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East(China) vs West (US)
2009/11/17 07:43:44瀏覽740|回應0|推薦9

I grew up in Taiwan and lived there for 25 years. I studied two graduate degrees in US and have lived here for more than 32 years.  Recently a professor criticized the NTU students.  I happened to graduate from the school.  So I like to share the US living experience with my reader.

East (Taiwan)                                   West (US)
Confucianism                                    Capitalism
Salary is open                                   Salary is private
Indivisualism is rare                           Indivisualism is encourged
human nature is good                       human nature is bad (christianity).
Class discussion is rare                      Class discussion is encourged
Red tape                                           Less bureaucracy
People oriented society                      Law-abiding society.
No personal boundary                        Has personal boundary
Civilian can not own a gun.                Gun ownship is allowed.
Local media                                       International media
Crowded population                           Has space for immigrant
English is 2nd language                      English is official language
Traffic is horrible                                Traffic is OK
Government is corrupted                    Government is less corrupted
President power is unlimited               It is limited by the Congress.
Don't understand human right and law Respect human right and law.
Racism is rare                                    Has racism problem.
Political figures are their hero              Parents are their hero.
China lost the Korean War                  China almost won the War.
Communism is evil                             Communism is idealistic
Russia held small Chiang as hostage    He was sent to Russia to learn.

Before old Chiang became the pricipal of military school, Dr. Sun sent him to Russia for three months traning ( he was worshipped as an anti Comminism hero?).  These are the items I currently can come up with.  I will add more items later when I can think of them.

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