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2014/07/17 10:15:25瀏覽1983|回應0|推薦0 | |
I am a father that 1997 Knowing Jesus, August 10, 2003 be baptized ,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/17448108 我投資移民加拿大七年後,卻發生家人及我的家產都消失了,至今17年多,目前都在加拿大發現了,我非常希望再回到加拿大家庭居住生活.
主內許登昭(Derek Hsu)敬上Cell#:0886939191134,drk_hsu@yahoo.ca; 1997 Knowing Jesus, August 10, 2003 be baptized , Canadian Immigration (18Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039, CareCard#9134-814-575; Tel:886229132633;Fax:886229132640; FaceBook:alpineatks,SKYPE:alpineatks, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks; E-mail:alpineatks@gmail.com; 台灣住處:新北市新店區(231)百忍街6號2樓ADD:2F.,No.6,BairenSt.,SindianCity,TaipeiCounty 23149,Taiwan 23149,Taiwan I immigrated to Canada after seven years of investment, but it happened to my family and possessions are gone, has more than 17 years, are currently found in Canada, and I very much hope to go back home to live life in Canada.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14540549 I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, the strong request for help!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203 Since June 24, 1997, I have not seen my son and two daughters for 17 years. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14612099 If anyone can tell me that they are living well, I would appreciate it.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14540549
Prevent Child Abuse America- arrest USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14682822
Please help us once again happy reunion will be when appreciate it . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710
I immigrated to Canada after seven years of investment, but it happened to my family and possessions are gone, has more than 17 years, are currently found in Canada, and I very much hope to go back home to live life in Canada. My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu許登昭 ,
birth date: 1956/08/30 , Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance # 729-111- 039, CareCard# 9134-814-575 ;E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com; http : // classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks , I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, the strong request for help!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203
主旨:Mr.Travis MORTON ,I very much hope to return to Canadian families, strong request for help! 我非常希望重回加拿大家庭,請求大力幫忙!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203 Mr.Travis MORTON ,
I invested in 1990 emigrated to Canada 17 years ago was discovered in 1997 millions of homeowners all gone, Canada and Taiwan families have been destroyed and all family members gone missing? http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11033849
Because I do not know English listening, speaking, writing, and Canadian law, can only live in Taiwan. Can I ask you by the end of January last year, to help find my family of three children and the Canadian thing, Will the progress? What would you advise? Request vigorously help.. 我在1990投資移民加拿大後,17年前於1997年發現所有上億家庭財產不見了,加拿大及台灣家庭都被破壞消失且所有家人也失蹤了?
我因不懂英文聽,說,寫,和加拿大法律,只能住在台灣. 請問我去年一月底請求您,協助尋找我三兒女和加拿大家庭事, 請問進度如何? 請問您有何指教?.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11033849 敬盼大力幫忙.
平安喜樂 萬事亨通
alpineatks 主內許登昭(Derek Hsu)敬上Tel:0229132633;Fax:0229132640; Cell#:0939191134,FaceBook:alpineatks,SKYPE:alpineatks,E-mail:alpineatks@gmail.com;
My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu許登昭 ,birth date: 1956/08/30 , Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance # 729-111- 039 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks; 台灣住處:新北市新店區(231)百忍街6號2樓drk_hsu@yahoo.ca; ADD:2F.,No.6,BairenSt.,SindianCity,TaipeiCounty 23149,Taiwan
寄件者:Travis MORTON <travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
收件者: Derek Hsu <drk_hsu@yahoo.ca> 寄件日期: 2014/7/16 (週三) 12:34 AM 主旨: Mr.HSU Pl;ease contact me at 604-294-7755 Ext 5167
Cst. Travis MORTON
General Duty
A Watch
Burnaby RCMP
Office 604-294-7922
Voice mail 604-294-7755 ext 5167
My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998 . And my family with all the properties listed below was all gone , I ( Teng - Chao Hsu ) have been trying so hard to look for but all in vain . Herewith , I would be so desperate to ask for your great help on my hopeless searching job , and your kindness on this point will be highly appreciated .
*1st daughter ---Denise Hsu 許鈞媛Born in 29 Jan .1990 ,Vancouver birth registration #90-09-000545 Canadian passport #Mb450571,Taiwan ID # F227369355 *1st son ---Derrick Hsu 許鈞堤Born in 29 Jan .1990 ,Vancouver birth registration #90-09-000546 Canadian passport # Mb450572 ,Taiwan ID # F127710467 *2nd daughter ---Angela Hsu許家慈Born in 24 Feb .1992 , birth registration #B93581-041 , Taiwan ID#A226540566 *Wife ---Ming- Hua Chiang,(a.k.a. Angel Chiang) 江明樺Born in 25 Oct.1951 inTaipei ,Taiwan , Taiwan passport #M2250191Taiwan ID#F20055908 Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance# 729-111-005 Wife's1st son--Su- ming Chang , (a.k.a. Paul Chang) 張書銘(現改張博欽) Born in 16 Jun . 1972 in Taipei ,Taiwan, Taiwan ID#F121503753, Canadian passport#VN206759 1997 SFU畢業 . (Multiple Realty Paul Chang, E-mail:popo_85061@yahoo.com , Tel:00217788895306) CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang is wanted abduction of childrenhttp://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067 Wife's2nd son--Yung-hsiang Chang ,(a.k.a. Cark Chang) 張雲翔Born in 18 May.1974 inTaipei ,Taiwan , Taiwan ID #F123392043,Canadian passport # VN206760, 1997 UBC畢業 . (http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm) USA-new-jersey/ Clark - Chang is wanted abduction of children http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607 The first 4 persons mentioned above ( W/*as marked ) were losing contact from the day ( 24Jun.1997 ) they left for Vancouver from Taipei till now .I have tried all the possible ways to reach them from Taiwan and even went to Vancouver between 1999/8/5 and 1999/8/20 , but found nothing but hopelessness . DEREK HSU E-mail: drk_hsu@yahoo.ca ; My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu許登昭 ,birth date: 1956/08/30 , Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance # 729-111- 039 , , CareCard# 9134-814-575 ;http : // classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks , E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com ; Sincerely Lord許登昭(DEREK HSU).Cell#: 0939 - 191- 134台灣新北市23149百忍街六號二樓Add:2F., No.6, Bairen St., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.);Tel: 02-2913-2633 ; Fax: 02-2913-2640; winnie@winniechung.com 加拿大鍾太太仲介預做有假見證的空白授權達成交易http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13187031 CANADA家產被盜賣及國際綁架幼兒罪證已於17JAN2013送交Burnaby RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON處請求查辦中http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853 4616 Halley Avenue Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1產權登記資料(證1, 證2).http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10928254
My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998 . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755
Vancouver, Canada, Multiple Realty Paul Chang Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687
Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang is wanted abduction of children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067
Request immediately arrest- USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted abduction of children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607
祈盼貴惠助我們已分離十六年多現在 CANADIAN 溫哥華已被洗腦的三位親生兒女能儘快清醒,再歡喜團聚、尋根祭祖,當感激不盡. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10360588
我現請託您恊助多多散播尋找我兒女的信息,目的在保護我兒女安全,盼避免來自她們同母異父綁匪兄弟因奪產的種種迫害,更祈盼已分離十六年多現在 CANADIAN 溫哥華已被洗腦的三位親生兒女能儘快清醒,父子女們再歡喜團聚http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12310611
Please try to help spread the separation I was looking for more than sixteen years, is known as the information hidden in Vancouver abducted three biological children (To My dearest son( Derrick )and daughters( Denise & Angela ), http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12356256
Please help us to vigorously assist and now his son and two daughters in Vancouver they have been separated from my sixteen years, and three children of their own who has been brainwashed, hoping that they will change their mind as soon as possible so that I can be the father and son and two daughters, we once again close to the heart, happy reunion will be when appreciate it. Sincerely Lord許登昭(DEREK HSU). http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710
I have immigrated to Canada, 16 years ago my family and property were lost in Canada.我因為投資移民加拿大後,16年前所有上億家庭財產不見了,加拿大及台灣家庭都被破壞消失了http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11033849,
妻三兒女等家人全失蹤16年多了 I was later immigrated to Canada 16 years ago, my families and property are gone. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687
您於民國102年11月22日寄給部長的電子郵件,提及要求我國政府協助向加拿大政府取得逃妻江明樺國外官方死亡證明等事,茲答復如下: 一、有關您要求我國政府協助向加拿大政府取得逃妻江明樺國外官方死亡證明、俾利在臺辦理解除婚姻登記,以及張書銘與張雲翔等2人國外行蹤與您3名親生子女現實處境,俾利家人團聚恢復侵權等情,事非本部權責,本部警政署刑事警察局將函轉外交部查復。 二、有關您要求我國政府協助向加拿大政府引渡張書銘、張雲翔等2人回臺受審一事,亦非本部權責,本部警政署刑事警察局將函轉法務部查復。 以上答復,供您參考,若仍有其他意見或不明瞭之處,歡迎隨時來電洽詢,感謝您的來信。 本案聯絡人員敬祝 身體健康.萬事如意 歡迎連結內政部網站填寫滿意度調查問卷 寄件者: CCRTIS
收件者: drk_hsu@yahoo.ca 寄件日期: 2014/6/23 (週一) 4:37 PM 主旨: RCMP Web Comment (Message Received) Thank you for your interest in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. We will respond to your question as soon as possible but due to the large number of queries that we receive and the complexity of the replies that are necessary, we may not be able to respond immediately. Thank you for your patience. Merci de votre intérêt envers la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. Nous répondrons à votre question dès que possible, mais en raison du nombre élevé de demandes d'information que nous recevons et de la diversité des réponses qu'elles nécessitent, il se pourrait que nous ne puissons vous répondre immédiatement. Merci de votre patience. 挾持我三兒女逃匿主謀加拿大溫哥華萬寶地產國際幼童綁架罪通緝犯Paul Chang 張書銘博欽偽見證及偽造文書資料 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10030161
Clark Y.H. Chang (http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm) 現居美國紐澤西州,甚盼詢求協助促成父子女四人面敘團圓,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10029399
國際綁架罪犯張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm) 現居美國紐澤西州,甚盼詢求協助促成父子女四人面敘團圓, http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10636485
1997年萬寶地產Paul Chang 和張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang都已加拿大大學畢業成年人,應像男子漢要對自己的行爲負責了,http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10656096
2014/02/27 02:22請求政府有關單位惠協助向加拿大政府取得偷賣全部家產得逞夥略誘3幼兒出國逃妻江明樺通緝犯國外官方死亡證明http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11382355
CANADIAN Possessions stolen and sold internationally abducted children evidence was submitted to Burnaby RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton @ rcmp-grc.gc.ca) investigating at the request of 17JAN2013http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853
Request screenwriter, director, reporter great help, and my past experience in the future should the story twists and turns is a wonderful material.[請求編導記者大力幫忙-我的經歷在過去及未來應都是一個精彩曲折的故事素材]http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14628186
您於民國102年11月22日寄給部長的電子郵件,提及要求我國政府協助向加拿大政府取得逃妻江明樺國外官方死亡證明等事,茲答復如下: 一、有關您要求我國政府協助向加拿大政府取得逃妻江明樺國外官方死亡證明、俾利在臺辦理解除婚姻登記,以及張書銘與張雲翔等2人國外行蹤與您3名親生子女現實處境,俾利家人團聚恢復侵權等情,事非本部權責,本部警政署刑事警察局將函轉外交部查復。 二、有關您要求我國政府協助向加拿大政府引渡張書銘、張雲翔等2人回臺受審一事,亦非本部權責,本部警政署刑事警察局將函轉法務部查復。 以上答復,供您參考,若仍有其他意見或不明瞭之處,歡迎隨時來電洽詢,感謝您的來信。 本案聯絡人員敬祝 身體健康.萬事如意 歡迎連結內政部網站填寫滿意度調查問卷 投資移民加拿大七年後,17年前卻發生家人及家產全消失了,他們又在加拿大出現了,我非常想要回到加拿大家庭居住.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203
winnie@winniechung.com 加拿大鍾太太仲介預做有假見證的空白授權達成交易http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13187031
Since June 24, 1997, I have not seen my son and two daughters for 17 years. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14612099
If anyone can tell me that they are living well, I would appreciate it.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14540549
Prevent Child Abuse America- arrest USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14682822
Please help us once again happy reunion will be when appreciate it . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710
I immigrated to Canada after seven years of investment, but it happened to my family and possessions are gone, has more than 17 years, are currently found in Canada, and I very much hope to go back home to live life in Canada.
I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, the strong request for help!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203
我是17年來的一直尋找三兒女的父親,現在更擔心三兒女在遭遇拐帶她們的母親Angel Chiang(江明樺Ming-Hua Chiang)去世的打擊後,三兒女現在生活學業工作身心健康境況如何?
I am a father that has been looking for my three children for 17 years, I am worried about the hit of my son and daughters after their mother “Angel Chiang (Jiang Minghua Ming-Hua Chiang)” who even though abduct them from me had died. How are the three children now? How are their living and health situation etc.?
From:My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu 許登昭 , Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance # 729-111- 039 , CareCard# 9134-814-575 My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1)
alpineatks 主內許登昭(Derek Hsu)敬上,Canadian Immigration (18Dec 1991)Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039,CareCard#9134-814-575;Tel:886229132633;Fax:886229132640;Cell#:0886939191134,FaceBook:alpineatks,SKYPE:alpineatks,E-mail:alpineatks@gmail.com;http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks; 台灣住處:新北市新店區(231)百忍街6號2樓drk_hsu@yahoo.ca; ADD:2F.,No.6,BairenSt.,SindianCity,TaipeiCounty 23149,Taiwan 台灣薛欽峰律師隔一日兩次一同製造偽造我簽名及假見證罪行罪證及未起訴過程http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/17450881
挾持我三兒女逃匿主謀加拿大溫哥華萬寶地產國際幼童綁架罪通緝犯Paul Chang 張書銘博欽偽見證及偽造文書資料 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10030161
國際綁架我三兒女罪犯Clark Y.H. Chang (http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm) 現居美國紐澤西州,甚盼詢求協助促成父子女四人面敘團圓,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10029399 國際綁架罪犯張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm) 現居美國紐澤西州,甚盼詢求協助促成父子女四人面敘團圓, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10636485 1997年萬寶地產Paul Chang 和張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang都已加拿大大學畢業成年人,應像男子漢要對自己的行爲負責了,http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10656096 你們所指自己的父親不像是我,你們不像是我要尋找的許家兒女。許家父子女的事應與您們完全無關的,期勿庸人自擾。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10386206 十六年來陳情政府求援均開始各部會繞來繞去索資料後就不了了之又逢佳節倍思親竭思再祈惠援助父子女歡喜團聚,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10702792 祈盼貴惠助法律援助及與台灣政府申援溝通書面指導,盼助父子女四人已分離十六年多的再歡喜團聚,當感激不盡. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10921407 馬英九總統昨6/16宣示外交部與法務部應繼續努力讓潛逃在外傷害到中華民國國民利益的罪犯都必須回台面對應該的懲罰。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14258377 2014/02/27 02:22請求政府有關單位惠協助向加拿大政府取得偷賣全部家產得逞夥略誘3幼兒出國逃妻江明樺通緝犯國外官方死亡證明http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11382355
CANADIAN Possessions stolen and sold internationally abducted children evidence was submitted to Burnaby RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton @ rcmp-grc.gc.ca) investigating at the request of 17JAN2013http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853 Request screenwriter, director, reporter great help, and my past experience in the future should the story twists and turns is a wonderful material.[請求編導記者大力幫忙-我的經歷在過去及未來應都是一個精彩曲折的故事素材]http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14628186 Since June 24, 1997, I have not seen my son and two daughters for 17 years.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14612099 If anyone can tell me that they are living well, I would appreciate it.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14540549 Prevent Child Abuse America- arrest USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14682822 Please help us once again happy reunion will be when appreciate it . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710 祈盼貴惠助我們已分離17年多現在溫哥華已被洗腦的三位親生兒女能有智慧知黑白儘快回心轉意,父子女四人心相近認祖歸宗,再歡喜團聚,當感激不盡.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10360588 平安喜樂 萬事亨通 1997 Knowing Jesus, August 10, 2003 be baptized , Canadian Immigration (18Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039, CareCard#9134-814-575; Cell#:0886939191134E-mail:alpineatks@gmail.com 17 years ago, I had all the things entrusted to God and rely on God, and are still unable to feel at ease at ease.17年來,我曾將所有事,交託神,倚賴神了,現仍無法安心踏實.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19247963 台灣統一企業高清愿總裁回函及加拿大統一地產經紀鍾太太預做有假見證的空白授權加拿大住家仲介委託書予張書銘-1http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10030161 加拿大統一地產經紀鍾太太預做有假見證的空白授權加拿大住家仲 介委託書予張書銘Paul Chang-2http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10029835 1997年最特殊的母親節禮物--兩繼子國際幼童綁架罪通緝犯 張書銘(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,popo_85061@yahoo.com,Tel:00217788895306),張雲翔於5月夥同母親江明樺違法奪產及犯幼童國際綁架案逃逸至今! http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7552333 蔡麗-國際幼童綁架罪通緝犯張雲翔Clark Chang當時23歲與當時正在交往的女友蔡麗涉誘拐我兒女及盜奪家產事介入甚深http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11057607
國際綁架我三兒女罪犯Clark Y.H. Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,popo_85061@yahoo.com,Tel:00217788895306)國際幼童綁架罪通緝犯現居美國紐澤西州,甚盼詢求協助促成父子女四人面敘團圓,http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10636485 敬盼在溫哥華的基督徒當帶領在溫哥華加欣家庭旅館工作的我3兒女們認識耶穌,相信耶穌,成為神兒女,期17年多未見面的她們身心靈群皆能正常發展,我必銘記在心感激不盡! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/20024894 加欣家庭旅館 - Burnaby, BC - Hotel | Facebook
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