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◎Ave Maria (Schubert) (w/lyics)~Jessye Norman;Pavarotti; Domingo&Michael Bolton
2011/08/01 20:09:38瀏覽535|回應0|推薦0
舒伯特生活困苦的1825年28歲, 寫下「聖母頌」。原詩是蘇格蘭大文豪Scott的著名長詩「湖上美人」The Lady of the Lake 中的一段詩的德文譯本.....並非彌撒使用的聖母頌禱詞

The setbacks of previous years were compensated for by the prosperity and happiness of 1825. Publication had been moving more rapidly; the stress of poverty was for a time lightened; and in the summer he had a pleasant holiday in Upper Austria, where he was welcomed with enthusiasm.

It was during this tour that he produced his "Songs from Sir Walter Scott". This cycle contains Ellens dritter Gesang (D. 839), a setting of Adam Storck's German translation of Scott's hymn from The Lady of the Lake, which is widely, though mistakenly, referred to as "Schubert's Ave Maria". It opens with the greeting Ave Maria, which recurs in the refrain; the entire Scott/Storck text in Schubert's song is frequently substituted with the complete Latin text of the traditional Ave Maria prayer.

In 1825, Schubert also wrote the Piano Sonata in A minor (Op. 42, D. 845), and began the "Great" C major Symphony (Symphony No. 9, D. 944), which was completed the following year.

~ Jessye Norman

Storck's translation - 

( Schubert's Ave Maria
lyrics )

Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild,

Erhore einer Jungfrau Flehen,

Aus diesem Felsen starr und wild

Soll mein Gebet zu dir hinwehen.

Wir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgen,

Ob Menschen noch so grausam sind.

O Jungfrau, sieh der Jungfrau Sorgen,

O Mutter, hor ein bittend Kind!

Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! Unbefleckt!

Wenn wir auf diesen Fels hinsinken

Zum Schlaf, und uns dein Schutz bedeckt

Wird weich der harte Fels uns dunken.

Du lachelst, Rosendufte wehen

In dieser dumpfen Felsenkluft,

O Mutter, hore Kindes Flehen,

O Jungfrau, eine Jungfrau ruft!

Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! Reine Magd!

Der Erde und der Luft Damonen,

Von deines Auges Huld verjagt,

Sie konnen hier nicht bei uns wohnen,

Wir woll'n uns still dem Schicksal beugen,

Da uns dein heil'ger Trost anweht;

Der Jungfrau wolle hold dich neigen,

Dem Kind, das fur den Vater fleht.

Ave Maria!

Walter Scott's

from "The Lady
of the Lake"

! maiden mild!

Listen to a maiden's prayer!

Thou canst hear though from the wild,

Thou canst save amid

Safe may we sleep beneath thy care,

Though banish'd, outcast and reviled -

Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;

Mother, hear a suppliant child!

Ave Maria!

! undefiled!

The flinty couch we now must share

Shall seem this down of eider piled,

If thy protection hover there.

The murky cavern's heavy air

Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled;

Then, Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;

Mother, list a suppliant child!

Ave Maria!

! stainless styled!

Foul demons of the earth and air,

From this their wonted haunt exiled,

Shall flee before thy presence fair.

We bow us to our lot of care,

Beneath thy guidance reconciled;

Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer,

And for a father hear a child!

Ave Maria!

Luciano Pavarotti - Ave Maria

Pavarotti - Ave Maria 1978  完美極致版  http://youtu.be/ojeLyPo_Wz4

Placido Domingo & Michael Bolton sing Ave Maria


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