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2013/12/09 09:21:39瀏覽252|回應0|推薦1

博主的話最近有一些關於“披露歇斯底里的網上消息關於“披露”的時間框架, 下面的內容表示謹慎的洞察力~



1. This is Matthew to extend loving greetings from all souls at this station and to share with you our observations. In this moment 「anticipatory」 may be the best word to describe the collective feelings of enlightened souls—not exclusively pertaining to an announcement of our universal family's presence, but that is where a great deal of anticipation energy is being directed. Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also have a large measure of 「get this show on the road」 impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by 「show me」 doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who have no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.

2. Hatonn has agreed to speak about what is happening behind the scenes pertaining to the public announcement, and we turn over this forum to him.

這是Matthew,在此向所有心靈至以愛的問候並且分享我們對你們星球的觀察內容。在此刻,對許多提升的靈魂的意識最好的描述就 是「期待」,這並不全是專門的等待官方關於宇宙中,ET大家庭存在的宣佈,但是關於這個宣佈的期待,確實最主要的能量走向點。

其中一些人會更帶著興奮的心 情平靜的等待,其他人的雖然激動,但是也會給「這場盛大的演出」一些耐心的準備時間,而其他一些人則在半信半疑中,等待自己的「眼見為實」,而除此之外的 大多數地球人,則對官方即將宣佈地外文明存在的消息沒有一點瞭解。

Hatonn 同意來談論一下正在發生的在關於公開宣佈ET存在的背後事情和走向,接下來,我們將會談交給它。

3. HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, my friend. As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

4. Official recognition can't be further delayed because much has to be accomplished during this phase of universal activity. It's essential to repair the severe damage that has been done to Earth so she can regain her health and restore well being to her inhabitants, and there's no time to waste. We're here by Earth's request and God's authorization because we have the capacity and desire to help you, but your representatives are responsible for making decisions because this is your world.

3. Hatonn: 謝謝,Matthew,我的朋友。作為一個星際艦隊的指揮官和多維聯繫指揮者,我在此肯定這個宣佈準備過程,即全球性的電視直播關於地外文明存在的證實。

4. 人類官方的宣佈和承認不能再被推延,因為有許多許多全球行動要在這之後立即展開。

這其中必須要修復對地球的一些惡性損壞,從而她可以重獲健康以及保存她的 居民,這些都刻不容緩。我們之所以在這裡就是收到了地球本身的求助以及星際聯邦的授權,因為我們有能力和意願來幫助大家,然而這一切的前提是,你們人類的 代表,政府,議員們需要做出你們自己的決定,因為終究,這是你們的世界。

5. The program announcing our presence is a complex undertaking. The numbers of folks who are expecting us and will greet us wholeheartedly are very few, and the program is being designed for the multitudes. It has to be presented without creating fear or undue backlash. There's formidable opposition to any recognition of our very existence, and the security of all persons involved in the program is a foremost consideration. When I say 「security,」 I also mean the emotional security of all witnesses and other participants and their families, not only their physical safety—we have that well in hand.

5. 對我們存在的宣佈計劃是一個複雜的任務。因為現在地球上期望我們出現的朋友依然是非常的少,而宣佈計劃的對象則是廣泛的人群。因為這就需要一個恰當的呈 現,不至於造成恐慌或者反感

對宣佈我們存在的牴觸力量也存在,從而涉及宣佈計劃人員的安全問題也是首要考慮的。當我們提及「安全」,這也包括所有目擊和 其他參與這,他們的家人的情感「安全」,不止是人生安全,這些我們都將會很好的考慮並處理。

6. The program can't be just film clips of spacecraft sightings. In some areas these are so numerous that it's ho-hum, they're back. There has to be solid evidence about our presence and that's where personal accounts come in. Testifying before a panel that pledges witnesses to secrecy is quite different from letting the world know their identities, and the same goes for the people who have been working with us or at least know why we are here. Some have been blackballed in their professions or declared delusional or crazy. In some cases families have been threatened and individuals killed by factions that don't want you to know we exist, especially not right here with you. Those in charge of the program want everyone who's willing to speak about personal experiences to feel emotionally secure doing it.

6. 這些計劃也不止是一些關於飛船出現的影像片段。在一些地區,將會出現眾多的飛船,以至於人們會打哈欠的說,它們終於來了。

已經有了關於我們存在的切實證 據,有關個人佐證的可信度與安全考慮,將於向全世界公佈有很大不同,這也是我們要考慮的問題之一,包括那些與我們合作過的人類以及知曉我們來此的人類。他 們其中的一些被打壓和敵視,罷免了教授職位,宣稱是妄想或者瘋狂的。

而另外一些人的家庭受到了威脅,個人也被那些不希望人類得知我們存在的掌權者殺害。因 此關於這個地外文明宣佈的計劃,我們希望能從內心裡,讓參與人員感受到沒有任何威脅的存在。

7. This is an international action and it's important that there is agreement among the governments involved. Major decisions have been made, but some details are still being discussed. Some of your representatives favor keeping the initial program brief and releasing information in increments so people won't feel overwhelmed. They propose a brief statement that many spacecraft seen during the past several years are from other civilizations, there's no reason to think any harm is intended, and more information will follow as it's compiled. Others want the program to answer all logical questions and some of our representatives tell how they've been to helping the planet through what you call the shift or cleansing. Some think it would be frightening to see us as we appear in our native lands—not all of us look like you. Others say it's necessary to show ourselves as we are to prove that we aren't from your civilization. Some think including live coverage of a mother ship decloaking is a good idea, others think it could be more threatening than reassuring.

7,這將是是個全球性的行動,而各個政負之間的協同就非常重要。一些大方向的決 議已經敲定了,就是細節,還在進一步討論中。

政負的一些代表認為應該將最初的宣佈儘量簡短,然後信息逐漸增加,從而能讓大眾有個接受和消化的過程,不至於 崩潰了。他們提議說:可以給出一個宣佈,」關於在過去的幾年中,有許多來自其他文明的飛船的目擊事件,並且通過幾年的觀察,發現這些外星來客沒有威脅的惡 意存在。」 從而在這個基礎上,再逐漸添加更多的信息。而另一些代表則希望,能全盤公佈符合邏輯的所以問題,包括ET們長久以來對人類的幫助和協作,以及相應的科技, 以及即將到來的「大轉變」和「清洗」。

而還有些代表覺得如果我們以我們的本貌出現,則會引起恐慌,因為並不是所有的ET都具有人類的外貌。而針對與此的有 些代表卻認為我們應該以我們的本來面貌出現,從而證實這的確不是人類,而是其他文明的朋友。然後還有代表認為在全球展現載有生命體的母船是個好主意,但也 有人認為會帶來恐慌。

8. What kinds of information to present on the program and how much can be covered without overload is being debated. Would it be helpful or overkill to explain that Earth is moving out of her regular orbit by intention and needs our help off and on the planet? Would that involve explaining that Earth is a soul? How much can be said about our technologies without alarming folks about how we might use it? Would it be foolish or comforting to say that our presence has prevented other civilizations from trying to invade Earth? To what extent should the cover-up be disclosed? What about admitting that your governments refused our offers of technology in exchange for ending weaponry development and wars that could annihilate you all? How would it affect your population to know that both dark and light beings from other civilizations have been living among you and influencing your way of life? Should the program include personal accounts of both positive and negative abduction experiences? What to say about the 「little grays」 that have been living for many years in underground cities? What mixture of scientific, political and religious spokespersons should be in the program?

8. 因此,在你們人類的代表中,哪些信息應該在宣佈計劃中公佈,以及多少信息可以被公佈而能夠儘量減少公眾的恐慌和崩潰在一直研討中。公佈下面這些內容,到底 會帶來幫助還是威脅到人類大眾呢,例如,地球現在正在移出她固有的軌道,需要人類的集體意識和ET朋友高緯度的參來幫助和維護地球,那麼如果這麼說,是否 也要提及,地球本身也是一個大的靈魂體呢?

那麼再比如,如果給地球大眾公佈了我們的科技,那麼如何能不提及我們是如何使用這些科技呢?(譯者註:能量,頻率,高緯密度),再比如,認為宣佈我們的存 在,就會阻止了其他文明對地球入侵的可能,這會是愚蠢還是令人滿意的想法呢?


那是否也要公佈關於我 們多次向你們的政附提供我們的新科技,以交換你們的政附銷毀那些導致地球和人類毀滅的武器和研究項目的取締,而被屢次拒絕的事宜呢

那麼如果知道了那些來 自負面和正面的外星文明體已經生活在你們人類的人群中,並且影響了你們的方方面面,這些公佈對大眾來說又會帶來什麼影響呢?

公佈計劃是否也要包括一些個人 的正負面的接觸經歷呢?


在公佈計劃中,涉及科技,政治,宗教的發言人和比 例,又該如何選擇和安排呢?

10. This vital decision-making process that started off slowly a year ago has reached the point that within a couple of months at the outside, this 「Earth-awakening」 program will be on the air. The movers and shakers with integrity, wisdom and spiritual conviction will not be swayed by threats, bribes, even assassination attempts by the ones who oppose them. You can call them Illuminati or the Elite, the cabal, New World Government or Secret Government, New World Order or the darkness, it's all the same. It's the disparate groups that are operating under the heavy influence of the dark forces, that vast force field of negative thought forms. That is too esoteric to give out on the program, but the full truth about this vast populated universe will be revealed as Earth progresses into higher energy planes.

I think that covers everything. Thank you, Matthew.

10. 因此這就是一個嚴肅的決議,這項公佈計劃從一年前提上議程,然後緩慢的開展中,在接下來的幾個月中,會達到頂點,這個「地球覺醒」計劃將會被大眾所知曉。


你可以稱這些反對者為 illuminati 光明幫 或者 Elite 精英,秘密結社,新世界政附,秘密政附,世界新秩序,或者負面者等等,無論什麼,都是一樣的。



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