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2021/06/27 13:18:20瀏覽444|回應0|推薦0 | |
巴多夫斯基 "上帝要我槍殺父母並分屍" 菲力浦-巴多夫斯基告訴警方,他殺死自己的父母是因為 "上帝要我這麼做的",根據週五上午在普通會議法庭舉行的預審證詞。 這名22歲的Hixson男孩平靜地講述了他用30-30溫徹斯特步槍射殺父母,然後肢解他們。他說:「當我的父親躺在床上時,我先向他開槍」,然後在他的母親尖叫並與他掙斗後,也向她開槍。
在接近尾聲時,他變得很激動,說:"這就是故事。我不是在做夢吧?" 在屍體被發現後的那個晚上,他問警官:"你們不會告訴我的妹妹和弟弟這件事吧?" 19歲的妹妹珍妮佛和24歲的哥哥羅素坐在法庭的前排。 法官鮑勃-穆恩將此案交給大陪審團審理,不設保釋。 查塔努加警官約翰尼-羅傑斯說,12月2日深夜,切特和克莉絲蒂娜-巴多夫斯基的同事擔心他們沒有來上班,也沒有打電話,於是他被叫到大嶺上的6409號福克斯登巷。巴多夫斯基先生是阿爾斯通電力公司的工程師,而巴多夫斯基夫人是紀念醫院的護士。 他說,這對夫婦的兩名同事在河源路附近的高檔住宅向他打招呼。他說,他們告訴他,他們一直無法找到人開門。 這位警官說,一位鄰居提供了一把鑰匙,他和邁克爾-哈特警官在窺視了所有的窗戶並敲了大約兩分鐘後進去了。 他說,兇手菲力浦-巴多夫斯基走到樓梯的一半,說:"嘿,怎麼回事?" 該警官說,巴多夫斯基說他的祖母去世了,那天早上早些時候他帶著父母去了機場。 羅傑斯警官說,他們問是否可以四處看看,巴多夫斯基告訴他們,"去吧"。他說,他們發現樓上的一間臥室門是鎖著的,車庫門也是鎖著的。 他說,巴多夫斯基告訴他們,他的父母把門鎖著,因為他有毒品問題,他們不希望他在房間裡。 該警官說,他向鄰居瞭解情況,並詢問這對夫婦鎖上臥室的門是否不尋常。他說,哈特警官隨後進入臥室,然後下來將巴多夫斯基拘押起來。 羅傑斯警官說,他走到臥室,看到男主人的屍體在床上,旁邊還有一把電鋸。他還說:"我在浴室裡看到了屍體碎片。這是非常可怕的。我們退了出來。" 他說,在看到客廳裡那對兄妹的大幅照片後,他們對房子的其他地方進行了檢查,以尋找其他受害者。 羅傑斯警官說,他隨後進入上鎖的車庫門,發現地板上有一個大的金屬容器。他說那是一個啤酒桶。 警官說,他用手電筒照了照裡面,看看裡面是什麼東西。他說,"那有一個頭"。他說那是巴多夫斯基夫人的頭。 哈特警官說,他在房子裡發現了男主人的手機後,開始懷疑巴多夫斯基關於祖母死亡的說法。他說,他相信如果他離開鎮上,就會帶著這個手機。 他說他還看到巴多夫斯基的下巴附近有一個血點。 他說,同事和鄰居曾告訴他和羅傑斯警官,"你們需要去那個房間裡面看看"。 他說,當他走向臥室時,他聞到了一股像燒焦的馬達的氣味。 哈特警官說,他發現男主人的屍體,臉上蓋著一條毛巾,膝蓋上方有明顯的鋸痕。 他說沒有找到步槍,但他在一把藍色椅子下發現了兩枚廢彈和一些大麻。他說他看到巴多夫斯基在椅子下面放了一些東西。 會議播放了巴多夫斯基向警官所作的陳述的錄音。他先是否認自己參與其中,但從當晚8點41分開始供認不諱。 起初他與警官聊天,告訴他們他的名字裡只有一個 "L"。他有一次說:"這一切都很好。" 當他被賦予Miranda (請律師或沉默)權利時,他說:"我明白。我不是弱智。我不是瘋子。" 在採訪開始時,他說:"你們不會告訴我的家人這一切,是嗎?這有點情緒化"。 他還說,"我不需要一個律師。---- 一個律師"。 當被問及他們是怎麼死的,他說:"說實話,你真的想知道嗎?上帝要我射殺了他們。大約晚上10點45分,我正在讀聖經。上帝命令我這樣做。" 他說他在上廁所時想到了這個問題。他說,"我知道步槍在衣櫃裡"。 巴多夫斯基說他 "本來打算在樓下動手",但他說他的父親早早就睡了。然後他的母親也去睡覺了。他說,他走進臥室,說他需要拿一些布洛芬止痛藥。 他說,"我的心跳得很快。希望破滅了"。 他說,他隨後向他的父親開槍。他說,他又扣動槍機,向他母親開槍,但沒有打中。 他說,他的母親 "從床上跳了起來。她開始大叫。她在叫我父親的名字"。 他說,他的母親開始和他打架,他用槍托打了她。他說她倒下了,然後又爬起來。他說,他隨後向她的頭部開槍。他說他告訴她 "她該睡覺了"。 他說,"我扣動了扳機,腦漿濺到了牆上。" 巴多夫斯基說:"我們沒有希望。他們奪走了我們的希望。他們想讓我們順從,讓他們主宰。基本上他們從未對我好過。" 他說,他鎖上了臥室,給一個女朋友打電話,並把他母親的車開到了她那裡。 巴多夫斯基說,他隨後 "試圖處理掉這些屍體"。 他說,他在啟動電鋸時遇到了困難,但最後還是把它啟動了。他說,他計畫將屍體放入酒桶並燒掉。 他描述了肢解過程,說他害怕鄰居們聽到電鋸的噪音。他說,他停下來看電視並睡了一覺,計畫在早上完成。 他說電鋸鋸子斷了,他試圖用鋼鋸,"但效果不好"。他告訴警官,"我想我的指紋都在這裡。你們拿到那些了嗎?" 他說,他曾計畫讓所有人在幾天內不要外出,他準備在臥室鋪上新地毯並重新粉刷。 他說:"前一天晚上我很生氣,他們對我破口大駡,罵我壞話。他們不在的時候,我請了一些朋友過來,他們的一些東西被毀了。" 在採訪結束時,巴多夫斯基說:"一切都會結束。這就是生活的方式。你贏得了一些,也失去了一些"。 當他起身離開法庭時,他對他的姐姐和哥哥笑了笑。他說:"我愛你們。回頭見。順便說一句,你們都看起來不錯。" Badowski Says Killed Parents Because "God Told Me To" Said He had Conflict With Them The Night Before
Philip Badowski told police he killed his parents because "God told me to," according to testimony at his preliminary hearing in General Sessions Court Friday morning. The 22-year-old Hixson man calmly told of shooting his parents with a 30-30 Winchester rifle, then dismembering them. He said he shot his father first as he lay in bed, then shot his mother after she screamed and struggled with him He became emotional near the end, saying, "Thats the story. Im not dreaming this, am I?" He asked officers on the night after the bodies were discovered, "Youre not going to tell my sister and brother about this, are you?" The sister, 19-year-old Jennifer, and brother, 24-year-old Russell, sat on the front row of the courtroom. Judge Bob Moon bound the case to the Grand Jury on no bond. Chattanooga Police Officer Johnny Rogers said he was called to 6409 Fox Den Lane on Big Ridge late on the morning of Dec. 2 after co-workers of Chet and Christine Badowski became concerned that they had not shown up for work and had not called in. Mr. Badowski was an engineer for Alstom Power, and Mrs. Badowski was a nurse at Memorial Hospital. He said two co-workers of the couple flagged him down at the upscale home off Riverchase Road. He said they told him they had been unable to get anyone to the door.
The officer said a neighbor supplied a key, and he and Officer Michael Hart went inside after peering in all the windows and knocking for about two minutes. He said Philip Badowski came halfway down the stairs and said, "Hey, whats going on?" The officer said Badowski said his grandmother had died, and he had taken his parents to the airport earlier that morning. Officer Rogers said they asked if they could look around, and Badowski told them, "Go ahead." He said they found that a bedroom door was locked upstairs and a garage door was locked. He said Badowski told them his parents kept their door locked because he had a drug problem and they did not want him in the room. The officer said he checked with neighbors and asked if it was unusual for the couple to lock their bedroom door. He said Officer Hart then went into the bedroom, then came down and took Badowski into custody. Officer Rogers said he went up to the bedroom and saw the fathers body on the bed next to a chainsaw. He also said, "I saw body parts in the bathroom. It was very gruesome. We backed out." He said they did a check through the rest of the house to look for other victims after seeing large pictures of the brother and sister in the living room. Officer Rogers said he then got inside the locked garage door and spotted a large metal container in the floor. He said it was a beer keg. The officer said he shined a flashlight inside to see what the object inside was. He said, "It was a head." He said it was the head of Mrs. Badowski. Officer Hart said he became suspicious of Badowskis story about the grandmother dying after spotting the fathers cellphone at the house. He said he believed he would have taken that with him if he had left town. He said he also saw a spot of blood near the jaw of Badowski. He said the co-workers and neighbors had told him and Officer Rogers, "You need to go look inside that room."
He said as he went toward the bedroom he smelled an odor like a burnt motor. Officer Hart told of finding the fathers body with a towel over the face and apparent saw marks above the knee. He said the rifle was not found, but he found two spent shells along with some marijuana under a blue chair. He said he had seen Badowski put something under the chair. A tape was played of the statement made by Badowski to officers. He had first denied his involvement, but gave a confession starting at 8:41 p.m. that night. At first he chatted with the officers, telling them he has only one l in his name. He said at one point, "Its all good." When he was given his Miranda rights, he said, "I understand it. Im not retarded. Im not crazy." At the start of the interview he said, "You guys are not going to tell my family about all this, are you? Its kind of emotional." He also said, "I dont need a lawyer. ---- a lawyer." Asked how they died, he said, "Honestly, you really want to know? I shot em. God told me to. About 10:45 p.m., I was reading the Bible. God told me he needed me to do it." He said he thought about it as he was using the bathroom. He said, "I knew the rifle was in the closet." Badowski said he "was going to do it downstairs," but he said his father went to bed early. Then his mother went to bed. He said he went into the bedroom, saying he needed to get some Advil. He said, "My heart was beating so fast. Hope was lost." He said he then shot his father. He said he cocked the gun and fired at his mother, but missed. He said his mother "jumped up out of bed. She started yelling. She was calling my fathers name." He said his mother started fighting him, and he hit her with the butt of the rifle. He said she fell down, then got back up. He said he then shot her in the head. He said he told her "it was time for her to go to sleep." He said, "I pulled the trigger, and the brains splattered out on the wall." Badowski said, "We had no hope. They took our hope away. They wanted us to be submissive and them be dominating. Basically they were never good to me." He said he locked the bedroom, called a girlfriend, and drove his mothers car over to her place. He said he then returned and "smoked a few joints." Badowski said he then "tried to get away with it. I tried to dispose of the bodies." He said he had trouble starting the chainsaw, but finally got it going. He said he planned to put the body parts in the keg and burn them. He described the mutilation, saying he was fearful neighbors were hearing the noise of the chainsaw. He said he stopped to watch TV and get some sleep and planned to finish in the morning. He said the chainsaw rope finally broke, and he tried to use a hacksaw, "but it didnt work well." He told officers, "I figured my fingerprints were all over the place. Did you guys get those?" He said he had planned to tell everyone to stay away for several days and that he was going to put in new carpet and repaint the bedroom. He said, "I was pretty mad the night before when they were cussing at me and calling me bad names. I had had some friends over while they were away, and some of their stuff got wrecked." At the close of the interview, Badowski said, "Everything comes to an end. Thats the way life is. You win some, and you lose some." He smiled at his sister and brother as he got up to leave the courtroom. He said, "I love you guys. See you around. Yall look good, by the way."
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