Hi 尋遙子,
I had just finished watching "The Producers" and was looking forward to reading your review. Thank you for another excellent writeup. I gained some good insights from your shrewd analysis on this drama.
I was also thinking about "On Air" while watching this drama. It's great that you were able to point out some similarities between the two dramas. I don't think they are just coincidences. Yes, "On Air" is superior with much more details and development for both the story and the characters. The "drama within a drama" plot from "On Air" is also very interesting and memorable.
There was a lot of hype on this drama because of Kim Soo Hyun, and I was having some reservations for it. But overall, it did not disappoint and I quite enjoyed it, especially the humorous and witty dialogues from the 4 main characters.
You mentioned about "Misaeng" in your review. Hopefully, you will do a writeup on this drama too, which I thought was a pretty good one during the past 6 months.
My written Chinese is not so good and I hope you don't mind me writing in English.
A fan from Canada