the flying kite 高偉資訊 kuoli 小樹rabenta 寬心 方正平 小禾 曳白 桃園接髮女王AKimi 女神製造機 伊頓自助婚紗
1776年簽署《獨立宣言》時,美國建國先賢班傑明。富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin) 説:「我們必須團結掛在一起,否則,將全被吊死,一個一個。」
什麼叫做 手藝 + 幽默感 ~
我想, 這就是了!
Up to today, so far so good. No virus, particularly no COVID-19. Thank you, and you? Thought of you and those good old virtual friends, often. It's your fault that you have not seen me a while. I've rooted here.
Not even you can stop me smeshing that Big-trashed-mouth who is not worth of a door mat; oh why not, let us do it together, with you tender hands and sharp pen, will you?
6 feet (182.88cm) apart, please.防疫三部曲: (1) 勤洗手 (2) 戴口罩 (3) 保持社交距離。 ............... 182.88cm ...............
Hello NS, Havn't seen you for quite some times. 一切可好? Don't even get me started on the Failure of Trump administration on the cononavirus pandemic thing. What a jerk and a joke.