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2017/08/18 02:12:59瀏覽479|回應21|推薦0



--what about taiwan rotten MJD can declare:我们不要你们的选票,我们反对你们--japanese bastards in taiwan?

No, they won't and now their presidends became japanese bastards even A-bien didn't have japanbastards blood so at least tried to protect our chinese sea lands. as 黑心蔡英文 that I can't tell and very likely her mom/grandmom may voluntary chick...that's why so rich. no wonder dirty LDW "loves" her so much, they are same type.

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2017/11/05 00:42
柯林頓被爆操縱選舉 川普煽火...

民主黨全國委員會(DNC)前代主席唐娜‧布拉齊(Donna Brazile)指責喜萊莉‧柯林頓的競選組織去年劫持操控DNC,影響黨內初選,使民主黨為之震撼的次日,川普總統趁機火上加油,3日指控喜萊莉競選舞弊,並抨擊司法部不調查喜萊莉和民主黨各種弊端。








原來支持桑德斯,在喜萊莉獲得黨提名後幫她助選的參議員伊麗莎白‧華倫(Elizabeth Warren,麻州),對情況演變感到氣惱。







--why 民主黨全國委員會 got 債務 needed 喜萊莉's rotten money? and why so late 布拉齊 came out 指責喜萊莉劫持操控? 桑德斯和喜萊莉沒有公開回應 is normal but Obama family who accused those voted/supported Trump now pretended blind,deaf and mute.

Obama family should feel shame has no guts do job right as president, should appology for those 桑德斯 supporters who would rather supported/voted Trump in stead of 喜萊莉.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-05 00:48 回覆:


--by the way such 喜萊莉 scandals-related has nothing to do with Russia. many americans knew it so don't accuse Russia to cover for 喜萊莉 any more.

Russia did the same usa does/did to other countries including Russia. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-08 06:25 回覆:

攻陷柯林頓競選電郵 俄駭客僅花1周...2016年3月19日,駭客似乎已經進入波德斯塔的個人收件箱,並且數周之後,大量取得民主黨全國委員會的電郵並予以公開,指偏袒柯林頓而令全國委員會大為尷尬。

--the key is : it is all true about 偏袒柯林頓 by Hilarry bribed 民主黨全國委員會. this is why the lady decided telling the truth and admitted. the question is why 民主黨 恼羞成怒 and tried to kill Russia in stead of fix their shameless serious problems. 

2017/10/07 17:15

這些遊稅機構的客戶中,包括了獲得政府核准將接收營利式連鎖教育機構「鳳凰城大學」(University of Phoenix)的小型投資集團負責人,以及捲入以假帳戶欺騙消費者的富國銀行(Wells Fargo)多位董事。
沙烏地阿拉伯王室以及阿富汗、肯亞、伊拉克、瓜地馬拉、馬來西亞等國政府,也都是華府遊稅組織的客戶,就連剛果反對派領袖卡通比(Moise Katumbi)也有華府說客作代理。美聯社記者出身的「公共公民」研究報告共同執彼人茲貝爾(Alan Zibel)指出:「這個現象所傳達出來的訊息非常明確,那就是如果你想要對川普政府產生影響,就一定要找這些人幫忙。」

--i guess 「排乾沼澤」would never come true.

2017/10/05 09:05
特朗普赴拉斯维加斯看望枪击事件伤者 ...特朗普当天没有提及枪支暴力、枪支管控等问题。当有记者询问有关问题时,特朗普延续了白宫近期在这一问题上避而不谈的态度。vs 哥倫比亞電視台一名高級法律顧問卻在臉書上諷刺死者,指「會參加鄉村音樂節的人都是共和黨擁槍者,不值得同情」,PO文一出引發網友群起撻伐。

洛杉磯時報報導,戈德(Hayley Geftman-Gold)是哥倫比亞電視台的法律顧問,在賭城槍擊案發生後,她在臉書的相關討論串中寫道:「如果他們在孩童被殺(指2012年美國康乃狄克州桑迪胡克小學發生的槍擊案,造成28人死亡)沒有作為,那我對於共和黨蠢蛋會做對的事完全不抱期望」、「我對他們一點都沒有同情,因為鄉村音樂的粉絲都是共和黨人」。

--in fact 戈德 telling the truth unfortunately for that she lost her job. as me i already give up usa(and taiwan) because there is no hope, nothing can be better but worse. I hope chhina people keep in mind you already knew 賭城 allow carry guns so stay away. it's not worth be killed in usa especially most murdered case are not solved. 

one day we went to see foreclosure houses, and one of street selling guns my husband immediately turned back, i was upset then he told me if you see guns store that means any time you could be killed living there.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-05 09:13 回覆:

i also like usa 鄉村音樂 some quite good... my eldest brother bought many records when he was in university, and he also loving dance. that's how i knew some usa famous 鄉村音樂s 50-80s.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-05 11:00 回覆:
遏阻屠殺式槍擊 萊恩點出關鍵...




--the question is will those have 心理 problems visit 心理 doctors? when the weird things happened in our house i did request my husband together to visiting  心理 doctor, he refused and told me once you visited you would be marked and difficult find jobs(ie he could have trouble to find jobs). in the end we visited family dotor and she told me to take depression medicine i refused because i knew what caused my anger when i tried to show her the evidence and my hands was shaky. in the end she told my husband why don't you listen to your wife dead lock garage door. because we put money in flexible account(can tax deductible for medical expenses) got trouble(insurance company refused to pay because a rule we didn't know that only allow once(or twice?) per week) so i thought deadlock could solve the person came to our house then stopped. she told us we would come back the problems not solved. she was right the person still succeed comes to our house frequently. but we didn't visit because my husband contract job terminated.

usa existing many mental diseases patients but can't cure by 心理 doctors because the society is not 健康 at all(same as in taiwan), fill with rotten politicians liars with hatred minds plus too many law sue caused no friends no neighbourship but itself family which may cause many sex scandals. 

Accoding to our ancestor 预测 shows my hsband family side has sex scandal-related. i was born poor family but i have happy childhood. my husband also born in poor but better than us because got social benefits, free school books but he deeply hated his teachers called his name to get free books in front of classmates. he delivered newspaper as a kid but was frequently robbed/beaten by street bad kids. until one day he beaten up one of the bad kids to the hospital. 心理健康改革? better let Confuzi teaches usa kids.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-05 13:09 回覆:

帕多克在1976年至1985年間,曾在美國郵局當過郵差,在國稅局當過探員,也在國防合約審計局(Defense Contract Audit Agency)當過稽核員;
--did he receive any pension monthly from these jobs or he took a lump sum or none, how about any company's health insurance or none? how about SSR? if he still have fix income(pension, SSR) and health insurance covered(one more year could have medicare, this is not a big issue) could support his daily expenses then the only possible is he hated usa very much.


--精神疾病和暴力傾向 depend whether he ever  suffered due to his father. did his father ever abused him as a kid because  father's 心理變態 caused and later the society treated/looked at him. did 丹利 find any other than 體貼、安靜的人 symptons? did he take any medicine? 

案發前一周 10萬元匯菲律賓...他是百萬富翁(may not if he already lost in gambling too much)
--when he deposited into her account what she felt about it?分手费 or showing his love or else? did he have a will or any one claims for what he owed? according to the law he died then his kids(if any, didn't look like he has any kid), family side inherited. however the court very likely collects all for victims families. she could keep  10萬元 because  before happened. 弟弟艾力克‧帕多克推測這筆錢不是哥哥為了照顧丹利生活之用。my husband thought to hide money from government/victims families chasing out, i would say for making up what he did and that dragged her in.

--did she ever know how many guns he had? can it be possible within 2周 got so many guns?  did she ever have chance to see what inside of the big safety box put in his garage?

2013年和帕多克走了 2015年申請離婚 丹利在家時總是在煮飯,兩人總是待 在家裡且拉上窗簾。沛奇說,他們不參加社區活動,也不像其他住戶會到別人家串門子,「他們並非不友善,只是不愛社交」。

--for any reason why didn't marry to him yet?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-05 23:59 回覆:

心理健康改革? better let Confuzi teaches usa kids.

--today we had to return cameras, touch screen to get our money back and my husband called to cancel today's physical theorpist appointment. he should call yesterday to waive the penalty. I was not happy what he did because we have plenty time to return camers... after returned still have time to see doctor so i called to resume. he got upset because he already left cancel voice message. then i explained to him we were taught to keep promises unless can't but. and he should think about if he were doctor would he happy patient suddenly cancel it? this is one of usa big problem, they never think about the other side. the physical theorpist is from asia quite nice, 2 times my husband suddenly cancelled because didn't feel well without any penalty charge. then he thought he could do it again.

when he told me the person stealing/returned some for fun, i was very upset and inquired him how about my fun, how about us suffered? our marriage almost killed by the selfish person's endless "fun" not mention abused my body. if the person were/is his youngest nephew(he told me his sister mentioned the son went to see psycholgists after I forced them moved out) that proved psycholgists can't cure him. And all he needs is his mom telling the truth that they didn't pay a penny living with us and my husband was broken still had to pay they watched TV movies.... what happened to us could very easy solve if my husband right in the beginning told me what's going on, what did we owe them on the earth... he has no guts to tell the truth but a second telling me few things, after that seconds concious moments then denied everything he told me.

this is what i felt about usa, full mouth liars with  seconds concious moments.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 12:04 回覆:

賭城大屠殺或有共犯 急尋神秘女...警方調查顯示,在特勤小組(SWAT)1日晚間攻入帕多克的房間時,雖然帕多克已飲彈自盡,但其實他在最後關頭仍設法要盡一切所能,從位於飯店32樓的房間逃脫。

--this is what my husband thought and so transfered 10萬元匯菲律賓 for future use. however i don't thik so. 1st in so many people on the site he must know once he began shooting very soon usa FBI/CIA related would come to site very soon. and how many camerars he hided in hospital, where he put, from what i heard so far there is no chance he could run away and he must know it. if he really think he can run away then that won't  only 10萬元匯菲律賓, he would hide money in more places and as much as he could.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 12:15 回覆:
--it depends how much Andy knew about him and can tell detective whether she felt frequently she didn't know what he was doing, where he went especially after she slept or went outside alone... did she ever feel there is a 3rd person in the house but she never can see/catch whom.
i told my family i only knew my husband when i was awake with him...can't see those weird things done by him or he has anything involved, too normal.
but i didn't know him after i falling sleep or i am not at home(went outside alone).
now i am not so sure even i'm with him awake, because many things can go thru internet chatting, emails with other people without me knowing. and those tiny things he could steal without my knowing until i need them then found missing.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 12:19 回覆:
correct: and how many camerars he hided in hotel and streets nearby? did police find any cameras monitor screen(including notebook and/or tablet) on his hotel room that he could see and in the meanwhile shooting?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 14:08 回覆:

賭城大道悲劇兇手帕多克(Stephen Paddock)行兇地點在賭城曼德拉灣酒店第32層最尾端的一間豪華大套房,事後警方在他行兇套房內發現23枝槍械,兇手的弟弟艾瑞克佛羅里達的住所門牌為320,有美國網民認為帕多克作案可能與數字「3」、「2」有關。

--last time i heard 「骷髏黨」was pointed Hilary, Obama, Bush,Chenny,Clinton, ..are the members or you can't be preisdent. 「骷髏黨」decides who can be usa president.

now i am confused 「骷骷髏黨」is 「骷髏黨」or they are different 黨, and i don't think 帕多克 is one of「骷髏黨」member. but i am more believe he hated  Hilary, Obama, Bush,Chenny,Clinton..「骷髏黨」 so used the 32-related symbol. maybe Trump can tell us is he also 「骷髏黨」member?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 13:58 回覆:

vs 拉斯維加斯屠殺 李昌鈺推斷與賭博有關
--I don't think 屠殺與賭博有關, if so he would kill 賭博-related not those attending music show. 不停喝酒 means he didn't care it would make his brain fuzy fuzy losing money.

the more i read the more i belive my judgement that he hated usa very very much and he was not the only one.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 14:30 回覆:


--隱瞞生活史是經過精心策畫的嗎?i don't think so, he had abnormal father involved bank robery, in this situation certainly won't have friends, neighbourship... he only wish no one knew about his family since he was a kid. 隱瞞生活史 is a habit came from childhood. 精心策畫 is he knew he would be dead for what he wanted to do. 

my husband mouth is tightly shut i hardly knew his family side stories. even he told me few he also would deny it. frequently i thought he suddenly wanted to go out is also 精心策畫 with the person together.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-07 14:56 回覆:

賭城大屠殺或有共犯 急尋神秘女

--didn't tell the 神秘女's colour . i would suspect usa CIA/FBI was thinking whatever terrorists-so-called declred might be possible now.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-08 02:36 回覆:


brother 埃里克告诉美国 《华盛顿邮报》记者,他们兄弟对父亲没啥印象,“我自己就是在(父母)逃亡途中出生的”。

本杰明出生于1926年的他曾是一个连环银行抢劫犯,在亚利桑那州抢劫多个银行。曾因抢劫被判20年监禁,但之后他从德州联邦监狱越狱逃出。越狱后,本杰明试图在俄勒冈州开始新生命,并在当地的一个宾果游戏厅(bingo parlor)担任经理。1979年,本杰明(his father)在俄勒冈州被捕。据FBI表示,本杰明被诊断有“精神病”和“自杀倾向”。

帕多克在德州的梅斯基特镇(Mesquite)从1998年到2010年住了12年。then 住在佛州中部,大约两年前搬到内华达州

--from what i read, it should be younger brother takes care their mom and 帕多克 takes care his father no matter willing or not willing. his father died 2? years ago and then he changed.


--exactly, he knew well no chance to run away and he didn't want like his father in jail, those cameras is for him when to kill himself not been caught.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-08 02:42 回覆:
激进组织“伊斯兰国”(ISIS)在案发后宣称,这起血案是ISIS“士兵”所为,枪手几个月前改信伊斯兰教。ISIS透过旗下阿玛克通讯社说:“拉斯维加斯攻击案是伊斯兰国士兵所为,他这么做是为了响应号召,瞄准联军国家。”阿玛克通讯社说:“拉斯维加斯攻击者几个月前改信伊斯兰教。” 极端组织“伊斯兰国”宣布认领1日枪击,声称斯蒂芬数月前加入该组织,还取了个新名字“阿布·阿卜杜勒·巴尔·阿姆里基”。

--i wonder 911 whether is also 认领 by ” 极端组织“伊斯兰国”. 马来西亚 still investigates why their airplane disappeared without dead clients be found at all. a rumour declared it was usa did.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-08 04:05 回覆:

他的亲戚们表示,帕多克没有展现过任何强烈的宗教或政治观点,而且也并非是那种愤怒情绪随时会爆发的人。但他的父亲本杰明·霍斯金斯·帕多克(Benjamin Hoskins Paddock),却是一名银行抢劫犯,并曾越狱成功,上世纪70年代一直列在美国联邦调查局(FBI)的要犯通缉名单上,成为FBI十大通缉犯中的一员。而1960年,本杰明因抢劫被FBI抓捕的地点,正是美国拉斯维加斯市
出生于1926年的本杰明拥有过不计其数的假名和绰号,包括“大老爹”和“老秃子”之类。1960年,老帕克因在亚利桑那州峡谷银行( Valley National Bank)凤凰城分行抢劫2.5万美元,后在逃跑路上被FBI在拉斯维加斯抓获并判处20年监禁。根据当时媒体的报道,FBI在接收采访时表示:“本杰明在被捕时不仅抗拒执法,而且甚至还曾经企图开车去碾压抓捕人员。”
1979年,本杰明又一次重获自由,但令人诧异的是,他是正式被联邦政府假释的。假释裁决委员会成员,强克逊市前市长查克(Chuck Ivey)对此解释称:“他是个很好的人,并且在经济上帮助了许多人,而且也为自己的孩子付出了许多。”而在提到他的种种罪状时,查克表示,那些“只不过是陈年旧事”而已。

--it seemed 帕多克 followed his father steps.. TX, 拉斯维加斯市,赌徒和抗捕.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-08 04:15 回覆:



--obviously he planned at least 2 years... right after his girl friend divorced...

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-10 12:14 回覆:

當年帕多克向法院作證時說,自己並沒有精神疾病,沒有成癮症病史,也沒有犯罪前科。他說,平日服用的Valium藥物是內華達州內科醫師溫克勒(Steven Winkler)所開立的。
拉斯維加斯評論報(Las Vegas Review-Journal)則報導,根據內華達州處方藥品監測系統的紀錄,溫克勒在今年6月曾開立Valium給帕多克。溫克勒9日則拒絕接受媒體訪問。

--from what I read he didn't have Valium addiction problem. unless the phymarcy didn't tell the truth that not just 今年6月 one time but more frequently. it should not difficult to find how many pills still left. from his well planed i don't think he was impact by the Valium.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-10 12:20 回覆:


--maybe his girl friend could prove whether he did to her or only to those 應召女郎. if it is truth that 帕多克每次到賭城玩樂都會找女人 then his girl friend should know(and/or she didn't care if only if he transfered 暴力性愛 to 應召女郎 not to her.) i wonder when did she find out  帕多克's 暴力性愛.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-10 12:29 回覆:
帕多克2013年對拉斯維加斯大都會酒店(Cosmopolitan Hote)提出民事告訴,指稱由於酒店管理不當,害他2011年在酒店內走道因為地面溼滑而滑跤,導致腿筋受傷,要求賠償10萬美元。
他在證詞中表示,擁有德州核發的隱密持槍許可執照(concealed weapons license),但沒有說明自己到底持有哪些槍械。
--i wonder when did he take Valium 1st time. his girl friend should tell whether from 2013 their relationship changed that he was different man she knew(during and after the 官司), did he still suffered 腿筋受傷 side effect and any pain caused by the side effect.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-22 09:36 回覆:
李昌鈺研判成真 賭城槍擊案數百人提告...



據「洛杉磯時報」(LA Times)報導,逾450人集體告曼德雷灣賭場度假村,他們主張,賭場方未善盡職責,忽略帕多克由他下榻的房間大規模射殺,並指控賭場在屠殺開始前,沒有立即採取因應措施。





--李昌鈺 is very possible right about 警察不會披露槍案與賭博有關聯. however if 兇手行凶報復 then he woudn't pay what he lost in gamble. so far none 賭場 showing 兇手 owed lots money. 兇手's property still there.

2017/09/27 23:22


--i don't think it works at all, usa is inside problems not other country caused it. just look at health insurance didn't better but worse becase very poor mathematics. plus endless bloody wars waste usa huge money. 2年時間 for what? issue another N. Korean, Iran, Russia wars in anoter way the rotten rich tax deeply down, more rich than ever?

no one can solve usa problems, not even voters.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-28 06:43 回覆:

川普提案大減稅...該稅改方案的核心是把公司稅(corporate tax)由35%降至20%,諸如商業團體和銀行業的各大公司很早以前就開始呼籲政府進行稅改,並且得到國家經濟會議主席柯恩(Gary Cohn)的公開支持;但同時也遭到許多民主黨人的反對,他們認為新稅制是送給美國商界的一份昂貴禮物。

--from my view what is Trump's make usa strong again? the poor continue got free medical insurance, the middle get tax reduction to pay obama's junky healthcare, the rotten rich became more and more rich in the world and still issue endless bloody wars that paied by other countries with or without permission.

just like my husband he wants all and ignored i am abused by the person. he wants me to be him say nothing but pretend it's our faults if things disappeared/gone/return, and the person never existing so i hurt myself... 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-28 06:56 回覆:
now every one would ask who are going to pay usa huge debts and daily government expenses not mention bloody wars cost? from Trump's view is other countries have to pay. and i am strongly suspect most government business would turn into private companies(still the same officers transfer out) and then delcare government broken don't need to pay the huge debts. usa always win by all means. it is called 债多不愁, 拍拍屁股 一走了之.

2017/09/27 11:50
這2種移民 國安部10月起蒐集其社群信息...

國內安全部將擴大對移民和部分公民相關資料的蒐集,其中包括擴大蒐集他們個人使用網路的資訊,如社群媒體臉書的貼文或谷歌搜尋;這項方案上周已見諸聯邦公報(Federal Register),拍板定案後預定10月18日起生效實施。


這項擴大「外國人檔案」(Alien Files)計畫蒐集的資料,將提供從邊境海關機構到法官所有人使用。提案指出,將更新存檔程序,擴大檔案分類,這些分別包括國籍、居住國家、公民及移民服務局(USCIS)網路帳戶代號、社群媒體內容、別名、相關可識別資訊和網路搜尋結果。







--as i said at&t monitor their clients never stops, usa creates more and more enemies. even owns the most threaton weapons still so lack of confidence, can't make friends to be the world leader. i would say in the past because many top 2 classes other countries came to usa, working for usa and made usa was very adorable. 

however endless bloody wars made usa lost other countries people worship so usa felt very unconfortable, got panic now. it can be changed if Trump change usa a bit, but he didn't. maybe no one can change in usa because usa under 3-egg-heads control must continue not welcome endless bloody wars.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-27 12:03 回覆:


--it is. that means something happened to him. usa existing many weird 行為, the one happened in our house i would say the person was abused then became abuser. there are couple of times i felt my husband was abused that's why till today still cover the person did steal if the thing returned it were never disappeared, if not, that things never existing.

I also wonder why he can be that kind of person living in the liars world. what happened to him and why he can keep his mouth tightly without telling who the person is, why he would rather make me think he could have 3rd personality. how come the person can make him not talking but keep the weird secrets?

Maybe that's why once Trump decides he won't change because he has 強迫性行為, he can't control himself well.

both Trump and my husaband indeed succeed in certain field, but have personality problems... very stubborn and won't take good advices, don't know who can be good friends who are not but drag them down to the hell.

2017/09/23 10:23
AARP:新健保案 長者每年多付1.6萬
這項法案是由共和黨國會參議員葛理漢(Lindsey Graham)和卡西迪(Bill Cassidy)提出,參院共和黨領袖麥康諾方面已表示,參院下周可望就這項法案進行表決。
華府政論新聞網站國會山莊報(The Hill)報導,反對廢歐法案的AARP在報告中說,該法案「威脅到數百萬年長美國人負擔不起、或無法取得健保」。
AARP的調查指出,某些州的健保費用有較大機會比其他州增長得快,例如阿拉斯加州和亞利桑納州,這兩個州的國會參議員麗莎‧穆考斯基(Lisa Murkowski)和馬侃(John McCain),都可能投下關鍵的一票。
--Again AARP didn't point why those pity middle class disqualified 補助 have to pay 保費 for nothing. AARP always support the demacratic party but never give us the example how they calculate. to me even can't 負擔 but at least it is sort of fair to us and then the insurance companies have to reduce the fee as many 根本無法負擔. so AARP should relax not so panic.
年長人士可能每年要多付高達1萬6174元保費 ie $1347.83/mon. AARP really can't convince me at all, because without 歐記健保 補助, we was requested to pay over $500/mon for nothing as bronze plan. so how 多付高達1萬6174元保費 comes from? and if it is true then no wonder we pity middle class pay for nothing but those the poor can get free up to $1347.83/mon. 
no wonder next year even Obama's jump much higher.
Suggest AARP either support  桑德斯 or let Trump destroy 健保 system totally so he can stop the bloody wars to save war expenses for americans  健保 .
Trump should take my advice long time ago.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-13 12:31 回覆:
中新社华盛顿10月12日电 在国会迟迟无法通过新医保法案的情况下,美国总统特朗普12日在白宫签署关于医保改革的行政令,称将为美国民众提供更多医保选择并降低保费。特朗普称,美国人民应该拥有跨州购买医保的自由,这将创造一个真正具有竞争力的医保市场,在保费降低的同时提供更好的医疗保障。白宫表示,特朗普的这项行政令将改革美国医保体系,扩大美国民众的医保选择范围,增加竞争性以降低保费。


--cheap and good 医保 ever existing? Suggest Trump tell people what are those 医保 names? usa 医保 before Obama's already  jump high high but as employees covered by company's didn't pay any attention how expensive it already was until copmany deeply cut down employees benefits offered very lousy 医保. can usa companies recover employees benefits by Trump cut down lots taxes for rich businessmen?  what about those no company covered seniors? 

I bet Trump would answear go to work or you pay more.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-23 10:47 回覆:


--Trump really should find a better one to replace 潘斯 who definitely not qualified for Trump's friend. she is not 友多闻 so knew noting about other countries including europe union felt about usa's 北韓 wars, she didn't know Trump needs 友直 to make up his weak point, blind view. Suggest  潘斯 study our Saints advices, not became 便辟便佞(I don't think she is 善柔 as nose toward to sky).

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-23 10:57 回覆:

潘斯表示,共和黨人在健保法案上已接近獲得通過的目標,共和黨聯邦參議員葛理漢(Lindsey Graham,南卡羅來納州)和卡西迪(Bill Cassidy,路易斯安納州)共同提出的健保修正案,將廢除歐記健保中的強制性規定,讓各州在聯邦資金的使用上擁有更大發言權。

--潘斯 better spends time to calculate well how high Obama's for 2018, and why AARP declared people pay more for 共和黨健保法案. 

as 讓各州在聯邦資金的使用上擁有更大發言權 I don't think it works or long before Obama's should fix the problems and won't many states/cities broken. don't you see it has to be solved by current presiden that's why people vote for him. Tell Trump spend time in 健保法案 in stead of N. Korean who won't invade/attack usa but defend itself only. isn't it so ridiculous as owns the most threaton weapons has no confidence but fear N. Korean attacking usa? usa is not smart but other countries are smart enough. Bin Laden was the only one exception because he did defeat back invader Russia so he thought he can.

other countries didn't including china and N. Korean so they won't so foolish to attack usa but defend well  not invading by usa.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-10 12:02 回覆:

壓低保費 川普簽令允跨州投保

--the question is yoy buy 跨州投保 can you find doctors and hospitals/clinics accept you? when there is a medical expenses dispute can you by calling the insurance company which in other state to help you?

this is not a new system, we had before and totally diasters when dispute happened. i bet Trump is too rich never have such experiences as we had. Obama's didn't improve. but spoil the local doctors/hospitals who can drop off from your insurance company and due to insurance company software is a mess can't in time update the informations that's why we suffered lots medical debts, and also can't find doctors without calling many doctors(most of them denied they accept new patients or they dropped off already).

 Anyway i don't expect any better but try keep myself healthy. i'm going to take flu shot hope it can help not been infected while taking exercise in warm water  3 times/week.

there is no hope at all in usa.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-13 13:00 回覆:

the one i just explained what 批评人士认为,这项行政令有可能使年轻人、健康人士受益,但可能让老年人、患病的投保人面临保费上涨的风险 really mean was deleted? 

a real story is forbiden to tell? no wonder  批评人士 never can directly point out what they try to tell americans.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-03 04:07 回覆:

歐記健保開放登記 民眾困惑...在39個州市場,銀級計畫的保費平均飆升34%,使得50歲單身投保人的每月保費從554元漲至743元。較貴的金級計畫則上漲16%,銅級計畫的保費也漲18%。

--in 2017 i have to pay $570+ for 銅級計畫 for nothing as 59 married. i would assume $870+ in 2018. yesterday i tried to find out but not yet bcause the 歐記健保 software didn't design well...

2017/09/19 00:58
纽约一华裔妇女走失 家人遇敲诈勒索险失十万美金...中新网9月18日电 据美国中文网报道,近日,一名华裔妇女在纽约皇后区走失,她的家人随后收到假冒的勒索信息,要求交出十万美元赎金。所幸当地时间9月16日该妇女已经被找到,身体状况良好。





--however I didn't hear police catches the 敲诈勒索 bad seed(s). why?

2017/09/16 05:09
女搶男 好心反受害 引公憤...





--the most imortant is to write down the car plate number. however usa 警力有限(I'm not sure),很多盜案搶劫案到了警察那邊都是石沉大海(that's the truth) unless the victim is killed and very lucky can have recording to catch bastards. the best way is stay away. unless you don't care your things.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-11 12:47 回覆:

袁林桐還協助本報記者聯絡到有相同遭遇的UIC學生小黃(化名),小黃是在去年10月30日,也是周日的晚上8時左右,在搭乘紅線捷運即將抵達紅、藍、粉線的中轉 傑克森站(Jackson)時,突然有五、六個非裔男青年出現眼前,其中一名搶走他的手機並打了他一拳,其他同夥則迅速搶走他的手提袋,幾人作案後,等列車到站馬上跑出車廂不見人影。小黃說,「整個作案過程只有十幾秒,他們搶完下了火車,車廂門就關上了,根本追不上。」車廂內的一名熱心民眾向小黃提供自己電話號碼,表示願意當目擊證人,使小黃順利完成報案。



--don't expect anything from usa police. we went shopping also suffered a white female pushed my disabled mom, and another Spanish couple(may not marry yet) saw and willing help me to call the police as wittness. she told me follwed the woman and wrote down her license plate. we waitted quite long and the police came and later tracked down but then called me that the white woman said sorry, let it go. that's all. 

as the weird things happened to us I also provided evidence with female student ID who is also the white. the detetive called me that she was in another state and his mom won't give any further information. the case was closed. we don;t know how she entered into our house so frequesntly did any one helped her, how did she know us... my husband was donated the police organization till he lost jobs. after the case i never allow my husband donated any money. but if you want your living place be safe then still encourage you donate some money to police organization so police car would pay "attention" to your street that's my husband told me why donated.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-10-13 12:52 回覆:


--usa 批评人士 never directly point out what they really meant. it is about 年轻人、健康人士 working for company could get cheaper rate by company makes deal with insurance company.

my husband told me one day his company's another young manager try to hire a qualified candidate then he warned the manager company's won't allow because the candidate would increase group health insurance fee by his age. 

Trump didn't know how usa companies make deal with insurance company and the side effect(the seniors are very difficult find jobs, they can be contractors but company won't offer insurance, it happened to my husband when he working as contractor for many years caused by the bloody wars. Modis offered lousy one-- you have to pay more, because most seniors get contract jobs thru Modis, you know the seniors group won't get cheap rate from insurance company.

this is the key, not mention those individual seniors without jobs, no group they can join to pay a bit less.

2017/09/13 16:02

美國天災人禍不斷 末世或國運?

--it is 人禍 then 國運末世. in 1997 came to usa, 3 years i thought usa got God blessed lands, hardly heard 天災 caused serious damage. but then 911 happened, usa issued endless bloody wars, 天災不斷, when americans voted Obama thought he could chane usa and stop bloody wars, he didn't but sneakly continue the bloody wars by not post the brutely wars news. however it won't help usa at all. people kept silence didn't mean they agreed but let  國運末世 coming. after Trump can't but continue the bloody wars I don't spend my time in usa any more. if it is the fate then let it be. usa  國運末世, there would be another  國運 begins. so why bother?

2017/09/13 15:07

盗贼掌握华人习性精准施盗 美华人百万美元珠宝被盗 ...中新网9月13日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,日前,美洛杉矶圣盖博一华人家中保险箱被偷,里面藏有价值百万美元的珠宝首饰,屋主甚至一度怀疑是朋友所为,但调出监控录像后发现是西裔盗贼所为。有受害者称,目前盗贼对华人的生活习惯、出入时间都有做功课,因此偷窃越来越精准。




--indeed it is worse and worse,2016年美国中产阶级收入创新高 中位数59039美元, didn't reduce the crimes. i wonder those criminals found out usa police too busy and if only if the victims not dead they can run away, so more and more.

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