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美媒:...流向印度的岗位最多 finally 美媒 a bit telling the truth
2017/05/04 18:07:35瀏覽181|回應20|推薦0
美媒:特朗普无法阻止美就业岗位流失 流向印度的岗位最多
...5月1日报道 美媒称, 在特朗普总统执政的前100天内,美国公司继续将就业岗位转移到海外,而且这种情况几乎每天都在发生。
( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/05/25 18:00
中国留学生的“美国梦”:光环正在退去 ...一家网络媒体SupChina在美国常青藤名校哥伦比亚大学进行了一次“街采”,呈现上中国留学生美国梦的面面观...被问及对“美国梦”的理解,一位留学生答道:“‘美国梦’也许就是能做自己想做的事情,实现自己的价值。”但对他而言,实现自我价值并不意味着必须留在美国。谈到原因,他继续说道;“我的上一代人如果有美国梦,可能因为国内的情况和美国相差很多,来美国之后能很大地提高他们的生活质量。但是国内现在发展得越来越快,生活水平也上去了,对我来说留在美国没有那么大的诱惑力了。” 通过后续的采访和观察,可以发现,类似的观点在中国留学生中有一定的代表性。尽管对“美国梦”的理解各有不同,但对于打算在哪里实现自己的梦想,大多数中国留学生给出的答案都是回到中国。想要回国的原因很直接,甚至只是单纯地被当下国内的“热闹”和“朝气”所吸引。


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-25 18:15 回覆:


--平等? usa full with bias, 坚韧不拔 indeed the afghen bloody wars can contnue over 13 years, still sent more solidiers. 抱负远大? indeed not willing step down from the world police.

勤奋务实? after I married, indeed my husband counted as 勤奋 working more than 10 hrs/day, 务实? comparing with my 2nd brother and others I knew, he is quite suit usa society spent over 1000 emails to look for any jobs during the bloody wars caused laid off, we both even tried jewel, car dealer. but what you saw the stories on newspaper never true, the car dealer accused my husband why he came to rob other people jobs as well-educated should not to be labour, while jewel did give and he went twice, he got the job but then a phone call declared the employee working for jewel willing to take part time job now. ME never had a chance to get interview.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-25 18:47 回覆:

美国:纽约殴打华裔老翁致死案嫌犯认罪 获刑半年

--why the victim family agreed 嫌犯认罪 获刑半年 because afraid usa court declaring 嫌犯 self defence then run away his crime.  平等 is highly demand in usa because it is very lack of 平等 country.

2017/05/25 17:34

假新闻传纽约华埠卖狗肉 华裔社区反击:闻所未闻

--假新闻 came from 世界新闻日报 which continue attacking chinese restaurants many times in usa for years, no wonder not many chinese support Hilary in usa.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-25 17:39 回覆:

世界新闻日报 thought it was 1980s can random say say to get usa master supporting. more and more chinese immigrations finally can beat up full mouth liars 世界新闻日报.

however I hope Trump can change usa a bit allow  新闻日报 from china has the same opportunity built in usa. the only can help usa do things right is reporters from china, they don't lie because political related but tell you the truth, only the truth can help you usa do jobs right.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-25 17:51 回覆:

台湾警方逮捕13名电信诈骗犯 假冒公安诈骗...台湾桥头地检署指挥高雄市政府警察局刑事警察大队、保安警察大队、三民第一分局等单位成立项目小组,破获诈骗集团电信机房,假冒大陆公安、检察官手法,跨海诈骗诈取大陆人民财物,带回以潘姓男子为首13名诈欺犯,加重诈欺取财罪侦办。...初估每月不法获利达新台币400万元,实际被害人数、受骗金额及其他共犯,项目小组正扩大清查中。

--Aaaa finally 桥头地检署 "ordered" 高雄警察局 do their jobs, 400万元? it is a small case, any caught by foreigh countries and china far much more. hope 桥头地检署 clean out taiwan  notorious 诈欺犯 or the whole world dump taiwan faster than you can imagine. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-27 09:01 回覆:


--Again, world journal continue black china and spread rumours.  taiwan has no guts to admit that 李明哲 is spy but crying baby as usual. I don't think smart Trump would have patience listen to taiwan's noncence.

2017/05/20 21:15

「總統級」利空來襲 全球股民見他們就想下車, really?

--the writer forgot our 黑心蔡英文, not mention 日本首相夫人安倍昭惠出任名誉校长的右翼教育团体“森友学园”不当取得土地的丑闻日渐平息。17日,日本在野党再度揭发,首相安倍利用其影响力为朋友经营的大学谋取私利,并且安倍夫人昭惠也在这个朋友经营的幼儿园出任名誉校长.
except 朴槿惠 the others so far didn't show enough evidence yet especially Trump.
And even if Trump has relation with Russia, didn't Hilary already take Russia's money? did usa ever forbid before?
the only difference is taiwan 黑心蔡英文,日本安倍 both under their countries medias "protection", so they can finish their terms without step down.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-20 21:21 回覆:
usa markets already declared not going impacted by usa medias so already went up. mine even us$3000+ higher than 4/29/2017(last time I review our investments, I don't look frequently, that day because try merge into one place not in that and this different companies).
such created by usa medias americans are used to. no one in panic except brokers are happy so can sell/buy frequently to earn the money.

2017/05/20 20:14


--from what I read the news, still prove what I said Trump is very honest, and nothing wrong about it.
in fact most americans would agree Trump. most countries in the world agree with that especially those pity countries.
what Trump suffered exactly the others, and other countries been thru.
wish soon Trump can help middle-low income americans 解除巨大壓力 from medical expenses. indeed not only 柯米 but doctors, insurance/medicines companies all are 瘋了,真是瘋子!!

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-20 23:03 回覆:
--that is the best 美國情報官員 can get to prove Russia controlled usa election? why not point out 俄國官員 name? any country in usa's black list all wish have a chance 建立良好關係 with usa because no country wants to be invaded by usa's bloody endless wars. So nothing wrong about it.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-20 23:04 回覆:
the usa only one can do jobs right if he can smoothly go thru Hilary's malicious attacking which she didn't know she already done anything accused Trump.
I advice the whole world people if you still remember Bush's bloody wars caused the diaster then you should try support Trump. if he can't but step down then endless bloody wars in fron of you soon.

2017/05/11 06:12

美媒:特朗普正考虑增兵阿富汗 ...3000-5000 美兵, 2014 stopped(13 years in 阿富汗 war)
2017 started again.

Aaaa Trump didn't know 美媒 in the past didn't tell the truth, even Trump himself suffered, so why 增兵阿富汗 again? if it were not frequently 美媒 spread rumours, it won't create so many terrorists. Honest, Fair and Jstice is the best way to terminate usa enemies-so-called.

why 特朗普无法阻止美就业岗位流失 because 流向印度的岗位最多, not china. in the past one side abused china because 美媒 didn't tell the truth. today chinese in the world including in usa been robbed/killed also caused by  美媒 didn't tell the truth but spoils 印度 and others.

that's why 特朗普无法阻止美就业岗位流失. 增兵阿富汗 won't solve the problems either.

2017/05/06 14:30

汽车等进口增长 美国对日贸易逆差升至近9年高位 ...



--in usa we bought Hundai and subaru. before my husbad bought usa cars, however suffered this and that fee charges. so we bought 10 years warantee hundai in 2001. then due to deeply snow falling so we bought subaru in 2009 as city reduced street snow shoveling... the poor quality snow shoveing then I got car accicedent due to black ice.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-25 18:26 回覆:
驻日美军基地搬迁工程启动满月 日民众静坐抗议 ..日本政府在美军普天间机场(位于冲绳县宜野湾市)搬迁目的地名护市边野古沿岸启动填埋工程到已满1个月。日本冲绳县知事翁长雄志正在设法让工程停工,但因难以找到能证明其违法的有力依据,且缺乏有望起到决定性效果的手段,目前仍然是束手无策。




--usa master still didn't get it can force/allure japan/Jorean rotten politicians but can't buy their people support any kind of usa bloody wars especially built a war site in their hometown, not mention polluted their lands and/or destroy their beautiful view.

2017/05/06 14:19

美國海軍時報(Navy Times)4日引用海軍犯罪調查機構(Naval Criminal Investigative Service, NCIS)調查指出,林介良與一位已退休的台灣官員之間的交流並未涉及任何機密;此外,林介良也沒有以性服務交換給中國的機密情報,反而有更明確的證據顯示林介良至少曾有一段時間是為美國從事間諜行為。

--same as the female married to IS member and she was also performed 為美國從事間諜行為. usa caught itself 間諜s.

2017/05/06 14:17
--the truth is 美媒 too strong political behind that's why 民調 are failed.
民調對沒有大學文憑的選民調查得不夠? they only pick the certain group to support their opinions not people's opinion. taiwan 民調 is the worst that's why taiwan people born more and more idots. Taiwan is succeeded 愚民. indeed low and 3rd class do support 柯林頓 but not top 2 classes.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-05-10 07:03 回覆:

usa Trump recently announce to force banks and investment separately. the reason is before Clinton it was separately then Clinton allowed. why Trump wants the old way? because when economic recession banks suffered theirself investment huge loss, some big banks like bank of amercia too big can't shut down. in the end all americans suffered almost 0% interest rate for many years even today still 0.01%. (chase bank),

Did Cinton do the right thing? unless himself is not war-lover or he is the one should blame for what's happened. when we just talked to the bank's investment guy he denied it's banks fault however he supported Clinton's so he and others get the jobs in banks.

in the earlier and today I point out the weak points and some bad things happened to us before, my conlusion is if you want to invest then go to investent companies such as fidelity, if you want secure interests then go to banks. they do the profession jobs.

when I told the guy what I saw their websites coparing fidelity, fidelirt software is better and friendly while the bank's is slow and less friendly functions. he declared their software is upgrate this month. we wait to see.

2017/05/04 18:41

usa also dump the phone service jobs to  印度人, most time we lost patience because very difficult understand what they are talking about with   印度 accent.

Last time I got a phone call declaring it was covered by insurance 100%, as I fell down. And I told him I already got one(support my back) that I tried to return because too hard and not my size caused very unconfortable and painful. the doctor office refused it.

He insist it is a new version... I hanged off.

months later I got a bill, I called back and told the person I didn't agree and never recieve the product.

months later I got mail showing I had medicare insurance which I didn't. but too exhausted to dispute. I wonder usa became poorer because of that, and only  印度人 jave the chance to steal usa government informations.

Trump recently declared if can't catch who control usa election then could be china or others. my advice for Trump china didn't do it, very likely it is usa itself and it's dogs especially  印度, British.

2017/05/04 18:17

in the past 美媒 always accused china. it must be Trump telling the truth in public so  美媒 are encouraged to be honest. 印度人 in usa is the most rich, in the past  美媒 always attacked chinese in usa, so the robbers/killers target at chinese. 

印度人  are very shrewd, we hardly can find the white doctors but most are  印度人.

most gas stations also are  印度人.  印度人 also run computer-related business and made huge profits because usa government help them especially immigration dept.

however very  shrewd 印度人 won't work hard to solve their software bugs, that's why usa is a mess everywhere.  印度人 definitely work 20% to get 80% profits, they won't spend time to solve bugs which requires 80% effort to get 20% profits.

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