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2014/07/24 02:51:42瀏覽380|回應0|推薦0 | |
新研究稱宇宙並非誕生於大爆炸 而是大反彈 學家為了研究宇宙大爆炸理論,在宇宙微波背景輻射中尋找可疑信號,這些來自大爆炸的餘輝中記錄了關於宇宙誕生的奧秘,圖中顯示的為微弱引力波在宇宙 微波背景輻射中的偏振現象,這是的大爆炸發生後的瞬出現的時空漣漪。本週四,來自南極BICEP2望遠鏡的研究小組在《物理評論快報》上發表文章指出,調 查中存在一個關鍵性的問題,這可能使得最初的觀測結果出現錯誤。 哈佛—史密森天體物理中心科學家在3月發表關於宇宙大爆炸引力波證據的發現後,受到來自各方的質疑,一些理論物理學家通過對BICEP2望遠鏡的數 據進行驗證,發現一個潛在的問題,即來自銀河系的宇宙塵埃產生的微波背景輻射將對探測結果產生干擾,因此還不能夠確定這些引力波信號來自宇宙大爆炸後的瞬 間,因此我們需要排除各種可能存在的前景干擾源,比如銀河系宇宙塵埃。 圖中顯示的為位於南極的BICEP2望遠鏡,這是本次發現宇宙「原初」引力波信號的主要探測設備。在此之前,許多科學家已經相信在宇宙大爆炸之後的 暴漲期內出現了引力波,它們記錄了我們宇宙的開端。在暴漲理論的框架下預言了B模極化的存在,因此如果我們探測到B模極化,就可以說明宇宙大爆炸之後的暴 漲期是存在的,同時也可以進一步推出我們的宇宙之外還可能存在其他宇宙,這些宇宙與我們的宇宙是平行的,是從概率上解釋我們宇宙的特殊性。 位於南極的BICEP2望遠鏡是專門用來尋找引力波證據的天文台,其可對南極天空進行掃瞄,這裡的觀測條件有助於我們探測到宇宙中瀰散的宇宙微波背 景輻射信號,雖然其極為微弱,但我們仍然可以繪製出宇宙微波背景輻射的分佈。該輻射信號早在1964年就被科學家發現,而BICEP2望遠鏡的探測任務為 尋找微波背景輻射中的B模偏振信號。麻省理工學院的物理學家艾倫•古思認為目前的發現使得關於宇宙膨脹的邊緣理論可以被排除,未來我們將集中調查暴漲期的 宇宙奧秘。 這張照片記錄了宇宙微波背景輻射中溫度的細微變化,該輻射信號是一種電磁波,因此其具有偏振的特點,科學家認為其偏振性與引力波有關。我們的宇宙有 著137億年的歷史,一些關鍵性的事件發生在宇宙誕生之初,極早期的微小波動對如今宇宙的演化有著極為關鍵的影響,從大尺度上看,微小的波動可導致當前宇 宙中形成星系團、星系以及恆星等宇宙天體 南極BICEP2望遠鏡的觀測條件較好,這裡較為乾燥,而且光污染程度較小,科學家花了三年時間對百分之二的天空進行了掃瞄。 宇宙中最古老的光,科學家通過紅色和藍色來區別不同的溫度,紅色代表暖色,藍色則為寒冷,這張照片也是宇宙嬰兒時期的圖像。
The Big Bang’s Big Problem Bedevils Researchers Julie Borg | WORLD News Service | Tuesday, July 22, 2014
If the Big Bang theory is correct, our universe should not exist, according to research published last month by physicists at King’s College in London. The shocking discovery implies the universe should have collapsed less than a second after it exploded into existence.
Christians are divided on whether or not the Big Bang theory fits with the biblical description of creation. But the theory has been an enormous concession for many secular scientists. For years they clung to belief in a universe that was steady and that had existed indefinitely. But recent advances in physics have forced most scientists to admit that the universe had a beginning and that it has been expanding ever since by a process dubbed cosmic inflation.
For Christians, the universe having a beginning point is no new discovery. These scientists were upstaged more than 2,500 years ago by Job, Moses, David, and other Bible authors, said Hugh Ross, astrophysicist and founder of the Reasons to Believe ministry. The Bible confirms explicitly and repeatedly the two most fundamental properties of the Big Bang theory: There was a definite, finite beginning and the universe is undergoing continual expansion. For example, said Ross, in Isaiah 42:5 both properties were declared: “This is what the Lord says—He who created the heavens and stretched them out.”
The researchers of the current study combined data from observations made possible by the BICEP2 telescope with new information developed from the discovery of the Higgs Boson, a particle thought to be responsible for the mass of everything that exists. The scientists said the universe lies in a valley of the Higgs Field, an energy field that exists throughout the universe. It contains the Higgs Boson particle and sets the limits on its behavior. The universe is prevented from entering an even deeper valley by a large energy barrier that can be thought of as a giant hill separating the two valleys. But, according to the Big Bang theory, the researchers say cosmic inflation would have kicked the universe over the hill and into the deeper valley where it would have collapsed in less than a second.
Bewildered secular scientists are scratching their heads at the new findings. “We have to extend our theories to explain why this didn’t happen,” said Robert Hogan, a doctoral student at King’s College who led the study, in the Royal Astronomical Society. The researchers conclude there must be some process yet undiscovered.
Someday the scientists seeking explanations of why there was no big collapse immediately after the universe came into existence may well have to contend with the concept of a creator.
“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream,” said Robert Jastrow, founder of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a self-proclaimed agnostic. “He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”
Courtesy: WORLD News Service
Publication date: July 22, 2014
Higgs Boson, BICEP2 Results Could Point to New Physics beyond Standard ModelBased on the discovery of the Higgs boson and the recent results from the BICEP2 collaboration, UK physicists have made a surprising prediction: the Universe should not have lasted for more than a second. After the Universe began in the Big Bang, it is thought to have gone through an explosive period of growth known as cosmic inflation. Although the details of this process are not yet fully understood, scientists have been able to make predictions of how this would affect the modern Universe. In a 2014 study, BICEP2 collaboration claimed to have found the first direct evidence that gravitational waves rippled through the infant Universe during cosmic inflation. If true, this result is a major advance in our understanding of cosmology and a confirmation of the inflation theory, but they have proven controversial and are not yet fully accepted by cosmologists. In the new study, Robert Hogan and Dr Malcolm Fairbairn, both from King’s College London in UK, have investigated what the BICEP2 results mean for the stability of the Universe. They combined the results with recent advances in particle physics. Measurements of the recently detected Higgs boson have allowed physicists to show that our Universe sits in a valley of the so-called Higgs Field, which describes the way that other particles have mass. However, there is a different valley which is much deeper, but our Universe is preventing from falling into it by a large energy barrier. The problem is that the BICEP2 results predict that the Universe would have received large ‘kicks’ during the cosmic inflation phase, pushing it into the other valley of the Higgs Field within a fraction of a second. If that had happened, the Universe would have quickly collapsed in a Big Crunch. “This is an unacceptable prediction of the theory because if this had happened we wouldn’t be around to discuss it,” said Mr Hogan, who is the second author of the paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters. “Perhaps the BICEP2 results contain an error. If not, there must be some other – as yet unknown – process which prevented the Universe from collapsing.” “If BICEP2 is shown to be correct, it tells us that there has to be interesting new particle physics beyond the Standard Model,” Mr Hogan said. ______ |
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