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2013/12/09 08:42:41瀏覽374|回應0|推薦0

那麼官方公佈ET存在,是否也會讓所有人類的靈性意識更家容易的覺醒到我們都是造物合一?雖然我們非常希望能夠這樣發展,但我們覺得或許不會這樣。 證明地外智慧生命的存在不會自動的引發第三密度靈性的覺醒和升揚,而你們的大多數人都仍然處在這樣一個能量和頻率層次。

而在所有你們人類被隱藏和即將揭開 的真相和秘密中,對大多數人最難以接受的部分,或許就是宗教的起源和其目的,並且會有很強的牴觸,無論給出的證據是多麼的切實。如果不能理解到,貪婪,渴 求權力的人類篡改了宗教的教義,以圖控制和分裂大眾,並且創造出一個懲罰的上帝真主的角色,並且必須無條件遵從這些真主的教條,而這些教條又都是希望得到 權力的部分人類自己頒佈的。並且僅有的有造物以及其傳遞者給出的信息也被扭曲或者忽略,在宗教的典籍中,因此幾乎不包含任何靈性的修為成長幫助的信息。( 1丁備註參考閱讀人類真實的歷史~"藍色血液真實血液(5)第11章_利用宗教來控制意識")

12. Hatonn spoke of the formidable opposition to acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial life. This includes creating fear about the motives of other civilizations, and the dark ones have been doing that through entertainment venues. While it may appear that the television show 「V」 was strategically planned after initial discussions a year or so back about officially recognizing other civilizations, producing that kind of viewing is just another means whereby seeds of fear have been planted throughout the ages. The same is true of the movie 「2012,」 designed to evoke fearful thoughts that the world really may come to the kind of end that some fundamentalist religions are expecting. With 「entertainment」 catering to that belief and refreshing the fear about aliens, not to mention the many other popular entertainment forms based in violence, you can see why all aspects of the announcement program must be so carefully considered.

12. Hatonn 提及了要承認ET存在所面臨的巨大阻礙。這包括了對關於其他文明到來動機的恐懼,而黑暗勢力也利用媒體和娛樂界來展開攻勢。這其中,在公開宣佈ET計劃開 展一年後的時候,「V星入侵」劇集就如同事先有預謀的安排,以此先入為主的為大眾植入恐懼的種子。同樣的,電影「2012」的上映也有(雙重效果),也會 喚起恐懼的思想,認為世界就會按照某些宗教所預言的那樣,走向末日。因此,伴隨著娛樂界提供的新的關於ET的恐懼元素,包括大量充斥的其他暴力和犯罪情 節,你們就會明白,為什麼公開宣佈ET存在計劃必須要謹慎的考慮和操作了。

13. Fear is the dark ones' most powerful weapon against the light because the energy of fear not only forms a barrier between the consciousness and the soul, it refuels the darkness to keep it thriving. Another means of achieving that two-way objective as well as reducing the world's population was developing various strains of 「flu」 viruses. An important part of this diabolical scheme to create plagues, which during your history have caused massive fear and death tolls, was the conditioning of Earth's peoples to regard death as the ultimate in fear.

13. 恐懼是負面能量最強大的武器了,因為恐懼的能量不僅會在意識和靈魂之間構築一道高牆,並且也會給負面能量提供養料。而另一個負面密度的目標則是要減少全球 人口,比如他們研製的形形色色的「流感」病毒。而這些惡魔的計劃之一,就是製造大瘟疫,並且在你們的歷史中,造成過巨大的恐慌和人口死亡。並也因此,讓人 們開始以為,死亡,是充滿了無限的恐懼。

14. The mysterious illness striking in the Ukraine and spreading beyond its borders is a continuation of the dark ones' biowarfare. After failure to produce the intended global fear and death toll with the SARS, avian flu, and swine flu/N1H1 viruses, which were neutralized by our space family's technology, the darkly-inclined ones developed a combination of strains whose virulence cannot be destroyed with the same high degree of success as with those three lesser toxic laboratory-designed viruses.

14.現在發生在烏克蘭的變異的流感或者說神秘病 毒,並且迅速傳播到周邊地區,也正是這些負面能量繼續釋放的生化武器之一。這是一些列包括,非典SARS,禽流感,豬流感病毒,這些為了用來消減全球人口 和製造恐慌的實驗室病毒,在被我們星際正面能量中和導致其失效後,負面採取的又一動作而已。而這次的烏克蘭神秘病毒是一種結合了多種惡性病毒序列的合成病 毒,之前殺害病毒的方法這裡並不能奏效,因此致命性更高。

15. The intended pandemic and death toll will not happen, but not all who become sick will recover. While some souls are dying in accordance with the longevity part of pre-birth agreements, others are leaving prior to contract fulfillment. In Nirvana those souls will find that completing their chosen third density karmic lessons is easier than in a physical lifetime because all learning—it is not learning new information, it is remembering what you know at soul level—is facilitated by the powerful love energy in Earth's spirit world. This is true of all souls who left or will leave prior to contract completion or whose petition to amend the original terms was or will be honored.

15. 只是這些預謀的病毒大流行和人口大量死亡將不會發生,但這不包括所有因此而虛弱的人會完全康復。一些靈魂在此刻的病逝是按照生前的協定而發生的,另一些則 會在「合約」被完成之前就離開了。在死後的靈性狀態,這些靈魂會繼續學習和完成他們的第三密度課業,而這要比肉身的物理形態來體驗容易一些,因為一切的學 習,並不是真的學習新的內容,而是去記起你在靈魂狀態的內容,而在地球充滿愛的能量中,更會促進這個過程。這就是那些在「合約」被完成前離開的靈魂,或者 申請來修正和改進的靈魂,所體驗的真實。

16. Another widespread fear is lack of the essentials that sustain life—clean air, food, and water—and the dark ones have been relentless in their efforts to befoul Earth's natural elements as well as deny billions of her residents even subsistence living conditions. Through long ages of instilling fear through mental conditioning and devising circumstances that engender fright, illness, suffering and death, the darkness has controlled Earth's peoples.

16. 另一個廣泛傳播的恐懼就是缺乏對基本生存保障的缺乏,例如 潔淨的空氣,食物和水。而負面能量就一直在無情的「弄髒」所有地球的自然元素,並且否決數以十億計的地球居民們的基本的生存權。通過長久以來對思維意識中 恐懼的灌入,以及精心設計一個充滿鬥爭,疾病,苦難和死亡的環境,負面能量控制著地球上的人類。


20. We understand that when you see your world in turmoil with so many enduring sorrow, hunger, disease and poverty—and those are the focus of news reports—it is difficult to always see the love, beauty and goodness that is even more prevalent in your world. It always is surrounding you in abundance, much of it unseen with your eyes, but so close to you in spirit. When headlines 「are too much with you,」 visualize the world of peace and love that you know awaits in your timing and already is manifested in universal timing. Allow feelings of joy and love to flow into and from your heart—love is inestimable in its capacity to uplift you and all who are around you, and this energy is so powerful that it radiates into distant lands.

20. 我們明白當你們看到你們的世界如此之混亂,充滿了悲傷,飢餓,疾病和貧窮,那些關注新聞報導的事件時,你們普遍的感覺是,要從中看到愛,美麗和美好的事物 總是困難的。只是,包圍著你的總是充實和富足的,即使大部分都無法用肉眼來看到,但是對你的靈性卻是如此的接近。觀想一個和平和充滿愛的世界,並且知曉這 一切已近在到來和發生了。允許喜悅和愛流過你的內心,讓這股能量伴你提升以及所有你周圍的人,並且傳播給全人類。

21. Yet not everyone will choose to embrace this energy because it entails opening minds to many truths, and paramount among them is the Oneness of All, the inseparability of all souls with God and Creator. Please do not be saddened if persons very dear to you cannot 「see the light,」 and please do not feel it is your responsibility to urge them. Everyone will awaken in his or her own timing—if not in this lifetime, then in another with the same opportunities to grow spiritually. At whatever station you and souls you love may be, eternal love bonds forever unite you—life is eternal, the soul is immortal!

21. 然而並不是所有人都會選擇擁抱愛的能量,因為這需要一個開放的心靈來面對許多真相,而這其中首要的便是所有一切的合一性,所有靈魂與原初造物的合一與不可 分割。請不要因為你最親近的人無法感受到「光」而沮喪,並且也不要感覺這是你的責任來驅策他們去感受。每一個靈魂都會按照自己的時鐘來開啟覺醒之路,即使 不是在他們這一生的計劃裡,那麼在其他的輪迴中,依然充滿著這樣機會來靈性成長。所以無論你和你所熱愛的靈魂處在哪裡,無盡的愛都會是你們相聚在一起,而 生命和靈魂,也會永恆下去,生生不息~


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