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2008/10/16 16:39:53瀏覽10878|回應6|推薦3 | |
胖叔叔的英領館導覽稿 各位來賓大家好,我是胖叔叔,您今天的導覽志工,非常歡迎您蒞臨二級古蹟打狗英國領事館!(註:打狗是高雄古名)剛才大家爬了151階,才能辛苦的看到位於海平面30公尺高山丘上的這間英國領事館,不過各位的辛苦絕對沒有白費,因為這裡能夠讓您看到高雄市最優美的視野景觀,也可以親身走進歷史古蹟感受思古之幽情,最特別的就是,現在您也可以體會在這座古老建築中喝茶聊天,好像您是來到英國領事館享受悠閒時光的貴賓一樣,所以難怪近幾年來,在英國領事館進行古蹟活化利用之後,這裡已經成為高雄市情侶約會和親友聚會的熱門地點之一,可見這裡有著一股特殊的情調和吸引力! 這棟樓房是在西元1879年時建造的,是台灣的第一棟洋樓,當初屬於英國的商行「天利洋行」的(英商多是賣鴉片,買米糖),後來英國政府向天利洋行租用,開始作為英國領事館(1858英法聯軍天津條約,打狗開放通商,1864開港)。好的,各位今天都是英國領事館所邀請的貴賓,請隨我來參觀這間座落在小山丘和海港邊的美麗樓房。 英國領事館是一棟L字型的建築(展示鳥瞰圖,坐北朝南,背山且三面環海),我們現在的位置是在L字型向南底邊的階梯前;請您先看樓房屋外的拱形迴廊和半圓栱圈(南面和西面都是),在夏季迎接涼爽的西南氣流,並且遮擋烈日和雨水,加上東北向採封閉設計,阻絕了寒冷的東北季風,因此使屋內冬暖夏涼;此外,整棟建築充滿了英國建築設計的獨特工法和風味,具有文藝復興以人為中心的和諧及精準平衡設計美感,讓視覺和感覺都很舒適。 在進門前,請您欣賞一下門扣(專有名詞「枘鑿」)的小設計,您想想看要如何拿起扣栓呢?直接往上拉是行不通的,您必須要先轉動九十度才能拉起來,您看這個小設計是不是很特別呢? 接著請您隨我進入屋內,在我左手邊的是餐廳,可以欣賞港口船隻出入的景色,因為是面向東方,所以在早晨您在這裡用早餐時,陽光將灑進屋內,讓您一天都有好心情;在我右手邊的是會議室,可以看到美麗的海景,而屋外的迴廊也是喝下午茶和欣賞夕陽的好地方。再往下走,您將看到L字型的長邊面西的兩個房間,先看到的是領事的書房,再看到的是領事的臥室,在這一間我想為您簡單介紹史溫侯外交官對台灣的一些重大貢獻,雖然不是什麼政治上或外交上的貢獻,但是他為台灣發現了許多的哺乳類動物,像是著名的台灣黑熊和獼猴,還有非常多的鳥類,在台灣目前發現的四百多種鳥類當中,有將近一半都是史溫侯發現的,所以也是用他的名字來命名。接著請您下樓,我們要參觀在地下樓層的僕人房,還有倉庫好像迷宮,是小孩子捉迷藏的好地方。 好的,看完了屋內房間的分配,我們要走出屋外,這裡可以看到外牆的竹節落水管,是清朝末年的洋樓特色,還有從手工薄磚可以分辨出百年古蹟的年代,至於南面外牆仍有些許灰色殘蹟的部份則是在二次世界大戰時,日軍為了避免美軍轟炸而塗上的水泥保護色。當然在室外最吸引我們的就是廣濶美麗的視野景觀。首先從右邊說起,那裡是柴山(因當地居民取柴之山而得名,也是打狗山、打鼓山、壽山)和美麗的西子灣海水浴場,當夕陽西下時,您看那堤防上一格一格的可是最好的情人雅座哦!再往左邊看過去,就可以看到高雄港了,除了商船,還可以看到軍艦,在港口的另一邊就是旗津(在像大旗之山後,古名旗后)了,在頂端的小山巔是旗后山,山上有燈塔和砲台,要前往旗津可以搭渡輪,也可以坐車經過港隧道由海底前往,旗津有便宜的海產可以吃,有三輪車可以坐,也有海岸風車公園可以玩。 最後再看到高雄港的週邊的高雄市區,聳立最高的建築是八十五層的大樓,就叫做八五大樓(高度348公尺),還有熱鬧的高雄市區,往我們這邊靠近一些的這一片密集住宅區,在一百多年前可是非常風光的現代化規劃地區,因為全部是用開闢更大的高雄港的時候,所挖出的大量土石所填海造陸而成的,這地區有一個美麗的名字 - 哈瑪星,哈瑪星哈瑪星,一閃一閃亮晶晶,你們知道她為什麼叫哈瑪星嗎?這是因為在將近一百年以前,有一條鐵路在這裡興建,為了載運漁獲去高雄市,而靠海的鐵路線的日文名字是「濱」(日語讀音:Hama) 線,因此再演變為相近的名字「哈瑪星」,當時建立了高雄最早的警察局、郵局和菜市場,也是高雄最早有自來水和電力的地方,是當時的經貿中心哦。 雖然現在似乎哈瑪星風華不再,但是就像是英國領事館,雖然也曾在這一百多年來,因為戰爭而改變過,也因為颱風(1977,民66賽洛瑪)而吹毀過(當時晚上好像鬼屋),但是現在政府和民間企業的合作下(高雄第一件BOT案),再造古蹟的新貌,讓我們可以再度回味當年的風華,相信哈瑪星和高雄港週邊景觀也可以再造迷人的風華,來展現在所有貴賓的眼前,以下的時間就留給各位來賓自行參觀遊賞,謝謝您! Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to the Takau British Consulate(Takau was the ancient name of Kaohsiung). I’m your tourguide. My name is Mason. I’m a volunteer here. It’s my honor to introduce here for you. In the beginning, I would like to say, it’s a little hard to get here, right?(Hu~) Because the British Consulate is on the top of a little hill which is 30 meters high above the sea. Everybody including all of you, wants to visit here, has to climb up along the stairway which has 151 footsteps. Although it’s a little hard, but it’s really worthy to do it. (Now follow me please.)You see, now we standing here, you can enjoy a beautiful scenery of Kaohsiung and later we’ll visit the historic relic to feel the ancient times, by the way, the most special thing is we may have a cup of tea here just like we live in the British Consulate. Here now has already been a popular attraction of Kaohsiung In these years for tourists, families and especially lovers. It’s really a romantic place, right? The British Consulate is the first western-style building in Taiwan. 142 years ago, it was built by a British trading company named Tienli and 2 years later transferred to British government in 1867 to be used as consulate. All building materials were shipped from mainland China and other areas of Taiwan but completely followed the western style in design. Now please look around. The British Consulate really enjoys the unique location and special function. You see, it’s overlooking Kaohsiung Port in the east, Taiwan channel in the west, and facing Chijin lighthouse in the south. So the building had been once guarding the Port entrance route, controlling trade and involving cultural interaction. In the following, from this picture you may see, the appearance of this architecture is like English letter “L”. Now we are standing here, as we have known, this direction is south and that is west. You know? The design about the direction of this building is really smart. Because in summer the warm and wet wind is blowing from the west and south, so the western and southern windows and doors can be opened wide. It makes us comfortable. But in th opposite side(show model), the windows and doors are small and narrow in order to prevent the cold and strong wind from the north and east in winter. Meanwhile, the most distinguish feature is the semi-circular arched hallways. It’s not only beautiful but also very practical. It can shelter from the rain but allow the wind and gentle sunshine inside. So in summer, comfortable and in winter, because of small windows and doors, it will be very warm. All right. Before we walk into the house, please notice this little design. Do you know how to move this catch? It does’ nt work if you just use your power. You see, you should pull it up then you can turn it because the upper part is round but the under is square. You see, is it special and smart? Now, please follow me to walk inside the house. The room in my left hand is the dining room(Harbor Hall). Here we can enjoy the scenery of harbor. And because the windows are facing the east, so when you’re having your breakfast here in the morning, you may enjoy a wonderful sunshine and you’ll have a great day in the beginning. And in my left hand is the office of consul general(Ocean Hall). In this room we can see a beautiful ocean view and it’s a good place to have a tea time to enjoy the charming sunset. In the following, there’s the study of consul general. Now it’s also the art gallery to show the painting about the British Consulate and Kaohsiung. Passing the ladie’s room, the next room is the bedroom of consul general. In this room we can see the introduction of the first consul general, Robert Swinhole. He had done a great job about the discovery of the natural animals of Taiwan. For example, such like Taiwan black bear, ma’caque, spotted deer and almost half of Taiwan natural birds. I want to say, Thanks a lot, Robert! After visiting the second floor, we’ll go down the stairs to the first floor. Please watch your steps. The stairs are a little narrow. There’s the gentlemen room. O.K. This room is the working place of servants and now it’s a gift shop. The next room is the bedroom of servants and now is showing some old pictures of Kaohsiung. The last rooms are the most interesting place, the maze. There’re sereval rooms for storage and also for children to hide-and-seek. We may see the ceilings are so low(100 to 160 centimeters high). I had ever gone inside to take pictures and when I went out, maybe I’m fat or incautious, I hurted my ankle of right foot and hard to walk for 1 week. So if you want to go inside later, please must be careful. All right, after visiting the indoors rooms, let’s go outside to enjoy the beautiful view.(This is the drainpipe which shape is like bamboo and that is the retired ridge beam made of the best Taiwannese Juniper.) Please look at the right side, it’s the Shoushan(ChaiShan), the Sun-Yet-San university and the Sizihwan Beach where are all the nice places to have a romantic time at sunset and night. Go on to the left side, we can overlook the whole Kaohsiung Harber and Chijin Lighthouse. The Lighthouse is on the Chijin Island. Chinjin was the first developed area in Kaohsiung. We can take ferry to Chijin to enjoy the delicious seafood and try to take the rickshows to visit Chijin. It’s very funny! (Here is the sites of battery and hiking trail which was the mail path before but now is closed because it’s a little dangerous.) Finally, there is the downtown of Kaohsiung. Let me show you the highest building is Kaohsiung 85 building because there’re 85 floors(348 meters). It only take 43 seconds if you take the elevator to get to the top. Very fast (Shoe~)! It’s also the second highest building in Taiwan(The highest one in Taiwan is 101 building, 508 meters high). Now please look back the British Consulate once again. Now it is really beautiful. But do you know? Part of this architecture was bombed during World War 2. And in 1977, it was again hard hit by Typhoon Thelma and severely damaged.(Show the picture, Oh, terrible~)At that time, it was called “ghost house” by the resident nearby. Till 1986, it was rebuilt and listed as a historical relic. And now it’s the best example of relics’ re-vitalization. It really construct a close relationship between people and this space. Now the British Consulate is a popular attraction in Kaohsiung. We Kaohsiung people indeed love here more and more and I hope the British Consulate will make you love Kaohsiung more and more. Thanks for listening and Thank you very much! |
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