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  • 名作家Graham Greene (《黑獄亡魂》、《賭城緣遇》、《愛情的盡頭》和《沈靜的美國人》原著) 稱Proust為 20世紀最偉大小說家
  •  W. Somerset Maugham 追憶似水年華》是已知最偉大小說

追憶似水年華A la recherche du temps perdu 共有7冊, 約3200頁, 英譯The Modern Library's translation 約4300頁, 其中有2000個角色; 最後三冊是由普弟弟Robert於馬賽爾逝世之後整理出版

  • 第一個英譯本   Remembrance of Things Past 

    前六冊是由蘇格蘭作家Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff ( C. K. Scott-Moncrieff )1922~1932翻譯(筆名Stephen Hudson), 書名Remembrance of Things Past  被評為並不是很忠實的翻譯 (not a literal translation of the original French. ) , 尚未譯完便過世了.....

    最後一冊 Le Temps retrouve,一開始在英國版時,由Stephen HudsonSydney Schiff 筆名)譯為Time Regained (1931)"重獲的時光", 美國則是Frederick Blossom譯為 The Past Recaptured (1932)"重現的過往"....

     C. K. Scott-Moncrieff 在1922出版第一冊, 英文不太好的Proust對書名有意見 ~ Proust  在一封信上提過, Remembrance 一字抹去了逝去時光 (Temps perdu) 與再現時光 (Temps retrouve) 的關聯 (Painter, 352).

    書名Remembrance of Things Past 來自莎翁十四行詩第30首(見下, 左欄為詩, 右欄為現代英文)


    When to the sessions of sweet silent thoughtWhen in these sessions of gratifying silent thought
    I summon up remembrance of things past,I think of the past,
    I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,I lament my failure to achieve all that I wanted,
    And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste:And I sorrowfully remember that I wasted the best years of my life:
    Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,Then I can cry, although I am not used to crying,
    For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,For dear friends now hid in death's unending night,
    And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe,And cry again over woes that were long since healed,
    And moan the expense of many a vanish'd sight:And lament the loss of many things that I have seen and loved:
    Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,Then can I grieve over past griefs again,
    And heavily from woe to woe tell o'erAnd sadly repeat (to myself) my woes
    The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan,The sorrowful account of griefs already grieved for,
    Which I new pay as if not paid before.Which (the account) I repay as if I had not paid before.
    But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,But if I think of you while I am in this state of sadness, dear friend,
    All losses are restored and sorrows end.All my losses are compensated for and my sorrow ends

    • Stephen Hudson
    後1981Terence Kilmartin 修訂 Scott Moncrieff 版本採用1954 的法文版; 1992再由D.J Enright 修訂採用最新最有權威之法文版 (1987–89)......書名改為In Search of Lost Time, , 由 Modern Library1992 出版

    le14nov 補充說明:目前最新的英譯本應該是企鵝出版社在1995年計畫而分別由6位學者專家根據 Jean-Yves Tadie 主編的 Pleiade, Gallimard, 1978-89 法文版本重新翻譯的 In Search of Lost Time, general editor Christopher Prendergast, 6 volumes (London: The Penguin Press, 2002)


    Malcolm Bowie  Sunday Telegraph 的書評如下:
    'The latest Penguin Proust is a triumph, and will bring this inexhaustible artwork to new audiences throughout the English-speaking world'
    另外也有一個網站專門討論這個英譯本,也把 Penguin 版跟 D.J. Enright's revision 版做了一番比較


    http://www.readingproust.com/The novel according to Penguin
    The Modern Library is a publishing company. It is currently a division of Random House publishers, and it was founded in 1917 by Albert Boni and Horace Liveright. It was bought in 1925 by Bennett Cerf...imprint in 2002. 
    • Allen Lane  企鵝在英國的出版社, 預計剩餘版本2018出版
    1995 企鵝取得版權 [根據最有權威之法文版 (1987–89)] 由Allen Lane 在英國出版

    Swann's Way: In Search of Lost Time, Vol. 1 (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

    In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower: In Search of Lost Time, Vol. 2 (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

    The Guermantes Way: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 3 (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
    • Viking Press  維京出版, 美國的出版公司...後來被企鵝買走
    Viking Press is an American publishing company currently owned by Penguin Books. It was founded in New York City on March 1, 1931 by Harold K. Guinzburg and George S. Oppenheim...The first four (those which under American copyright law are in the public domain) have since been published in the US under the Viking 

    the "Penguin Proust" translations 只在維京出版前四冊, 之後便因1923的出版法, 1923年之前出版的屬  public domain, 其他依美國版權法規定無法再出, The Prisoner, The Fugitive, and Finding Time Again 需待 美國版權法過期(如2019The Prisoner 才會過....)


    Expiration of copyright 版權何時才會消失, 大多國家以創作者逝世50-70年後為限...這些期限近來一直被延長中. 各國版權規定

    美國是出版後95年或創作後120年.....(以短的), 1978年後匿名筆名的也都在保護之列

    1964-1977出版的書~ 出版後95年
    1923-1963出版的書~ 出版後95年(如版權未更新重簽則23年)


  • 法英版本名稱對照
    Vol.French titlesPublishedEnglish titles
    1Du cote de chez Swann1913Swann's Way
    The Way by Swann's
    2A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs1919Within a Budding Grove
    In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
    3Le Cote de Guermantes
    (published in two volumes)
    1920/21The Guermantes Way
    4Sodome et Gomorrhe
    (published in two volumes)
    1921/22Cities of the Plain
    Sodom and Gomorrah
    5La Prisonniere1923The Captive
    The Prisoner
    6La Fugitive
    Albertine disparue
    1925The Fugitive
    The Sweet Cheat Gone
    Albertine Gone
    7Le Temps retrouve1927The Past Recaptured
    Time Regained
    Finding Time Again
    Remembrance of Things Past

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