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巴斯德的外孫路易斯·巴斯德·瓦萊里-拉多(Maurice Vallery-Radot)。就曾說過,巴斯德僅僅保守從天主教背景中來的唯靈論(按即基督教的招魂術,現代五旬節教派也是其中一種),但從未參加過日常的宗教活動
"His grandson, Louis Pasteur Vallery-Radot, wrote that Pasteur had only kept from his Catholic background a spiritualism without religious practice(...)"

(source: Pasteur Vallery-Radot, Letter to Paul Dupuy, 1939, quoted by Hilaire Cuny, Pasteur et le mystere de la vie, Paris, Seghers, 1963, p. 53–54. Patrice Pinet, Pasteur et la philosophie, Paris, 2005, p. 134–135, quotes analogous assertions of Pasteur Vallery-Radot, with references to Pasteur Vallery-Radot, Pasteur inconnu, p. 232, and Andre George, Pasteur, Paris, 1958, p. 187. According to Maurice Vallery-Radot (Pasteur, 1994, p. 378), the false quotation appeared for the first time in the Semaine religieuse .... du diocese de Versailles, October 6, 1895, p. 153, shortly after the death of Pasteur. as quoted in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Paste... )

巴斯德的女婿弟弟的兒子Maurice Vallery-Radot

"The more I know, the more nearly is my faith that of the Breton peasant. Could I but know all I would have the faith of a Breton peasant's wife".; 但根據巴斯德的外孫莫里斯·瓦萊里-拉多說法,這錯誤的傳言早在巴斯德生前時就出現過。^ In Pasteur's Semaine religieuse .... du diocese de Versailles, October 6, 1895, p. 153.






巴斯德比什麼人都相信實驗科學, 如同他講過:實驗科學在意義上是基本的實證主義者,在這個意義上實驗科學與事物的本質無涉世界的起源或它最終命運。






,只是眼前的討論和發現都是依手上現有的科學資訊去發言(按:他曾說,類推不能當証據Analogy cannot serve as proof,也即一分証據說一分話),Debre描述巴斯德說,他的態度是一個信徒,而不是一個宗教教派,他立論是站在生物學家比站在化學家立場來的多,他是一位講唯靈論的人而不是宗教徒。


路易·巴斯德不否認宗教,但他也不得不說出, 「宗教在科學裏較科學在宗教內更沒地位」


Pasteur also spoke of his doubts regarding the creation of the universe:

    The idea of God is a form of the idea of the Infinite. As long as the mystery of the Infinite weighs on human thought,
temples will be erected for the worship of the Infinite, whether God be called 'Brahma,' 'Allah,' 'Jehovah,' or 'Jesus'; and on the pavement of those temples men will be seen kneeling, prostrate, annihilated, in the thought of the Infinite.
At these supreme moments there is something in the depths of our souls which tells us that the world may be more than a mere continuation of phenomena proper to a mechanical equilibrium brought out of the chaos of the elements through the gradual action of the forces of matter.

Experimental Science: Pasteur's Religion
More than anything Pasteur believed in experimental science. As he said himself, "Experimental science is essentially positivist in the sense that in its conceptions it never concerns itself with the essence of things,

 Pasteur often saw religion as a hinderance to scientific progress. In 1874, presiding over the award ceremony at the College of Arbois, he clearly stated his position:
Pasteur had great respect for the unknown and the infinite, but did not allow himself to become a victim of superstition and fanatical religious explanations.
As his work displays, Pasteur believed that the human mind was capable of making discoveries and clearly identifying causes, even of the unseen or "invisible" world.
And near the end of his life, in his seventy-third year Pasteur spoke of the end of his journey and how it came to him "in an absolute faith in God and Eternity," and with a conviction that the good given us in this world will be continued here-after.
Spontaneous Generation: The Origin of Life

Much has been said regarding the origin of life and I dare not enter into that discussion. Pasteur rarely, if at all, spoke of religion explicitly. He tended to generalize the subject, but with the debate around the theory of spontaneous generation, Pasteur was forced to address it. Pasteur could not deny that he didn't understand the origin of life, but only insisted that life comes from life, not from non-life or simple chemical reactions, as spontaneous generation would suggest. So, Pasteur never negated the possibility of life beginning from divine creation, only that the discussion and discoveries at hand were a matter of science. Debre describes Pasteur by saying that, "his attitude was that of a believer, not of a sectarian," and that Pasteur was, "A biologist more than a chemist, a spiritual more than a religious man, Pasteur was held back only by the lack of more powerful technical means and therefore had to limit himself to identifying germs and explaining their generation

His work in chemistry and microbiology proved that, through applying scientific principles to industry and commercial processes, mankind could rise above disease and poverty.

This ideology in many ways contradicted the Catholic Church, which, meanwhile was teaching the indigenous peoples of the new American colonies that "poverty and suffering are signs of true Christians."

Louis Pasteur did not deny religion, but was compelled to say that, "religion has no more place in science than science has in religion." The role of religion in his mind was clear:

    In each one of us there are two men, the scientist and the man of faith or of doubt. These two spheres are separate, and woe to those who want to make them encroach upon one another in the present state of our knowledge!

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