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Christians Debunk Resurrection of Buddhist Monk in Myanmar

Concerned Christians Growth Ministries(關注基督徒發展部機構)的的主持人Adrian van Leen與關注此事件的人Yenchin以及緬甸四位基督教會領袖,提出了他們調查緬甸和尚的結果,以下是其報告:

復活和尚的故事 與佛陀在地獄http://www.ddbc.org/deadtolive.htm

至少自2000 初以來,網路上電子郵件中一直流傳著一則戲劇性的故事:「死裡復活的和尚:一個在緬甸的和尚重獲新生的奇妙見證!」


顯然它是藉由一個基督教傳教團體,「亞洲少數民族宣教機構」的催化下得到「生機」,目前這團體名叫「亞洲收穫」(Asia Harvest),總部在美國德州。這團體在新加坡有一個網頁。

[請讀亞洲收穫在收到這份報告後的後續聲明。該聲明在本頁末端。 ] (按:這是聯合調查組對炮製「緬甸和尚」的機構亞洲收穫寄送改調查紀實報告時所提的要求,但至今亞洲收穫也沒有任何回應。)



「以下的故事翻譯自一個經歷生命完全改觀之人的錄音見證。這不是一個訪談記錄,也不是一份傳記,而是完全根據這個人自己的談話。當人們聽到這個故 事時,不同的人也作出不同的反應。有一些人得著啟發、鼓舞,有些人抱持懷疑的態度,少數人會嘲笑、奚落,也有一些人認定這是一個精神錯亂的人在胡言亂語, 或者認為這是一個精心設計的騙局,甚至因而心中充滿了盛怒。有些基督徒反對這個故事,僅僅是因為對這個事件極度神奇的敘述,不符合他們薄弱印像中的那位全 能上帝。」



有趣的是,當我們請教AMO/亞洲收穫送我們一份拷貝時(我們之前雖然有,但這份是直接跟他們要的) 我們也請教一些問題:「當初您怎麼得知這故事,您如何檢查其真實性,這故事對於緬甸的基督徒和教會有何效應?對於佛教社會和當地政府又有何效應,而全世界 的基督徒和基督教領袖對這故事又有什麼樣的看法?」


這個故事極富戲劇性,並且令許多人印象深劇,它甚至被一份有名的新加坡基督教雜誌「衝擊」(IMPACT) 報導(六/七月份,四十五頁)。它持續藉由電子郵件的方式流傳。



「緬甸:佛教和尚死裡復活—三百名和尚轉向耶穌。『1998年的時候,一名佛教和尚過逝了。幾天之後,他的火葬正準備舉行時,他的屍體發出的味道 顯示他真的死了!』依據亞洲少數民族宣教機構的報導指出,「我們試著驗證這來自數個來源的報告,並被說服它是真的。」他們寫道。數百名和尚和死者家屬參加 葬禮,而當屍體要被火化時,已死和尚突然站起來大叫『謊言!我看到我們的祖先在一種火中被焚燒虐待。我也看到佛和許多佛教高僧。他們都在火海中! 』『我們必須聽基督徒們說的,』他繼續說道,『他們是唯一知道真相的人! 』

該事件震驚當地,超過三百名和尚成為基督徒並開始研究聖經。復活的人繼續警告大家要相信耶穌,因為他是唯一真神。和尚的錄音帶在緬甸被廣為流傳。 佛教領袖們和政府隨即注意到,並逮捕該和尚。自此後他沒再被見過,恐怕被殺了以消音。現在聽這些錄音帶將視同犯了重罪,因為政府企圖消滅這令人震撼的事 件。 」

2000年十一月十九日星期天,CCG的主持人Adrian van Leen在仰光的一間旅館採訪到「復活的」保羅,在場的還有四名緬甸的基督教領袖。




保羅給了我們他的名字(後來並寫下來,Martura Paul,連同他在仰光市郊一個村中的地址)。他告訴我們(很明白的,並再次確認)他1966年聖誕節,十二月廿五日於仰光出生,而他是在1993年的五 或六月,十九歲時,死在曼德勒Mandalay)!由於矛盾太明顯,這個問題被問了許多次。他在錄音帶中的故事中聲明他是在1958年出生—然而他一再對 我們重申他在1966年出生!他聲明許多次他在1993年中他十九歲時過逝。如果他在1958年出生,十九歲時應該是1977年(當時,依據錄音帶的故 事,保羅才剛成為一名和尚);如果他是在1966年出生,那十九年後應該是1985。這也和他聲稱他1998年過逝有所矛盾,顯然這樣一個聲明是一個謊言 並且不是他原版錄音帶的內容!他堅持他的年齡正確,並且他死在1993年!







當被告知他的錄音帶有許多版本(包括許多緬甸人回憶不同版本/細節) 時,他先說不可能有其他版本的故事因為他只錄了一卷錄音帶。但他承認在緬甸流傳的錄音帶中有一些不同之處—他也做了解釋。他只錄了一卷錄音帶見證然後送去 給人複製。在複製過程中顯然差異和改變發生—他是如此相信!

他聲明(並重申) 他的見證令七千明佛教和尚改信基督教!這很明顯地比IMPACT雜誌和「摘要」及AMO/亞洲收穫所提的三百人多很多。

當被問及是否有可能和任一名(三百或七千) 改教的和尚談話時,保羅說他根本不認識任何一位,或和他們有夠任何溝通!他無法讓我們和任何一名因這故事改信的人聯絡。

他承認在他的葬禮中,以及他戲劇性的「復活」時他父母也在場。當被問起他們是否願意和我們談這件事並確認時,他說他們應該會,但他不知道他父親的 住處,也不確定母親的所在(但他知道他們並未住在一起)。他們不確定的所在和政府或佛教的迫害無關。保羅只是對於他們的住處印象模糊。因此他們無法幫助我 們確認他的任何宣稱。


他告訴我們他沒有參加任何一間教會,或在任何一處教會有成員身份(在緬甸的基督徒這相當重要。) 保羅告訴我們所有緬甸的教會都拒收他的故事—特別是主流的(非靈恩派、非聖召會) 教會。他告訴我們聖召會的教會有接受他的故事,但當被問及是哪些時,他承認只有三、四間—並說他只記得一間:全備福音會(Full Gospel Church)。他也承認他只跟那三、四間教會談過一次,並從未被他們請回去。事實上,沒有一個教會—包括任何聖召會,願意跟他有任何關係—依據保羅自己 的說法!



在2000年11月19日整個晚餐、採訪和討論的過程中,保羅對我們的主持人和其他基督教領袖們態度開放。他寫下他的名字和地址並允許拍照(和公 佈)。所有在場的人都試著讓他覺得被接受,問題以非威脅性的方式請教。當晚陪同他而來的朋友也試著幫助保羅並常插話提供建議或試著做一些對他有利的評論。



AMO/ 亞洲收穫做了許多關於保羅生命一百八十度劇烈轉變的聲明,以及他成為基督的無畏見證者,被迫害,被家人、朋友、和同事嘲弄,並因不願妥協而面對死亡。但一 些緬甸的基督教領袖們(和我們) 的疑問是:AMO/亞洲收穫除了保羅自己的說法外,就這件事還有什麼樣的基礎如此報導?他們有什麼樣的證據?

關於保羅被逮捕和監禁數次的聲明,以及對於他被殺害消音的擔憂—都是高度情緒化的。唯一能確定的(至少就我們能判定,但未被當局者確認) 是似乎保羅真的在獄中渡過幾年。然而原因卻無從確認。其他的評論則完全不是真的。出獄後,他並未躲起來或神秘消失。他搬到仰光市郊一個村莊,並認識附近的 鄰居。他並未致力於隱藏他的身份。



CCG 的負責人Adrian van Leen在前往緬甸之前,以及到達後,和數位緬甸基督教領袖談過,尤其是進行跨教會/教派事工的教友,以及許多教派領袖,並採訪保羅本人。他和許多從仰光 和緬甸其他地方,正參加勃固(Bago) 的一個會議的領袖門談過。這些領袖之中來自許多教派,並和全國的領袖們有聯繫。


事實上,一件事很清楚被指出,如果故事是真的,特別是有大量—三百名,或什至多到七千名—和尚改信基督教,那消息會很快傳開。雖然政府管制的媒體 會打壓這則報導,但基督徒和教會(特別是曼德勒一帶) 絕不會,或願意,打壓它。它一定會迅速地在教會之間傳開。佛教社會也一定會流傳這故事,為了其他原因。

就「這些事件有許多見證者」的聲稱也被緬甸基督教領袖們否認,他們說他們從未遇過任何一名第一手的見證者,或任何一位親自見過該事件第一手見證者 的人。而當被問及此事時,保羅本人也無法提供任何目擊者,包括自己的父母。在場的基督教領袖們絕對會很樂意和任何改信的和尚們談話(或請在國內的朋友這麼 做),他們可能會是見證者,但沒有任何見證者的名字被提出。事實上,在緬甸,沒有人找到任何見證者或證據之類的以支持保羅復活的故事。甚至,連保羅是否曾 出家為僧也都值得懷疑。



一位資深緬甸牧師指出,保羅故事中對於地獄的描述,和聖經衝突。保羅的故事也和耶穌所說財主和乞丐拉撒路的故事(路加16:19-31) 有所衝突。仔細閱讀後,又和使徒保羅在哥林多前書15衝突,之中談到保羅知道基督復活的目擊見證者,換句話說,他能夠找到目擊者見證他聲稱的真實性。緬甸 的保羅卻無法指名、指出、或提供任何目擊者證明他所謂的復活,或因他故事改信者。

珍宋按:他寫了【在那裡有個非常可怕的火湖,「閻王」要我注意看那個火湖, 我注視著,看見很多穿著橙黃色僧袍的緬甸和尚。我再靠近一點,看見了一個剃去頭髮的人,當我看著他的臉時,發現他竟是烏.撒帝拉(U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw,即那位在1983年因意外死亡的著名高僧),我想知道為何我以前的導師會被監禁在這裡受苦,就問閻王(即邪靈):「為什麼他會在火湖裡 呢?.....。」閻王回答說:「是的,他是一個好老師,但他並沒有接受耶穌基督。這就是他之所以來到這裡的原因。」它要我繼續看另外一個在火湖中的人, 我看見一個把很長的頭髮包裹在頭顱左側的人,他同樣也是穿著僧袍,我又問閻王:「這個人是誰?它回答:「他就是你所敬仰的『佛祖釋迦牟尼』 (Gautama ; Buddha)。」看到了佛祖在地獄裡,使我感到非常地錯愕混亂。我抗議說:「釋迦牟尼有很好的種族出身,以及良好的道德人品,為什麼他也會在火湖裡遭受 折磨呢?」閻王回答我:「他有多麼好都無關緊要,他之所以在這裡,是因為他沒有信靠永恆的真神。」】; 這是大笑話,邪靈閻羅王竟管理火湖,且佛陀早耶穌600年會信耶穌嗎?

「復活的保羅」故事在緬甸知道的不少,而且他不同版本的錄音帶也在流傳。但在緬甸幾乎沒有人,特別是基督教領袖們,相信或接受這故事。它毫無證 據。保羅在緬甸的人來說,不過是個有困擾的人。他曾對緬甸的基督徒們造成困擾和麻煩,並還帶給部份基督教社會一些恐懼。數位在緬甸遇過或認識他的人,都認 為他須要看醫生或諮詢師。可悲的是,他在緬甸,肯定不是一位無懼、堅貞的耶穌基督見證者,靠其見證在轉化佛教徒,壯大教會,或帶給上帝榮耀。

這整個傳奇其實更複雜。一些緬甸人(或有親朋好友在緬甸的) 相信,數名不同的人似乎,或顯然,自稱是復活的和尚,至少一位老人,以及一位年輕人。




Yenchin 後記:

亞洲收穫官網,點上面"Testimonies",下面一串,就會看到"The Monk who came back to Life",點下去連不出去,但找到主機就會發現是「南印度教會」(The Church of South India), 對照亞洲收穫連結的網址,就可以找到南印度教會新聞報,卷二第廿四期。



Christians Debunk Resurrection of Buddhist Monk in Myanmar (Burma)

The following two articles debunk the Christian monk NDE hoax

A SPECIAL CCG Ministries Report:


Since at least early 2000, emails have been circulating on the Internet passing on the dramatic story: ‘BACK FROM THE DEAD The Remarkable Testimony of a Buddhist monk in Myanmar (Burma) who came back to life a changed man!’

With CCG Ministries’ involvement in Asia, including Myanmar, we have been very interested in this story and its authenticity.

It appears that it gained ‘life’ on the Internet through the promotion of a Christian missionary organisation, Asian Minorities Outreach, now apparently called: Asia Harvest, headquartered in Texas, USA. This group has a website hosted in Singapore.

[Please read the concluding statement regarding Asia Harvest’s position as a result of receiving a copy of this report. The statement is at the end of this page.]

For quite some time this story appeared on the front page of the organisation’s website. Then the actual story was removed from their website, but a remaining reference to it encouraged people to request a copy of the story by email. The following explanation was given by the group for the change:

‘A Quick Note: We have been asked by many people why this testimony is no longer available on our website. We were ordered to remove the story by the government of Singapore, who had apparently received complaints from Buddhists. As our website is housed in Singapore at the moment, we didn’t have much choice.’

AMO/Asia Harvest introduced the story with the following introduction:

‘The story that follows is simply a translation of a taped testimony from a man with a life-changing story. It is not an interview or a biography, but simply the words from the man himself. Different people react in different ways when they hear this story. Some are inspired, some skeptical, a few will mock and ridicule, while some others have even been filled with rage and anger, convinced these words are the ravings of a mad man or an elaborate deception. Some Christians have opposed the story simply because the radical and miraculous events described herein do not fit their feeble image of an Almighty God.’

It is interesting to note the approach they take in the introduction. Anyone who questions the story is immediately labelled as a sceptic, a mocker or ridiculer, someone filled with rage and anger, or worse a Christian whose concept of God is feeble and who does not believe that an Almighty God can be radical and perform miracles.

This could be seen by some as a form of bullying and intimidation to dismiss any form of thought and questioning of the story. It is not a healthy or biblical approach to dealing with questions about such a dramatic story, nor does it encourage people to use their minds.

Interestingly, when we asked AMO/Asia Harvest to send us a copy (one of several copies we have, but this one directly from them) we also asked some questions: ‘How did you first get to hear of the story; how have you checked it out for authenticity; what effect has this story had on Christians/churches in Burma and also on the Buddhist community and government there etc. What sort of response has there been to this account from Christians and Christian leaders around the world?’

We received no direct or specific answers to these, and other, questions. In the introduction to the story we are told:

‘We were first made aware of this story from several Burmese church leaders who shared it with us. These leaders had looked into the story and had not found any suggestion of it being a hoax. It was with this in mind that we decided to step out and circulate the story. We do not do so for any monetary gain, or with a motivation of self-promotion. We just want to let the story speak for itself, and invite Christian believers to judge it according to Scripture. If God wants any part of it to be intended for His glory or to encourage His people, then we pray His Spirit will work in the hearts of the readers in those ways.

Some people have told us they think the monk in this story never actually died, but that he just lapsed into unconsciousness, and the things he saw and heard were part of a fever-driven hallucination. Whatever you think, the simple fact remains that the events of this story so radically transformed this man that his life took on a complete 180-degree shift after the events described below. He has fearlessly and boldly told his story at great personal cost, including imprisonment. He has been scorned by his relatives, friends and colleagues, and faced death threats for his unwillingness to compromise his message. What motivated this man to be willing to risk everything? Whether we believe him or not, his story is surely worth listening to and considering. In the cynical West many people demand hard evidence of such things, evidence that would stand up in a court of law. Can we absolutely guarantee, beyond doubt, that all of these things happened? No, we cannot. But we feel it is worth repeating this man’s story in his own words so that readers can judge for themselves.’


Read the story in its entirety

On Sunday 19th November 2000, CCG Ministries’ Director, Adrian van Leen, interviewed and spoke with the ‘resurrected’ Paul in a hotel function room in Yangon in the company of four Myanmar Christian leaders.

That interview raised serious questions as to the authenticity of the story under consideration.

As our Director wanted to ensure accuracy and fairness, and also because he had to work through translators (three of the Christian leaders understood and spoke English), questions and answers were double checked and confirmed before being noted.


Read the story in its entirety

Apart from the contradictions made by Paul in front of witnesses, there are
still serious questions about the content of his supposed visions or visit
to hell and heaven, as well as questions about editorial comments made by
Asian Minorities Outreach/Asia Harvest.

AMO/Asia Harvest has stated that the story was first told them by several Burmese church leaders, and that since being initially told they ‘have attempted to verify this report which reached us from a number of sources, and are now convinced that it is accurate.’ IMPACT Magazine reported that a spokesman for AMO/Asia Harvest stated: ‘We believe it to be true as there are many witnesses to these events.’

CCG Ministries’ Director, Adrian van Leen, before, especially during, and after his visit to Myanmar in November 2000, has spoken to a number of Myanmar Christian leaders - including a number who are involved in inter-church/inter-denominational work, as well as leaders of several denominations (and had the interview/discussion with the central character in this story, Paul, himself). He spoke with leaders from Yangon and across Myanmar who attended a conference in Bago, and also Christian leaders in Mandalay and a regional township. Many of these leaders from across varying denominations had contact with other Christian leaders across the country.

No one was able to give ANY form of authentication to the story. A number of leaders, including those who had been in Christian leadership in Mandalay, knew of no evidence to confirm any part of the story. Some of the Myanmar Christian leaders would very much like to know who the ‘several Burmese church leaders’ are that AMO/Asia Harvest refers to as their sources for this story.

In fact, it was pointed out very clearly that, had the story been true, especially had there been a number of Buddhist monks converted to Christianity - especially as many as 300 and very much so if there were as many as 7,000 - the news would have spread rapidly. While the government controlled media might have tried to suppress such news - the Christians and churches (particularly in the Mandalay area) would not have been able - nor have wanted to - suppress such news. It would have spread rapidly and widely through the churches. The Buddhist community would also have spread the story - though for different reasons.

The claim that ’there are many witnesses to these events’ is also disputed by Myanmar Christian leaders, who have stated that they had never met anyone who had been a direct primary witness - nor anyone who had personally met a direct witness to these events. And when asked, Paul himself was totally unable to produce any witnesses whatever, not even his father or mother. The Christian leaders present at the interview would have gladly talked to any converted monks (or asked friends in different parts of the country to do so) who may have been witnesses, but not one name was given as a possible witness. The reality is that in Myanmar itself no one has been able to find any witnesses or any evidence whatever, to support the story of the resurrected Paul. It is even questionable that there is evidence that Paul was actually a Buddhist monk.

AMO/Asia Harvest has invited ‘Christian believers to judge it [Paul’s resurrection story] according to Scripture.’

As one senior Myanmar pastor pointed out, the story and description of hell given by Paul, is itself contrary to Scripture. Paul’s story is also in conflict with the story Jesus told in the account of the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). When carefully examined it is also in conflict with the comments of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 - in particular where that Paul was able to name eye witnesses to the resurrection of Christ - and acknowledged at the time that some were still living - in other words, he was able to produce witnesses who could testify to the authenticity of his claims. Myanmar’s Paul was totally unable to name, point to, or produce ANY witnesses at all to his claimed resurrection, or who had been converted by his story.

The story of the ‘resurrected Paul’ is known throughout much of Myanmar - and his tape has circulated (in several versions). Hardly anyone in Myanmar - especially amongst Christian leaders - has accepted or believed the story. There is just nothing to back it up. Paul is known of in Myanmar, and regarded by most - as a troublesome and troubled person. He has caused problems and difficulty for Myanmar Christians, and has even been responsible for bringing fear into parts of the Christian community. A number of people in Myanmar who personally know him, or have met him, believe he is in need of medical help and counselling. Sadly, in Myanmar, he is certainly not known as a fearless and faithful witness to Jesus Christ, whose testimony is converting Buddhists, strengthening the church or bringing glory to God’s name.

Further complications have arisen with this whole saga. According to the beliefs of some people in Myanmar (or some with friends and/or relatives in Myanmar), several different people supposedly, or apparently, are claiming to be the resurrected Buddhist monk - at least an older man and a not-so-balanced younger man.

Whatever the truth behind this sad saga, most Christians, and most pastors and church leaders in Myanmar, are not taking this story seriously and see little value in it for the growth of the Christian community in that country.

We believe that if this story had been adequately examined and checked out in Myanmar before transcripts were made of his tape, it would probably never have been published.

[After Asia Harvest received a copy of this report they removed all references to the story from their website and stopped sending out email transcripts of the claimed resurrection account. They will be making some statement regarding their initial endorsement of the story. When this is available we will gladly append it to this report.]


Read the story in its entirety

Resurrected Burmese Monk Story Revisited

During the year 2000, numerous emails circulated on the Internet passing on the dramatic story: ‘BACK FROM THE DEAD The Remarkable Testimony of a Buddhist monk in Myanmar (Burma) who came back to life a changed man!’

With CCG Ministries’ involvement in Asia, including Myanmar, we were very interested in this story and its authenticity.

It was brought to ‘life’ on the Internet through the promotion of a Christian missionary organization then called, Asian Minorities Outreach, later changing its name to: Asia Harvest, headquartered in Texas, USA, and operating from Thailand. Its Director, Paul Hatthaway, has written several books, including ‘The Heavenly Man’.

For quite some time the ‘resurrected Buddhist monk’ story appeared on the front page of the organisation’s website. Then the actual story was removed from their website, but a remaining reference to it encouraged people to request a copy of the story by email. The following explanation for the change, was given by the group at the time:

‘A Quick Note: We have been asked by many people why this testimony is no longer available on our website. We were ordered to remove the story by the government of Singapore, who had apparently received complaints from Buddhists. As our website is housed in Singapore at the moment, we didn’t have much choice.’

AMO/Asia Harvest introduced the story with the following introduction:

‘The story that follows is simply a translation of a taped testimony from a man with a life-changing story. It is not an interview or a biography, but simply the words from the man himself. Different people react in different ways when they hear this story. Some are inspired, some skeptical, a few will mock and ridicule, while some others have even been filled with rage and anger, convinced these words are the ravings of a mad man or an elaborate deception. Some Christians have opposed the story simply because the radical and miraculous events described herein do not fit their feeble image of an Almighty God.’

We were concerned with the above wording and commented in our 2001 report that it was interesting to note the approach they took in the introduction. Anyone who questioned the story would immediately be labelled as a sceptic, a mocker or ridiculer, someone filled with rage and anger, or worse a Christian whose concept of God is feeble and who does not believe that an Almighty God can be radical and perform miracles.

This could be seen by some as a form of bullying and intimidation to dismiss any form of thought and questioning of the story. It is not a healthy or biblical approach to dealing with questions about such a dramatic story, nor does it encourage people to use their minds.

The resurrected monk’s story was quite a dramatic tale and it has impressed many people. It was even reported in the well-known Christian Singaporean magazine: IMPACT (June/July 2000, p.45). It continued to be circulated and passed on through emails for some time.

But was it true? If it was, it SHOULD be circulated - whatever the consequences. But what if it was NOT true? Should it then continue to be circulated never-the-less? We believe not!

It should be noted that there have been several versions of the story circulating.

On Sunday 19th November 2000, CCG Ministries’ Director, Adrian van Leen, interviewed and spoke with a man who claimed to be the ‘resurrected’ Paul in a hotel function room in Yangon in the company of four Myanmar Christian leaders.

That interview raised serious questions as to the authenticity of the story under consideration.

AMO/Asia Harvest has invited ‘Christian believers to judge it [Paul’s resurrection story] according to Scripture.’

As one senior Myanmar pastor pointed out, the story and description of hell given by Paul, is itself contrary to Scripture. Pauls story is also in conflict with the story Jesus told in the account of the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). When carefully examined it is also in conflict with the comments of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 - in particular where that Paul was able to name eye witnesses to the resurrection of Christ - and acknowledged at the time that some were still living - in other words, he was able to produce witnesses who could testify to the authenticity of his claims.

Pastors in Myanmar are still asking for real evidence and living witnesses to the claimed miracle with whom they can discuss and verify the story. So far, the storys authenticity remains with the claims made by Asia Harvest.

The story of the resurrected Paul is known throughout much of Myanmar - and his tape has circulated (in several versions). Hardly anyone in Myanmar - especially amongst Christian leaders - has accepted or believed the story.
There is just nothing to back it up.

Far from the resurrected monk story providing a fearless and faithful witness to Jesus Christ, whose testimony is converting Buddhists, strengthening the church or bringing glory to Gods name, Myanmar pastor have told our Director that it has brought fear and suspicion to many Christians in the country. We concluded our 2001 report with the comment: Whatever the truth behind this sad saga, most Christians, and most pastors and church leaders in Myanmar, are not taking this story seriously and see little value in it for the growth of the Christian community in that country.

From the evidence we have been able to examine, including the claims and content of the story itself, and all the discussions with Pastors and others in Myanmar, we believe it would have been wiser for the story not to have been published and circulated.

We believe that miracle stories which cannot be adequately substantiated ought to be treated with caution - especially if those stories, or significant parts of those stories, do not conform to Scripture. Lives continue to be changed by the resurrected and living Jesus Christ - sometimes dramatically, sometimes quietly - the substance of those changed lives are quiet miracles that are often clear and undisputed. They continue to honour Christ and encourage others.

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