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Cummings Guides導讀Writing Style (Michael J. Cummings)
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這是 Cummings Guides 的導讀 : 

The Free Cummings Study Guides Are Maintained as a Public Service by Michael J. Cummings 
October 2011 
Shakespeare Study Guide (Shake Sphere):.Rated an A+ Shakespeare resource by Web English Teacher, an American Internet site. Recommended in England by the BBC, the British Library, the UK SchoolsNet, TopMarks, Universal Teacher, and the University of Birmingham. This site contains guides for every play and poem Shakespeare wrote, as well as literary works Shakespeare was reported to have written. This site also includes essays, glossaries, quotations, historical background, a complete description and history of the Globe Theatre, and other information related to Shakespeare. 
Edgar Allan Poe Study Guide: A growing collection of study guides that analyze the works of Poe. 
Other Free Cummings Literature Guides: Novels, plays (including Greek drama), poems, essays, glossaries, definitions.

A la recherche du temps perdu 
English Title: 
A Remembrance of Things Past or In Search of Lost Time 
A Novel by Marcel Proust (1871-1922) 
Study Guide

One of Proust's strong points is his ability to capture specific details in vivid language, as in the following passage. (The original French passage follows the English translation of it.) 

At the hour when I usually went downstairs to find out what there was for dinner, its preparation would already have begun, and Francoise, a colonel with all the forces of nature for her subalterns, as in the fairy-tales where giants hire themselves out as scullions, would be stirring the coals, putting the potatoes to steam, and, at the right moment, finishing over the fire those culinary masterpieces which had been first got ready in some of the great array of vessels, triumphs of the potter's craft, which ranged from tubs and boilers and cauldrons and fish kettles down to jars for game, moulds for pastry, and tiny pannikins for cream, and included an entire collection of pots and pans of every shape and size. I would stop by the table, where the kitchen-maid had shelled them, to inspect the platoons of peas, drawn up in ranks and numbered, like little green marbles, ready for a game; but what fascinated me would be the asparagus, tinged with ultramarine and rosy pink which ran from their heads, finely stippled in mauve and azure, through a series of imperceptible changes to their white feet, still stained a little by the soil of their garden-bed: a rainbow-loveliness that was not of this world. I felt that these celestial hues indicated the presence of exquisite creatures who had been pleased to assume vegetable form, who, through the disguise which covered their firm and edible flesh, allowed me to discern in this radiance of earliest dawn, these hinted rainbows, these blue evening shades, that precious quality which I should recognise again when, all night long after a dinner at which I had partaken of them, they played (lyrical and coarse in their jesting as the fairies in Shakespeare) at transforming my humble chamber into a bower of aromatic perfume. (Swann's Way)

A cette heure ou je descendais apprendre le menu, le diner etait deja commence, et Francoise, commandant aux forces de la nature devenues ses aides, comme dans les feeries ou les geants se font engager comme cuisiniers, frappait la houille, donnait a la vapeur des pommes de terre a etuver et faisait finir a point par le feu les chefs-d'œuvre culinaires d'abord prepares dans des recipients de ceramiste qui allaient des grandes cuves, marmites, chaudrons et poissonnieres, aux terrines pour le gibier, moules a patisserie, et petits pots de creme en passant par une collection complete de casserole de toutes dimensions. Je m'arretais a voir sur la table, ou la fille de cuisine venait de les ecosser, les petits pois alignes et nombres comme des billes vertes dans un jeu; mais mon ravissement etait devant les asperges, trempees d'outremer et de rose et dont l'epi, finement pignoche de mauve et d'azur, se degrade insensiblement jusqu'au pied,—encore souille pourtant du sol de leur plant,—par des irisations qui ne sont pas de la terre. Il me semblait que ces nuances celestes trahissaient les delicieuses creatures qui s'etaient amusees a se metamorphoser en legumes et qui, a travers le deguisement de leur chair comestible et ferme, laissaient apercevoir en ces couleurs naissantes d'aurore, en ces ebauches d'arc-en-ciel, en cette extinction de soirs bleus, cette essence precieuse que je reconnaissais encore quand, toute la nuit qui suivait un diner ou j'en avais mange, elles jouaient, dans leurs farces poetiques et grossieres comme une feerie de Shakespeare, a changer mon pot de chambre en un vase de parfum.

.......Following are examples of figures of speech from the above paragraphs.
Alliteration頭韻:  (1) putting the potatoes to steam; (2) still stained a little by the soil 
Hyperbole 誇飾: preparing food with "all the forces of nature" 
Metaphor 比擬(暗喻):  comparison of Francoise to a colonel 
Metaphor 比擬(暗喻):  comparison of the peas to platoons of soldiers 
Metaphor 比擬(暗喻):  comparison of "little creatures" to vegetables 
Simile 直喻: comparison of the peas to "little green marbles"

Alliteration: (1) comme cuisiniers; (2) collection complete de casserole  
Hyperbole: preparing food with "all the forces of nature" (aux forces de la nature) 
Metaphore: comparison of Francoise to a military officer (Francoise, commandant aux forces de la nature)  
Metaphore: comparison of little creatures to vegetables ("Il me semblait que ces nuances celestes trahissaient les delicieuses creatures qui s'etaient amusees a se metamorphoser en legumes.) 
Simile: Comparison of the peas to "little green marbles" (les petits pois alignes et nombres comme des billes vertes dans un jeu)
( 知識學習其他 )
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