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2021/01/06 09:37:33瀏覽2809|回應2|推薦1 | |
由於反盜竊選舉派部隊將於1月6日在華盛頓特區進行攤牌,因此預計本週將具有歷史意義。結果將決定憲法共和國的生存,唐納德·川普(Donald Trump)將被視為歷史上的偉大英雄之一。這也可能預示著殘局的開始,最終將使他成為美國公司的最後一位總統。
在目前的緊急狀態下,他所擁有的額外權力將使他們能夠打出多個“王牌(“trump card”也是王牌之意),從而將由22萬名左右撒旦主義者秘密佔領的美國奪回。 這些人可能會被關進FEMA營地(關達那摩島監獄擴展工程早已進行),紐倫堡式的戰爭罪行軍法審判將開始工作。川普將被稱為「人類的解放者」。 另外,阿亞圖拉·哈梅尼(Ayatollah Khameini)公開表示,川普將被殺害,而在這個與英國情報部門聯繫在一起的網站發布了以下照片: 它顯示川普被著名的死者包圍,標題為2021。這些人有一些內幕資料嗎? 如照片所示,如果他要在小肯尼迪或戴安娜王妃等事故中喪生,那麼這樣的處決肯定會招致流血和混亂。 五角大樓消息人士說,無論如何,如果川普被殺或者國會和參議院投票支持欺詐性選舉拜登,那麼「人民將開始殺害政客和法官以及企業高管,疫苗推銷者,封鎖發起人,等等。」(即內戰的爆發將無可挽回) 軍隊內部的情況是,如果將軍們接受明顯的舞弊選舉,上校和士官將準備採取行動。(軍隊將不受命並自行起義革命) NSA的一些消息人士認為,我們正在處理現實的分歧。這可能是對世界不同願景的隱喻,也可能是真實的。 回顧2020年,我們可以看到,由於全球假疫情大流行,川普被深州(Deep State)壓在了一個角落動彈不得。他們計劃關閉經濟體,為中央銀行法定貨幣系統的財務重整做準備(NW0全球大重置)。 作為一種對策,在深層國家deep state行動阻止使用羥氯喹等預防劑的最初建議後,川普一直在努力儘早釋放疫苗,以消除公眾的恐懼並讓經濟完全重新開放。美國農場是許多綿羊(麻木順民)的故鄉,這些綿羊經過一生的編程,對疫苗充滿信心,完全不知道有害成分。即使沒有足夠的安全測試,他們也會排隊尋找“野獸標記” 的ID疫苗紋身,這些紋身將以無法預測的方式改變其DNA。 鑑於選舉年內的替代品有限,川普也許意識到疫苗是必要的罪惡,以獲得足夠的公眾支持以繼續執政四年,同時消除了在心理上,進而在經濟被削弱的人民擔憂。他可能會認為這是權衡取捨,允許人們重新上班,企業重新開放,而不是債務和絕望,從而導致自殺和社會動盪,最終導致更大的生命損失。 深層國家可能從未料到川普能這麼快就拿出疫苗來反制他們的以「大流行封鎖經濟崩潰」戰略,除此外他更沒有發動重大戰爭,反而努力消除戰爭,並簽署了中東和平協議。 現在,他正在揭露那些無能的各州政客,即使他們已經交付疫苗,也無法拹力合作分發疫苗。對於精神病患者(如紐約州長Cuomo)所要求加速生產但從未使用過的呼吸機,這也很明顯。 川普可能通過分發疫苗來下5d象棋,以便沖淨並清除整個撒旦疫苗推動者網絡,這在他自己的推文中就很明顯: 「聯邦政府已將疫苗分發給各州。現在由各州來管理。行動吧!。儘管聯邦政府成功且大規模地分發了疫苗,但有些州的接種速度非常慢。他們會完成的!」 同時,川普正在揭露這種欺詐行為,無論有多大無關性的死亡都被用來充實武漢病毒死亡率並用此收取巨額付款,用於疫情入院的費用為1.3萬美元,加上使用呼吸機的費用為$ 3.9萬。 「如果有(檢測或死因)疑問,就稱其為Covid。」一堆假新聞! 川普背後的異次元勢力 (by 1ding)
(一丁:火星實已被深層政府DS開發已久,上有人類奴工營,前ClA Robert Steel對此多有陳述。授意川普展示探測火星應是一種障眼法,用來阻止真相,混淆視聽)。
阿卓尼斯:「這些血系擁有地球所有政治體與經濟體,你們的政客和總統之類,都僅是它們的檯面工具(figurehead),它們(亞特蘭蒂斯祭司血系家族與天龍人後代)才是真正統治地球的實權人物。川普只擁有20%權柄,血系菁英掌控80%權力在手。一般來說,公眾政治人物若不玩球(play ball, 玩它們給你做的球),就會喪生,失去生命,這就是玩法。」
Showdown at the DC Corral as the Demonrats make their Last Stand The coming week is expected to be historic as opposing forces will have a showdown in Washington DC on January 6th. The outcome will determine the survival of the Constitutional Republic with Donald Trump finding his place in history as one of its great heroes. It may also signal the start of the endgame that will ultimately make him the last president of the United States Corporation. The additional powers afforded him in the current state of emergency will allow the playing of multiple “Trump cards” to round up 220,000 or so Satanists who surreptitiously seized control of the U.S. They will likely be put into FEMA camps and Nuremberg type war crimes tribunals will begin. Trump will be known as a liberator of humanity. The Ayatollah Khameini has publicly said Trump will be killed and now this website, linked to British intelligence, has put out the following photograph: It shows Trump surrounded by famous dead people with the caption 2021. Do these people have some inside knowledge? If – as the photograph implies – he is to be killed in an accident like JFK Jr. or Princess Diana, then such an execution would definitely usher in a bloodbath and mayhem. In any case, Pentagon sources say that if Trump is killed or if the Congress and Senate vote to support the fraudulent election of Joe Biden, then “the people will begin killing politicians and judges as well as corporate executives, vaccine pushers, lockdown promoters, etc.” The situation inside the military is such that the colonels and non-commissioned officers are ready to take action into their own hands if the generals comply with the obvious election theft. Some NSA sources think we are dealing with a bifurcation of reality. This could be a metaphor for different visions of the world or it could be real. Looking back on 2020 we can see how Trump was backed into a corner by the Deep State as a result of the global fake pandemic. They planned to shutdown economies in preparation for a financial reset of the central bank fiat money system. As a countermeasure – after initial proposals for the use of preventatives like hydroxychloroquine were blocked by Deep State actors – he has been pushing hard for the early release of vaccines to remove public fear and allow the economy to fully reopen. The US farm is home to many sheeple who have been programmed over a lifetime to have faith in vaccines without knowing the harmful contents. Even without adequate safety testing, they will line up for “mark of the beast” ID vaccine tattoos that will change their DNA in unpredictable ways. Given limited alternatives during an election year, Trump perhaps realized vaccines are a necessary evil for adequate public support to stay in power for another 4 years while removing the fear that is crippling people psychologically, and in turn the country economically. He may see it as a tradeoff to allow people to return to work and businesses to reopen versus debt and despair leading to suicide and social unrest, with ultimately a greater loss of life. The Deep State likely never expected Trump could get a vaccine out so quickly to counter their pandemic lockdown economic collapse strategy absent major war efforts he derailed and conclusion of Middle East peace agreements. Now he is exposing the incompetent state politicians who can’t get their act together to distribute vaccines even when they have been delivered. This was also evident with the production of ventilators that were demanded by psychopaths like Cuomo in NY and then never used. Trump may be playing 5d chess by distributing the vaccines in order to flush out and eliminate the entire network of Satanic vaccine pushers as evident in his own tweets. “The Federal Government has distributed the vaccines to the states. Now it is up to the states to administer. Get moving!.. Some States are very slow to inoculate recipients despite the successful and very large-scale distribution of vaccines by the Federal Government. They will get it done!” At the same time, Trump is exposing the fraud where any death, no matter how unrelated, is being used to inflate the Covid numbers and collect huge payments of $13k for admission, plus $39k for use of a ventilator. “When in doubt, call it Covid.” Fake News! |
( 時事評論|社會萬象 ) |