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The Founding Declaration of Motorcycle Revolution Party
2010/08/09 22:13:47瀏覽134|回應0|推薦0

In Taiwan , there is 23 million population , and  15 million motorcycles. But motorcyclists are under long time discrimination and very bad situation.   Motorcycle is the representative of pollution, dangerous, backward, mess. Which is  the tumor   of traffic.  The motorcyclists are like the pariah, but bigger proportion and more fatalism. MRP stands up for the fallacies and wake up the sleeping 15 million motorcyclists.  

4 fallacies

1.      Dangerous:  Because motorcycles run with cars, buses, trucks together. Imagine that if a sedan is between trucks, it is also precarious. See the statistic of all motorcycle casualties , in particular the major Casualties, more than 90% are collided with vehicles, and 9.9 percent for the road holes. The rare the motorcyclists serious injured by themselves.  

2.      Pollution:  Under 10 years in Taiwan , through 2ed to 5th  stage of environment standard. The 5th stage is the most strict standard in the world, only jet fuel supply system engine can reach 5th standard , the same with vehicle. Also, the fuel consumption can be easily over 60km/L, the motorcycle running area is 1/5 of vehicle,

Parking area is 1/8 of a car. In the future , the electric and hydrogen type motorcycles are more mature and cheap. NO pollution.

3. Backward: Many people think riding motorcycle is low level, dirty, dusty. But it is also caused by environment. Now the bicycle is hot this moment. People spread bicycle transport and roads. In fact, bicycle occupied 5 times road area than motorcycle, because

  bicycle is 3 times slower and many traffic sign delay bicycles more serious. Totally 5 times time cost than motorcycle. As less pollution of motorcycle, the true answer is clear.

4.Disobedient: Motorcyclist is the 90% people, take the 10% road resources. All the roads are blocked by vehicle, but blame motorcycles run the gaps. Temporary stop vehicles, TAXI, buses, right turn cars, even ditch lids are blocked. It is dangerous and totally unfair. But the fault is taken by motorcycle.


MRP not only strives for the right of way. Vehicle has the un-replaced usage. But all the vehicles’ overpasses, underground passages, tunnels are designed for 30 tons trucks even more. The motorcycle is usually about 1 hundred kilogram. MRP advocates to build the motorcycles’ overpasses and tunnels. It cost little but service majority of daily commuters.   

Government officers never ride motorcycles and take reducing motorcycles for grand.

All they propaganda is mass transportation and bicycle. The Metro in Taiwan costs 200 million USD per km. Building time is decades. No wonder mass transportation and bicycle become thousand years propaganda.

In all science fictions, no people have to take the mass transportation , most of them take some small cabin to flight by invisible rails. Build the motorcycle’s overpasses and underground passages is the realization of future.

The MRP is established to achieve the simple traffic method. It is practical , low cost , already exist 15 million motorcycles. Most difficulty is to change peoples concept. Taiwan have unique motorcycle proportion , can be established a motorcycle island. Develop motorcycle touring. All the world will follow Taiwan’s step and save the motorcyclists, human and the earth.








( 時事評論公共議題 )
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