuses me I would never hurt his body.

many abused became abuser but few who  stick to what's wrong and what's right.
my advice for unmarried : you should try to make friend a while make sure you feel 1+1> 2 (the best) or at least>= 1 then should have happy marriage


--if you do pay attention in china medias reporting, you would find out china always  more positive 态度 comparing with usa's (not mention freaky jealous taiwan WJ  tries hard to destroy it).
from what i saw Russia is also more positive 态度 than usa.

myself worry for china as have no confidence in usa's mouth. then i told myself china is quite capable while trump has guts and honest than any other usa politicians, so trust china they know how to make it works.
Trump needs more time..it is usa indoors serious problems... i knew he did try,  hope soon no more wars.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/11/11 15:58
美俄总统未在越南举行正式会谈引关注 ...特朗普行前曾暗示,他可能会与普京举行会谈,双方有许多议题值得探讨。俄罗斯媒体9日曾报道称,俄美两国元首将在越南举行会谈,具体地点和形式还在协商之中。美国务卿蒂勒森也表示,双方工作团队正就此事进行协商。


--i'm not surprised at all, not until Trump finds a way to deal with usa indoors serious problems--election related.

if right beginning Trump listened to me to spend time in health insurance in stead of issue this and that bloody wars then he has no worry at indoors election-related.

it means bloody wars would continue and less safety for every one in most countries. 

2017/11/11 12:24




蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-11 12:26 回覆:
--my opinions about chinese and english is the older the more forgot how to spell english words correctly because the letters combination has no any "meaning". 

when i married to my husband i thought my english must can improve a lot unfortunatly he is left-hand just like Bush poor at spelling.

So when americans lagught at Bush (the major reason caused by his bloody wars), i didn't.

however last 2 years as 60- then found myself has the same problem, i did read a news mention english words indeed would cause many the seniors spelling incorrct.

chinese is not that easy made a mistake. however i wonder many kids using computer and thru 拼音 in stead of directly writing chinese in the future will have same problem. this is part of reason not easy for me, as the senior from  拼音 to get chinese.

i expect china scientists pay attention and can create a better tools to make directly writing chinese for computer/notebook/cell phone. 

i knew china reporter already dig out young kids can't correctly writing chinese because most time they using 拼音.

while we already knew taiwan bastards try dump chinese totally---糟蹋自己的文化更可悲!!

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-16 23:35 回覆:
汉语在俄罗斯有多火?纳入义务教育全国统考  来源:中国青年网... 中国青年网莫斯科11月15日电 站在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃国际机场的显示屏前,如果不是身旁来回走动的俄罗斯工作人员,你会有一瞬间身在中国的“错觉”,因为显示屏上“全屏”都是中文!当然,俄语和英语会在之后交替显示。




  就在上个月底,俄罗斯大学生Olga和老师、同学们一起前往青岛参加了2017“一带一路”航天创新联盟青年学者研讨会,她对记者说,俄罗斯青年人非常关注中国发展和中俄关系,“一带一路”为很多俄罗斯大学生提供了新的机遇,身边越来越多的同学加入了学习汉语计划,大家相信中国和俄罗斯的未来一定都会越来越好!(记者:陈琛)  【编辑:孟湘君】

--very good. 

2017/11/11 07:28

in taiwan in my dreams hardly can see people's face, never can eat foods(always waked up before eating), can't see the 文字 on book, no colour...

after came to usa with him, in dreams i can see  people's face,  can eat foods and 文字 on books,

during the bloody wars i saw many very beautiful stars just like 古华夏星宿 and some falling on the ground with deeply blue colour and very hot but the earth flying to unknown until all countries scientists working together move the earth to another orbit.

when i was very illness that doctor told me no more anti-virus medicines can cure me,  has to rely on my body itself, then one day i dreamt 3 ancestors taught me wu-kung, later  i recovered.

40 years in taiwan i only have 3 scars in my body, one from 天花? needle shot in left top leg, one in my right abdom cause by the goat chased me and climbed thw wall with arrow, and one in my left thumb caused by using knife cut wood. t

 our ancestors 预测 showing i would have this and that 刑伤s, if i didn't marry i won't believe at all, but it is the truth after i married, the abuser stick to me.

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