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2016/07/28 17:11:30瀏覽1483|回應0|推薦12 | |
領結旅行到哪裡? 吾女Justina Yang的創作實驗室Fiber Lab從兩年前開始,陸續拍攝科藝整合摺紙教學影片上傳Youtube,又在個人部落格上提供各種設計稿讓人免費下載,領結教學(How to make a Paper Bowtie )就是其中之一,很受大小網友歡迎的DIY自我學習影片。 照片中這位小男孩名叫 Bennett,七歲, 一個在家自學的孩子,住在美國 Justina回贈 Bennett一個親自設計、手摺的領結給予鼓勵。上面這張照片就是 Bennett戴著安安贈送他的領結開心的模樣。下文則是 Bennett的媽媽寄來信件的原文: JUL 21, 2014 / 1 NOTE My son Bennett, who is 7 years old, has been smitten by all of your videos and projects. He gathered all of the materials by himself to make the heart yarn and followed your directions by pausing the YouTube video every few seconds. I have a picture of his work that I’d love to email to you, just to say thank you for inspiring him and fueling his love of art, handcraft and math! Bennett is in first grade and is homeschooled and spends a lot of his time working on art projects. He is saving his money for one of your origami sculptures. He adores origami too. - 幾個月後,Justina又收到一封感謝信,來自一位非常疼愛女兒的父親。信末付了一張他與女兒赴婚禮的溫馨照片,這父親謝謝Justina提供免費的Download摺紙設計,讓女兒的婚禮如此的完美。 OCT 1, 2014 This made my day! “Dear Justina, thanks for making your clever design available for free download, My daughter recently got married and made all her flowers and buttonholes from paper, I wanted to complement her hard work with an origami bowtie unfortunately the only designs I could find were a bit dull. Your paper engineered solution however was perfect. I printed spots on the reverse of the net and even had enough on the single sheet to make a matching handkerchief. The attached photo is me and my daughter on our way to her wedding. Thanks again.” 兩年來,Justina網上提供的智慧分享是免費的,讓很多有意願學習創作的人,可以免費Download她設計出來的教材。透過平台推廣藝術與美感進入生活,這樣樂於分享的胸襟真的很寬闊,但藝術家也試要吃飯的,不是嗎?科藝的實驗道路要如何走下去,做老媽的一直很好奇。 愛沙尼亞總統Toomas Hendrik Ilves(President of 2016.7.28 今天我非常開心知道:Justina的DIY教學影片不只影響了許多網上自學的小朋友,藝術系的學生、工作室藝術家、文創業者.....,北歐愛沙尼亞的總統Toomas Hendrik Ilves ,也戴著安安設計的領結參與藝文活動呢! 哈哈,這位喜歡藝術的總統很酷吧! 網上智財是否免費分享,創作者在創作過程中會有不同的思考與實驗探討。前陣子Justina推出標價為“CAD $ 0”的DIY影片,由參與者自己評估、願意為學習此設計創意付多少錢。 不久,Justina說:「大部分的人一點錢也不想付,還會抱怨摺紙太難了;有些人只願意付一塊錢.....」但是,她旋即又說:「Haha 還是有一些人會鼓勵支持我,覺得很溫暖....,能知道這世界上有哪一國人,看過我的影片學會了摺紙、拍張照片寄給我,讓我知道她們把它用在甚麼樣的場合,那真是一件有趣的事呢!」 我跟面對挑戰時,總能正向看待事情的愛女Justina說:「嗯,網路的互動真有意思,能知道哪一國人學會了領結、戴過這領結,這件事的確很有趣!也許以後你可以畫一張世界地圖,看你的領結到過那個國家旅行.....」 有興趣網上學習手藝的朋友,! 歡迎您點入Fiber Lab,大家一起來創作。 如果你願意與大家分享你學會的摺紙作品, 請傳到她的臉書Fiber Lab,讓我們知道領結旅行到哪裡? |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |