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2021/06/02 22:00:39瀏覽387|回應0|推薦0 | |
耶穌要我殺死自已的孩子 "就像耶穌讓拉撒路復活一樣,我把嬰兒扔在石頭上......。" 這是一位被指控謀殺其8個月大兒子的21歲母親的話。 珍妮弗-西索夫斯基(Jennifer Cisowski)的陳述,以及檢察官的陳述和本周公佈的法庭檔,講述了一個全程參照聖經、擔心被惡魔附身和請求驅魔,最後以死亡告終的早晨。 週二上午,在馬丁縣克蘭河的一棟價值50萬美元的房子裡發生的事情被調查官員描述為 "太荒謬了",他們正在努力查明嬰兒吉迪恩(Gideon Fusscas)的遭遇。 週四,嬰兒的母親珍妮弗坐在馬丁縣的監獄裡,她沒被保釋,且被指控犯有謀殺和嚴重虐待兒童罪。她垂頭喪氣,雙手緊握,在首次出庭前一天沉默不語。 馬丁縣警長辦公室已確認該嬰兒死于頭部重傷。驗屍顯示,沒有跡象表明嬰兒以前曾被虐待過。 州檢察官和法庭檔案講述了更多的故事。 大約一周前,珍妮弗; 嬰兒的父親,29歲的克里斯多夫·福斯卡(Christopher Fusscas)和孩子,從他們位於康涅狄格州瑪律堡的家中出發,前往棕櫚城探望親屬。在門禁森嚴的馬丁唐斯社區的一個分區裡,他們住在福斯卡的父親小彼得-福斯卡的家裡。 老福斯卡與珍妮佛的母親蘇珊-霍華德同住一起。這對老夫婦不在城裏,照看這個家的是珍妮佛的姐妹17歲的塔比莎-西索夫斯基,。 塔比莎告訴調查人員,在嬰兒死亡的前幾天,珍妮弗和福斯卡對他們唯一的孩子是 "完全正常寵愛"。 但週二淩晨2點發生了一些事情:珍妮佛和老公福斯卡在半夜裡醒來開始談論他們基督教的信仰,以及她相信耶穌對她說話。 "基本上在某個時間點上,她變得相信他的[父親]被一些惡靈所佔,並希望塔比莎能驅除惡魔,"檢察官湯姆-巴克達爾說。"她相信只有她的姐妹才能為他驅除惡魔"。 根據法庭檔,珍妮佛告訴調查人員,一個來自聖靈的聲音告訴她要殺死嬰兒,作為對信仰的真誠考驗(如舊約聖經的亞伯拉罕要活祭自已的長子)。她說,她知道殺死嬰兒是不對的,但那個 "聖靈 的聲音向她保證,嬰兒會死裡復活,"檔案說。"就像耶穌讓已死亡的拉撒路復活一樣,我把嬰兒扔到水池邊的石頭上,"她告訴調查人員。 "據稱聖靈告訴她,把她的孩子扔到地上,他就會被治好, "警探巴克達爾說(Bakkedahl)說。"她認為那是耶穌上帝在對她說話。" "起初孩子哭了,但後來就無聲息了,"珍妮佛告訴警探。 巴克達爾說,與此同時,孩子的父親和塔比莎-在房子的另一個地方,顯然沒有意識到外面發生的事情。塔比莎告訴檢察官,福斯卡 "在房子周圍徘徊。他在屋外徘徊,處於僵屍無神狀態,"巴克達爾說。 福斯卡本人後來說他當時受到了酒精的影響。但是,巴克達爾說:"根據我們掌握的資訊,其他兩個成年人在致命傷害發生時都不在場。" 珍妮佛告訴調查人員,她抱著吉迪恩回到家裡,上了一層樓梯,在那裡她把嬰兒放在地板上。這就是塔比莎第一次報告看到嬰兒處於困境的地方。 但隨後,在檢察官無法解釋的行為中,"她說,塔比莎,你必須看到這個,然後她把嬰兒扔到樓梯下,"助理州檢察官鮑勃-貝蘭格週三說。 檢察官說,當時接近淩晨4點30分,福斯卡斯顯然 "才驚醒過來,並撥打911。該電話的錄音帶顯示,一位嬰兒的父親悄悄地懇求救援人員迅速趕來。 但是,當警方人員在8分鐘後到達前門時,沒有人回應。他們繞到房後,然後通過一扇滑動玻璃門進入屋內,他們發現這三個成年人蜷縮在一起。 警員們立即將三個成年人分開,並試圖喚醒躺在地板上一動也不動的嬰孩,但未獲成功。嬰兒吉迪恩在淩晨4點48分被宣告死亡。 根據警方報告,"沒有其他人做了什麼,"珍妮佛告訴警探。"我應該死。我謀殺了孩子。" 福斯卡被帶到一輛巡邏車上,一名副警長聽到他重複了幾次。"我的生活已經結束了。我不相信她會這樣做。我不能相信珍妮佛把嬰兒扔到樓梯下"。 然而,福斯卡計畫繼續留在該地 "支援珍妮佛,因為 "他愛她",他的律師沃森(Bob Watson)週四說。 。"這位年輕女子脫離現實,""就是這樣。它受宗教妄想毒害。沒有任何嬰兒應被犧牲。除了這個女人聽到了聲音,而除這聲音命令她外,沒有其他任何東西。" 但是,在即將到來的法律訴訟中,珍妮佛的精神狀態能否發揮什麼作用還有待觀察。 一般來說,基於精神錯亂的法律定義的刑事辯護是 "非常罕見的事情",馬丁縣助理州檢察官鮑勃-貝蘭格說。雖然他說他不能猜測在珍妮佛的案件中會發生什麼,但他說:"一般來說,人們認為精神錯亂的辯護只有不到1%的案件有效(即不被判刑)。"
The Hartford Courant對本報告有貢獻。 MOM: GOD TOLD ME TO KILL MY BABY Gabriel Margasak The Stuart NewsThe Hartford Courant contributed to this reportSOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL
"Just like Jesus raised Lazarus, I threw the baby on the stones ... Those were the words of a 21-year-old mother charged with murdering her 8-month-old son. Jennifer Cisowskis statements, along with prosecutors statements and court documents released this week, tell the story of a morning fraught with biblical references, feared demonic possession and pleas for exorcism that ended in death.
What happened Tuesday morning inside a half-million-dollar home in Martin Countys Crane Creek was described as "too bizarre" by investigators working to find out what happened to infant Gideon Fusscas.
His mother sat in the Martin County jail without bail on Thursday, charged with murder and aggravated child abuse. With head hung and hands clasped, she was silent at her first court appearance the day before.
The Martin County Sheriffs Office has confirmed the baby died from head injuries. An autopsy showed there were no signs the baby had been previously abused.
State prosecutors and court documents tell more of the story:
It was about a week ago that Cisowski; the babys father, Christopher Fusscas, 29; and the child traveled from their home in Marlborough, Conn., to visit relatives in Palm City. At a sprawling house in a subdivision of the gated and exclusive Martin Downs community, they stayed at the home of J. Peter Fusscas Jr., Christopher Fusscas father.
The elder Fusscas shares the home with Susan Howard, Jennifer Cisowskis mother. The elder couple was out of town, but tending the home was Tabitha Cisowski, 17, Jennifers sister.
In the days before the babys death, Tabitha told investigators, Jennifer and Christopher were "completely normal and doting parents" to their only child.
But something happened at 2 a.m. Tuesday:Awake in the deepest of night, Jennifer and Christopher began a conversation about faith and how she believed God spoke to her.
"Essentially at some point in time, she becomes convinced that he [the father] is possessed by some demonic spirit and wants Tabitha to exorcise the demons," prosecutor Tom Bakkedahl said. "She believed only her sister could exorcise the demons from him."
Jennifer told investigators a "spirit" voice told her to harm the baby as a test of faith, according to court documents. "She said she knew that it was wrong to harm the baby, but that the spirit voice assured her that the baby would be returned from the dead," the documents state. "Just like Jesus raised Lazarus, I threw the baby on the stones by the pool," she told investigators.
"She is told allegedly by these voices to throw her baby down on the ground and he will be healed," Bakkedahl said. "She was of the opinion it was God speaking to her."
"At first the child cried, but then became silent," Jennifer told detectives.
The babys father and Tabitha Cisowski, meanwhile, were in another part of the house, Bakkedahl said, apparently unaware of what was happening outside. Tabitha Cisowski told prosecutors Christopher Fusscas, "was wandering around the house. He was wandering outside the house in a zombie-like state," Bakkedahl said.
Authorities and Fusscas himself later said he was under the influence of alcohol at the time. But, Bakkedahl said, "Neither of the other two adults, according to information we have, were present when the fatal injures were struck." Jennifer told investigators she carried Gideon back into the home and up a flight of stairs, where she put the baby on the floor. Thats where Tabitha Cisowski first reported seeing the baby in distress.
But then, during an act that prosecutors could not begin to explain, "She said, Tabitha, you have to see this, and then she threw the baby down the stairs," Assistant State Attorney Bob Belanger said on Wednesday.
It was close to 4:30 a.m. when Christopher Fusscas apparently "snapped out" of it and called 911, prosecutors said. Tapes of that call reveal a father quietly pleading with rescuers to come quickly.
But when sheriffs deputies arrived eight minutes later, no one answered the front door. Upon going around the back of the home and then inside through a sliding glass door, they found the three adults huddled together.
Deputies immediately separated the three adults and tried unsuccessfully to revive the child, motionless on the floor upstairs. Gideon Fusscas was pronounced dead at 4:48 a.m.
"No one else did anything," Jennifer told detectives, according to police reports. "I deserve to die. I murdered the baby."
Christopher Fusscas was taken to a patrol car, where a deputy heard him repeat several times: "My life is over. I cant believe she did this. I cant believe Jennifer threw the baby down the stairs."
Fusscas, however, plans to remain in the area to "support" Cisowski because "he loves her," his attorney, Bob Watson, said Thursday.
"The young woman had a break with reality," Watson said. "Thats it. It took the form of religious delusion. There wasnt any baby sacrifice here. There wasnt anything other than this woman heard voices, and this is what the voice told her."
But what role Cisowskis mental state may play in upcoming legal proceedings remains to be seen.
In general, criminal defenses based on the legal definition of insanity are "a very rare thing," Martin County Assistant State Attorney Bob Belanger said. While he said he could not speculate about what will happen in Cisowskis case, he said, "Generally its accepted the insanity defense is only valid in less than 1 percent of the cases."
The Hartford Courant contributed to this report. |
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