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2005/12/21 03:49:10瀏覽2217|回應3|推薦28 | |
不到一天看了兩回Tom Hanks 在《費城》中對歌劇女神Callas在歌劇《安德烈‧謝尼埃》演唱這段「他們殺了我的母親」的深情詮釋,雖趕時間就是想要再看完此段。 那淚水是來自距離死亡不遠的心靈在尋求答案,也是魂魄沉浸於摯愛藝術的全然釋放。 趕緊把這段歌詞打了一遍,在聖誕前夕 ‧ 歌聲在棕色字處逐漸先在大提琴solo的平靜序奏下因感受到力量而高漲 ‧ 於MAKES OF EARTH A HEAVEN處達到最高潮 ‧ 而後以大調Ah, I AM LOVE….I AM LOVE. 回到平靜 1 ~~~~~~~~~~獻給你們~~~~~~~~~~~~~ La Mamma Morta ( Andrea Chĕnier) by Giordano They killed my mother at the door of my room. She died, she saved me. Then late at night I was staying with Bersi when, all of a sudden, a light flash flickers and lights, before my steps, the dark path. I looked….the place that cradled me was burning. So I was alone…..and around me nothingness ! Hunger and poverty, need , danger, I feel ill. And good pure Bersi, sold her beauty, bargained it away for me. I bring misfortune to those who love me. It was during that sorrow, that love came to me. A voice filled with harmony and said: (大提琴獨奏) 那聲音充滿和諧地說: ”live still, I am life! 「繼續活下去吧!我即是生命! The heaven is in my eyes! 我眼中即是天堂! Thou art not alone! 你並不孤單! I gather thy tears! 我承接你的淚水! I walk alone my path and sustain thee!自我道路獨行而來為你支柱! Smile and hope! I AM LOVE! 微笑並抱持希望!我是愛! Is everything around thee blood and m ud?你周遭是否滿佈血與泥? I AM DEVINE! 我是神聖的! I AM THE GOD 我是神! that decends to the heaven from earth 下凡自天堂至來人間 and MAKES OF EARTH A HEAVEN….. 來將人間變為天堂 Ah, I AM LOVE….I AM LOVE.” 啊,我是愛…. 我是愛」
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |