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To Visit the Beginning Of Kaohsiung ! Program of Uncle Fat's Tour Guide of Kaohsiung Harbor & Cijin Outdoor Class...4 hours Date:Jan. 17th , Thu. 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. 13:00-13:30 Da Yung Elementary School to Fishremen`s Wharf 13:30-14:00 Visit Kaohsiung Harbor (on Former Banana Warehouse) 14:00-14:10 Fishremen`s Wharf to Gushan Ferry Pier 14:10-14:20 Gushan Ferry Pier to Cijin (by ferry) 14:20-16:00 Visit Cihou Fort, Lighthouse, Star Tunnel and Tianhou Temple 16:00-16:30 Review Cijin (in Cijin Beach Park) 16:30-17:00 Back to Da Yung Elementary School 漁人碼頭Fishermen`s Wharf是二號碼頭Pier 2,給民間經營九年,港中浮桶(水鼓)float tub碼頭較岸邊碼頭便宜,停泊拖駁船to help to berth ship by pushing it(有噴水器),再前面一號碼頭是台華輪專用碼頭,再前面即是海軍新濱碼頭;香蕉棚是三號碼頭,停泊領港艇pilot boat,掛著[H](紅白各半方旗)唸Hotel…代表有領港人(引水人)在船上,但常常因偷懶而常掛著。(紅色右側缺一個三角形的方旗,是B,唸Bravo,代表嚴禁煙火,掛在化學或油料船上) 紀德艦(1801,2,3,5),全世界四艘都在台灣,電達是長方形塊狀。 香蕉棚是早年存放store香蕉準備外銷export用(民國五十年代香蕉業興盛,用美援蓋起,52年完工,防日曬雨淋),後因香蕉輸日漸沒落而失原來功用,民90年改作為觀海臺viewing deck,現為高雄港最佳觀景點,可看一港口,支航道及二港口主航道。 高雄港在日本戰敗時曾自沈船五艘,噸數超過七千噸,民34年光復後港埠功能盡失,清理打撈後至民44稍具規模,民47起十二年擴建工程,增海埔新生地,民64完成第二港口,十萬噸可進出,民69有加工出口區,前鎮漁港,鋼廠,船廠,貨櫃中心;曾拆光take apart航空母艦(aircraft carrier, 拆船業Old Ship Demolition Industry),吊載過飛機。 國際船尾掛註冊register國國旗,後方梶桿掛arrive in進港國。 主及支航道間是海埔新生地reclaimed land - [中島](非日文名,而是[港中半島]之意),其上前頭有第一貨櫃中心及後方有最早之加工出口區(帶動經濟出口起飛,旗后少女打工卻也遇船難)。 真愛碼頭(十二號散裝碼頭,載貨不限一種,亦曾為高雄至香港船運碼頭),早年觀光不便,報關行,跑單幫及洋貨受歡迎,跑國際線水手身穿多層內衣under wear胸罩內褲,返台後,直接至委託行脫下賣掉,當時已有在賣穿過有味道的內衣褲),雙座風帆分別對著高雄市區及旗津渡輪站,象徵高市和海港的對話。 真愛及光榮輪航行時,因推進漿會打起小魚,所以會吸引海鳥白鷺群隨,好似送行。 十三號光榮碼頭送官兵至金門,曾是女友親人送別的傷心碼頭。 十六及十七號碼頭將流行音樂中心(The new landmark of Taiwan popular music center is going to yell out to the whole world!)。 二十二號碼頭,新光碼頭(海洋之星),有音樂噴泉fountain迷霧之島水舞/寛卅五公尺,三隻紅色懸吊臂象徵高雄貨櫃中心(下午至三時至晚上九時共七場,各廿分鐘),日晷sundial,揚帆船觀景臺,六個紅色貨櫃幾何造型,風車發電。 高雄河海港:前鎮河區分第一和第二港口,來台貨櫃container70%在高雄,15%留台灣,55%轉運他國;高雄港122個碼頭(不含漁港及軍港),外國攻打高雄沒好下場,法國船被清朝砲試射即中桅杆而嚇跑,日本吉野艦1895打壞旗后砲台「威鎮」天南二字,但日俄戰爭時和春日艦在霧中相撞而爆炸,倒是春日艦始終沒被美國炸燬,應是撞吉野艦有功;十萬噸的船非常大,台灣拆船業一年拆350萬噸3millions & 500 thousnads tons,航空母艦只要三週就殺光,當時高雄港海水是褐色的;浮桶是提供暫時停泊的位置;船艉有斜坡面的是遠洋拖釣漁船;吃水線在赤道海水密度低時水線高,在緯度高時海水密度高,水線就低,船身都可以看到吃水線不同刻劃;但日本填哈瑪星時,都找捕魚的,如北門、安平、澎湖、南鯤鯓;清朝開港,淡水和安平是正港,高雄是副港,當時正宗好貨運正港,普通貨運高雄,所以「正港的」就代表真正好貨;民國40至50年台南和澎湖幫掌管碼頭,想要工作得要帶香蕉鳳梨來找工頭,這就是「拜碼頭」;十二公里主航道,高雄港曾是世界第三,現輸給釜山,為第六(去年第八); The construction of the Cross-Harbor Tunnel is a very specialized and complicated work which is unprecedented in Taiwan, R.O.C.(1st time) 【旗津島】燈塔:清光緒九年1883,一位英國技師受聘前來設計一座位於旗后山頂的磚造方形燈塔,以確保夜間進出港的船隻。到日治時期1918,燈塔重建改為八角形的白色塔身和設有風向儀的黑色塔頂,在塔頂和塔身交接處則建有八角形平台,四週圍起欄杆並在平台下有三組托架,就像是中國傳統建築的斗拱架構。另外,燈塔左右對稱的巴洛克風格和山牆及拱形大門都很值得欣賞。同時,遊客可以透過文史資料室認識旗后燈塔的相關歷史和其他環繞全島的燈塔。旗后燈塔目前仍在指引著船隻,而在燈塔外面,我們可以享受到美好的高雄港風光和愉快的海風。1883, during the Ching Dynasty, an engineer from Great Britain was hired to design a brick, square lighthouse on the top of Cihou mountain in order to ensure the safety of ships passing in and out of the harbor at night. During the Japanese occupied era, the lighthouse was rebuilt and changed into an oc`tagonal, white tower with an a`nemoscope on the black top. An octagonal balcony was established at the junction of the body and the top. With handrails circling the balcony and three sets of brackets supporting the underside of the balcony, the whole structure resembles the “Dou Gong” structure used in traditional Chinese architecture. Besides, the symmetrical Baroque design of the lighthouse, its gables and arched entrance are all truly worth a visit. By the way, visitors will learn about the related history of the Cihou Lighthouse and all the other lighthouses around the island through use of the information center. Now the Cihou Lighthouse continues to guide ships. Standing outside the lighthouse, we may enjoy wonderful views of Kaohsiung Port and pleasant sea breezes. 打狗開港後,英蓋四方磚燈塔,仍留遺跡,日本白燈塔,初射十哩餘,後增至廿五哩之台南安平,燈會看煙火的最佳點,日晷非常準;英方形紅磚燈塔遺跡在樓梯附近,最早是竹竿豎燈籠,再來是峰火台,後來才是燈塔,一切均是開港各國壓力要求;入口處是看煙火及拍港照最佳點; 燈塔正門前階走至資料室門口81步,確定澎湖西嶼漁翁島燈是清朝第一座,看不出清朝英建築師蓋的方形磚塔基座確實在那兒,日晷並非十五分差,約慢半小時以上; 1.清燈塔即右邊的白色小倉庫2.便道的碉堡是陸戰隊所建,小隧道通山洞,運砲彈用3.漁業電台發射範圍可擴及阿根廷的我國遠洋漁民; 砲台:因為環繞著陡峭懸崖,由珊瑚岩組成的旗后山成為高雄港最佳防禦地點。清光緒元年1875,聘請英國建築師在高雄港入口兩側設計兩個砲台,而二級古蹟旗后砲台是台灣現存最完善的清朝西式砲台。雖然旗后砲台的整體設計多屬西方風格,但是傳統中國建築裝飾處處可見,像是「八」字門和蝙蝠刻紋(「蝠」字讀音像「福」)。非常特別和有趣的是入口兩側有兩個由紅磚組成的「囍」字,因為「囍」表示喜慶場合,特別是指婚禮。此外,這裡也是看日落和高雄夜景的絕佳地點。Because surrounding by steep cliffs, Cihou mountain which was composed of corallite represents the best location to guard Koahsiung Port. In 1875, during the Ching Dynasty, a British architect was hired to design two Forts on both side of entrance of Kaohsiung Port and the Cihou Fort is a second grade historical site and the most well preserved western Fort from the Ching Dynasty in Taiwan today. Although the whole design of Cihou Fort is more of a western style than a eastern one, traditional Chinese archetectual decorations such as a 八-shaped door and a bat-shaped carving (the Chinese word ”bat” reads like “happiness”) have been adopted throughout the building. It’ really special and interesting about two Chinese words ”囍” which are composed of red-brick on the both side of entrance door because ”囍” means an event or occasion for celebration, especially a wedding. Furthermore, it is also a great spot to watch the sunset and the night view of Kaohsiung City. 燈塔側門小徑至砲台,途經碉堡是國軍所蓋,有小山洞可能是儲放砲彈之用?;砲台唸七階詞:歡迎-請進-健康-長久-長壽-富貴-圓滿;興建砲台係牡丹社事件Botan tribe Incident後,清賠日款,派船務大臣沈葆禎,由水師副將執行蓋砲台(1871死,1874攻,牡丹社事件-宮古島日本船發生海難shipwreck/sea disaster,有人溺斃,另有54人上岸被砍頭,日本興兵來犯,清朝以50萬兩賠錢了事,並將琉求Ryukyu Islands給日本;其後沈葆禎主張開山撫番,主張加強台灣防務),同時間億載金城及恆春古城都在進行,阿姆斯壯砲被日本融掉為金屬,指揮台看防波堤breakwater像大海馬sea horse/ hippocampus,因為邊築邊被浪襲而不得不一再修堤(左邊旗津長堤因浪打沈箱修建後而成蜿蜒現象),有星空隧道star tunnel為築堤,看蝙蝠浮刻不要摸,雙囍為慶光緒登基1875,為慶國泰民安,階梯有歡迎光臨,花開富貴,萬壽無疆,人丁興旺…;;砲台居然有雙喜,右邊比多左邊兩劃,大門牆面角有蝙蝠象徵福氣,一喜:新皇光緒登基,二喜:江土得保(台灣),四福:風調雨順,國泰民安,臺階排列均不同,指揮區看遠方,操練區有廿四間,後方有一道延伸加蓋的,砲盤槽溝損壞,牆上有花崗岩,貝殼;視野約340度,砲台為三方防衛;「威鎮」二字1895被吉野艦打壞,艦隻位置可能在海水浴場西南位置之砲台死角,或是砲台射程外;砲台看夕陽,防波堤,拍片,過指揮台要小心懼高症;砲台到燈塔之路有碉堡不要去;打狗港四火網砲台:明/威鎮天南,暗/大坪山砲台,奇/雄鎮北門,正/港口小砲台;花牆砌法巧妙豐富,突釘似女友而想念被摸掉,海岸邊種帶刺瓊麻因防空降及登陸(軍事考量),和港邊很不同; 天后宮:因為是海港城市的緣故,高雄居民的宗教信仰和他們的職業有密切關聯。媽祖或是海上女神,是漁民重要的宗教信仰,而奉祀媽祖的天后宮是高雄最老的廟。這棟超過百年的建築是三級古蹟,廟裡面有許多精巧的藝術作品,像是蟠龍石柱、奇妙的屋頂裝飾、側牆的龍虎堵浮雕、雕著花鳥的花崗岩和歷史人物的木門,還有供奉一艘王船說明了廟宇和海洋特殊的連結。同時,船戶公約碑文、清代鑄鐘、華麗壁畫和泥塑浮雕也都在那兒讓人品賞。的確,天后宮不僅是漁民的守護神,更象徵著高雄歷史上重要的文化遺產。Being a seaport city, Kaohsiung residents’ religious beliefs are closely linked to their occupation. “Matzu” or Goddess of the sea, is an important religious figure to fishermen. The Tienhou Temple where Goddess of the sea is worshiped is the oldest temple in Kaohsiung. This over-one-hundred-year-old building is a third grade historical relic. There’re so many delicate art pieces in this temple, including dragon stone pillars, marvelous decoration on the roof, dragon and tiger carved on the sidewall, flowers and birds carved on granite and historical figures carved on wooden doors. Besides, a “Wang Ye”(means master)ship is worshipped inside the temple. This ship demonstrates the special connection of this temple with the ocean. Meanwhile, the Boatman Agreement `Epi-graph, the Cast of a Bell from the Cing Dynasty, gorgeous wall painting and clay sculpture carvings are also there for people to appreciate. Actually, Tienhou Temple is not only the guardian temple to fishermen, but also an important symbol of cultural heritage in Kaohsiung’s history. 有鑄鐘需有模融入,船戶公約表示先到者要引船,否則罰出錢演戲及買燈彩/花燈.燈籠(罰戲一檯,燈彩一付),入口台階為花崗石壓艙石granite ballast stone(在以前,台灣常用木船載米到大陸去賣,米重木頭輕,所以米可發揮鎮壓浪頭的功能,而把米賣掉之後,通常只會買一些日常用品,因此船身會變得很輕,為了壓住浪濤,就會購買石頭壓在艙底,以免海上風浪太大而翻船。回到台灣後,壓艙石通常就被拿來舖地板或是作石階,走在上面讓人很安心,彷彿回到數百年前,無論多大的風浪,壓艙石都能穩著船身,帶領移民們邁向另一地的光明),高雄最早媽祖廟,小尺寸神像便於放船上,右側三山國王/客家原鄉守護神,鹽埕也有;王船信仰有分六系統/朴子,二仁,澎湖,東港等;有船戶公約石碑類似同業公約,還有示禁勒石,訴明官兵勒索來往船隻過路費,以上均為事後補刻)漢人大規模來旗后紀錄-1673年有大陸漁民避風到旗后,後成聚落,並移設天后宮。大門外龍堵有馬上封(蜂)侯(猴),虎堵有加冠晉祿(鹿回頭),船戶公約原始是紙本,大柱有環圈是防鼠,工字型的前殿,拜亭(防日曬雨淋),大殿;王船可燒,送或撿回,清朝的鐘,對聯和媽祖像是古蹟原因;天后宮廟門對港口,教會十字架也對港;看夫唱婦隨(水鴨?),馬上封之對面猴,擋鼠環柱,康熙香爐,正中大媽,光緒對聯,萬國標匾額; 全島:旗津是高雄發展最早的區域,是第一個西方先軀傳教士、醫師和外交官到達台灣的第一個地方。位於高雄港的西側,三百多年前旗津即吸引了大陸漁民前來,清朝時頻繁的通商造就了旗津的繁榮、豐富文化和歷史遺蹟。在島嶼北端有三座古蹟,包括天后宮、旗後燈塔和砲台。拜訪旗津除了欣賞古蹟、品嘗美味海鮮外,也不要錯過海岸公園,有著柔軟的沙和乾淨海水,那是高雄最美的海岸。此外,在街上有傳統的人力黃包車,也使得旗津更有魅力。Cijin was the first area to be developed in Kaohsiung. It’s the first place where the first western pioneer missionary, doctor and diplomat to arrive in Taiwan. Situated to the west of Kaohsiung Port, Cijin attracted fishermen from Mainland China some 300 years ago. During the Ching Dynasty, frequent trading between Mainland China and Cijin contributed to Cijin’s prosperity, cultural abundance and historical heritage. There’re three historical sites at the northern end of the island, including Tianhou Temple, Cihou Lighthouse and Cihou Fort. When we visit Cijin, not only we may appriciate these monuments and enjoy some delicious seafood, but also we should’nt miss Cijin Coastline Park. With its soft sand and clear ocean water, Cijin Coastline Park is the most beautiful beach in Kaohsiung. By the way, there’re old-fashioned rickshaws in the streets, which also make Cijin even more charming. 旗津海岸板頁岩,戲水千萬小心水流不穩定,一年溺斃十餘個,因海岸侵蝕搬運,會形成沙灘坍陷陡降,沒浪是水深潮溝處(可能在沿岸,浪花與浪花之間,水流非常之強),水淺處才有浪花;甚至浪打來會出現中間斷掉,就是有坍陷;旗津地質是高位珊瑚礁石灰岩,海岸有岩岸,沙岸和人工堤岸; 廿五淑女墓25Lady Graveyard:民國六十二年1973九月三日清晨,由旗津中州開往前鎮的民營渡輪「高中二號」,於航行途中,因超載overload且機件失靈,而翻覆沉沒turned over and sunk,不幸溺死者有二十五人,她們均為中洲人,未婚女性,且大多為任職於前鎮加工口區之職工。在市府協助下,罹難者家屬乃協議合葬於旗津中興里、中和里之間,稱「廿五淑女墓」。後因配合高雄港第四貨櫃中心之興建,乃遷葬於現址,除供人們憑弔外,地是船運業者安全的前車之鑑。現已更名為「勞動女性紀念公園female laborer me`morial park」,成為高雄市的第一個女性文化地標(也有倡議命名「工殤紀念公園」)。 大榮國小→漁人碼頭→香蕉棚→渡船頭→旗津→通山巷→砲台→燈塔→星空隧道→天后宮→廟前街→旗后教會→海岸公園→廿五淑女墓→跨港隧道→夢時代→大榮國小 介紹砲台…經日軍山洞,介紹簡史,空間,磚砌,美景(注意高處安全),雙囍大門(1871琉球人命喪屏東1874牡丹社事件/日本出兵,光緒元年1875沈葆楨建,威鎮天南,雄鎮北門,億載金城),目字空間(南砲台,中指揮,北營舍),祭祀,磚砌,340度美景,超大海馬,大門雙囍賜福(光緒登基en`throne,江土得保,風調雨順,國泰民安),萬國標交接爆炸,1895日砲打掉威鎮,劉成良不戰而逃,藝術價值高於戰功價值) 砲台經便道至燈塔…介紹國軍碉堡,港務局雷達,漁業電台(可至南美洲阿根廷) 介紹燈塔…簡史(光緒九年1883英建方塔,1918日建八角塔),建築特色(漢字風向儀(a`nemoscope),斗拱,山牆,巴洛克,圓拱門,次於澎湖漁翁,二戰後保存良好仍運作),照射範圍(廿五浬至安平),日晷(sundial),入口欣賞港景最佳點 燈塔健走至天后宮…介紹旗后地理特性(打狗山延續,瀉湖lagoon,天然港),先民(捕烏魚)及洋人(傳教,外交官,醫師)接觸歷史,通山巷(高雄第一街) 介紹天后宮…介紹簡史(1673徐阿華),廟門向港,祥瑞圖飾(祈求吉慶,馬上封侯,加冠進祿,富貴晉爵,福祿,蝠),石雕,木雕,泥塑(陳玉峰大師),古物(大媽,康熙香爐,光緒對聯,鑄鐘,公約),壓艙石(ballast stone),眾神團隊各司其職(管理員,秘書,保平安,子嗣,農產) 介紹旗后教會(1865馬雅各,「馬醫生,沒法度」)), 介紹海岸公園,廿五淑女墓(現勞動女性紀念公園,民62/09/03,超載,趕上班,童工沒勞保),風車公園,萬三,過港隧道(民73,1550公尺,水深14公尺航道,六節方形混凝土管,沈埋管隧道施工) Flag and Drum Festival, Cake : Remember the legend story about the pirate 林道乾 split the Takau Gap? Because more than 300 hundred years ago Reefs along the shore of Takau Port, its channel was so rushing and dangerous that fishermen beat drum and gongs to pray for Mountain God. That’s why the Chai Mountain also called Beat Drum Mountain. And in the other side of Takau Gap was Cihou Mountain because its shape like a flag. Two mountains, Flag and Drum, face to face, that’s a significant scene(landscape) , geographic feature in front of Takau Port. So, it’s the origin of Flag and Drum Festival, Cake. Kaoshiung City Government hope the Flag and Drum Cake could be a famous souvenir of Kaohsiung. About 340 years ago, the Han people came living on fishing in Takau. At that time, Takau was a fish port. How it developed from a fish port to an international business port ? Simply to say, there`re three steps. First Step(1), Takau openen to foeign trade in 1864. (For what treaty ? 天津Treaty in 1858) That was a important timing to Kaohsiung. From then on, the first western missionary, diplomat and doctor came to Takau. It influences Taiwan a lot. Takau port’s trade surpass that of Anping Harbor gradually. (Introduce the joke and Taiwan phrase 副/子港au`xiliary port and 正港 formal port.) Second Step(2), in Japan occupied period, from 1908 to 1920, two times(stages) of construction plan of Kaohsiung Harbor (Rember when Takau change into Taka-O/Kaohsiung ? 1920), moved reef and made harbor more wide and deep. Two reclaimed land appeared, Hamasen and Yancheng. Meanwhile, began to introduce the modern harbor facilities. Therefore, Kaohsiung City had been rapidly developed. The Third Step(3), in Pacific War in World War 2, Kaohsiung Harbor was badly destroyed. In 1945, Japan surrendered. About 178 vessels had been sunk, only vessels under 300 tons could pass through the harbor entrance. After Taiwan’s return to the ROC, a twelve-year extention project started in 1956, the construction of the second harbor, the 中島New Commercian Harbor Area, two Export processing Zones (前鎮 and 楠梓) and Far East Container Terminals had been continually completed. Kaohsiung Harbor became the biggest harbor of Taiwan. The second harbor was completed in 1975. So Cijin became a offshore island (isolated). In 1984, the Cross Harbor Tunnel was built to connect Cijin with Kaohsiung City. |
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