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這就是美國公司的現任所有者(大部份為瑞士的歐洲貴族)向中國提供拜登和卡瑪拉•哈里斯(Kamala Harris)奴隸登上總統寶座,以換取他們的債務展期。但這還不夠,所以他們把澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、朝鮮半島和東盟也提拱手讓與中國。




我們呼籲建立一個從阿根廷到阿拉斯加的新美利堅合眾國(New United States of America)。通過宣佈一個獨立國家,我們可以宣佈破產美國公司的債務無效,並告訴中國該何去何從。這樣一來國家不但還可獲得加拿大和巴西的資源,而且可以利用它們為重建被掏空的北美工業基礎提供資金。

拜登的總統任期將把目前的美國分裂成三個或更多的中國蓄奴州。「中國喬」(China Joe)已是一個漢奸無疑。據我們所知,包括參與拜登競選活動的朋友所提供的資料,「當選總統拜登」的講話場景是由企業公關部製作的電腦虛擬圖像。







五角大樓消息人告訴我們,"今日退伍軍人"編輯戈登·達夫(Gordon Duff)因為在薩爾瓦多犯下的戰爭罪而散佈新冠恐懼,和反特朗普的惡毒言論給我們上了一課,展示了可薩暴徒的賄賂和勒索網絡範圍有多麼廣。我們直截了當地問了達夫兩次這是不是真的,他都拒絕回答。








我們必須承認,這個反人類者已表明自己是對我們迫在眉睫的威脅,可以通過逮捕根據一種人為製造的流行病接種疫苗的人來查明。調查結果很可能會指向特朗普女婿庫斯納。要知道,他是第五大道666號(666 Fifth Avenue)的老闆,朗訊科技公司(Lucifer Technologies)就是在這裏開發可植入人體的微芯片,根據這條線幾乎肯定會通向瑞士。

【原文】December 14, 2020 Benjamin Fulford
West faces Moment of Truth as Khazarian Mafia Surrenders to the Chinese
The Western world is facing its greatest crisis, possibly ever, as its ruling elite has surrendered to China.  Either the West removes this elite from power and creates a united front or Westerners will become Chinese slaves working under Khazarian Mafia sub-contractors.  It is this battle involving the Chinese and the West that is the real reason why the U.S. Presidential election result remains in limbo.
Before we dig further into this it’s important to point out that given the current circumstances it’s looking like a mathematical certainty Donald Trump will be the last President of the United States Corporation in its present form, multiple sources agree.  They also indicate he may have a plan up his sleeve to resolve the situation favorably, only time will tell.
To better understand the current situation let’s take a look at the numbers published by the U.S. Treasury Department on December 10th. https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/files/reports-statements/mts/mts1120.pdf
They show the U.S. spent $6.5 trillion in the fiscal year ending on September 30th, but could only do this by borrowing $3.1 trillion.  The deficit for October, the first month of fiscal 2021, was up 111% year on year to $284 billion.
Overall, counting decades of fiscal and trade deficits as well as un-financed pension obligations, the U.S. has debt well over $200 trillion or well over 20 times GDP if you do not count debt-financed GDP.  So if you earn $10,000 a year, but spend $20,000 a year thanks to your credit card, and have over $200,000 in debt, you would have to spend your entire real income for over 20 years (and starve to death in the meantime) in order to pay your debt.
Neither Donald Trump nor anyone else can fix that using conventional means, which supports the concept of a reset to resolve the financial problems of numerous nations whose debt burden was created under the central bank fiat currency system.
That is why the current owners of the U.S. Corporation (mostly European aristocrats based in Switzerland) offered a Joe Biden, Kamala Harris slave presidency to the Chinese in exchange for a roll-over of their debt.  Even that was not enough, so they offered Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and ASEAN to the Chinese as well.
If you don’t think the mostly Swiss-based owners of the U.S. Corporation have surrendered to the Chinese, take a look at this news item (and please support the Guardian while you are at it) that reads in part:
“a secret deal between Switzerland and China that allowed Chinese security officials access to the country at Swiss taxpayers’ expense has been revealed.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/09/secret-deal-reveals-chinese-spies-free-rein-switzerland
Basically, it says the Swiss have given Chinese agents a carte blanche to do whatever they want in Switzerland.  This means they can kill any of the Davos elite there who do not do their bidding.  Remember, these are the elite who control 90% of the transnational corporations.
Now you can understand why the current owners of the bankrupt United States Corporation have sold the American people down the river.  They have offered Chinese troops the right to occupy Canada and Mexico to help break the U.S. into a small rump with Canadian and Mexican vassal states each getting a huge chunk of the former United States.
The Chinese are now furious because the American people and the U.S. and Canadian militaries are rejecting this deal.  That is why, for example, the Canadian military told Justin Castro to go take a hike (and maybe never come back like his brother) when he ordered them to let the Chinese military in and train them in winter warfare tactics.
In response, I would like to invoke the spirit of Chief Pontiac.
My grandfather was the Member of Parliament representing Pontiac County, Canada, so by doing so I am also invoking the spirit of my ancestors.  The Canadians split from the USA because we favored friendship and integration with the First Nations, not subjugation and extermination.  That is why there are now more First Nations’ people in Canada than when the first Europeans arrived, whereas in the U.S. there is less than a quarter.
We are calling for the creation of a New United States of America ranging from Argentina to Alaska.  By declaring such an independent state, we can declare the debts of the bankrupt U.S. Corporation null and void and tell the Chinese where to shove it.  Such a country would also have access to the resources of Canada and Brazil and so could use them to finance the rebuilding of the hollowed-out North American industrial base.
A Biden presidency involves the break-up of the current United States into three or more rump, Chinese slave states.  China Joe is a proven Deep State criminal.  As far as we can tell, including testimony from friends who tried to go to actual Biden campaign events, the “President-elect Biden,” is a CG composite reading speeches created by corporate PR departments.
We won’t go too deeply into it because neither the American people nor the US military will accept a Biden presidency.
The fact that Hunter Biden is facing a subpoena for multiple felonies should alert you to the Reality that there can be no Biden Presidency.
We support much of what Donald Trump has done and fully endorse the idea of making America great again.
The problem lies in the general structure of U.S. corporations, their debts are called in, and U.S. troops around the world will run out of money, while Americans will suffer a catastrophic loss of income.
The situation is already so dire that over 50 million Americans do not have adequate access to food.
In addition, according to last week’s fourth quarter revenue survey of 9,201 small business owners, 48% could close permanently before the end of the year.
Even with Trump’s remarkable successes in his first three years in office, the WHO and Fauci-led 2020 Covid shutdown, most damaging in Democrat-ruled states, has created a situation where 50 million Americans are on the brink of starvation and nearly 50%of American small businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy.Trump had recently tweeted: Vaccines are shipped and on their way, FIVE YEARS ON SCHEDULE.
Get well soon USA.
Get well soon WORLD.
We love you all!
This comes after the White House ordered the head of the FDA to approve the Pfizer vaccine by Friday or resign.
This comes after the White House ordered the head of the FDA to approve the Pfizer vaccine by Friday or resign.
this is the same vaccine that Pfizer’s own chief scientist and others say renders women infertile by causing their immune systems to attack their own placentas?Well, we don’t want to go to Deep Space Nine with our readers, but we have to consider the possibility that we are dealing with several different,converging timelines.
In my reality, the Covid-19 pandemic is a gigantic scam designed to scare the public into taking DNA-altering vaccines with RFID nano-chips designed to permanently enslave people. For example, here is a member of the Austrian Parliament demonstrating to his Colleagues how a can of Coca-Cola tests positive for Covid-19.
Meanwhile, the corporate media world is screaming about a deadly pandemic where vaccines are the only hope for salvation. This is clearly a massive propaganda lie, and the reality is that the Covid numbers are fabricated by various means to create the impression of a real pandemic.
In a lesson in how far and wide the Khazarian Mafia’s bribery and extortion network extends, Pentagon sources tell us that Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff spewed Covid fear porn and anti-Trump venom because of war crimes he committed in El Salvador.We asked Duff twice point-blank if this was true, and he refused to answer.
Instead, he said, “I have two daughters who work in intensive care units; all you get is deep state propaganda; all anti-vaccine material comes from Russian intelligence; this is confirmed; we are experiencing massive deaths here; hospitals are overcrowded.
So here is something that every reader of this newsletter can do: Go to a Hospital and see for yourself if it is overcrowded with Covid patients.
If you see them, please post your findings with photos on the reader blog. I have visited several hospitals and talked to many doctors who say it is all fake.Other examples of possible disinformation or timing bias are Reports that all members of the British Royal Family have been executed.
Since this is an age of hyper-realistic CG, we use handwritten letters and ask for analog photos to confirm that the royals are still with us. Again, we’re dealing with either big lies or an alternate timeline in which they were executed.
Confirmation will take time, but we will let our readers know when we get it.In any case, in these days when the Western leadership has clearly lost the plot, it is important to focus on the tangible things that are closest to you,your family, your home, your pets, your food supply, your security, etc.
When they are in order, don’t worry about the hysteria you see on your digital screens.
This could just be the death throes of a rogue digital AI community with a customized YouTwitFace bot assigned to your individual profile data. If we can confirm that Covid-19 is only real in the minds of brainwashed MSM, then we have a clear path to victory in this battle for planet Earth.
If they are really trying to inoculate us with an ID tattoo containing luciferase and an RFID chip to connect to a digital money system, then there really is a representative anti-Christ among us, AI in nature or not.
We must accept that this Anti-Christ has manifested itself as an imminent threat to humanity and can be identified by arresting the people who administer vaccines based on a manufactured pandemic.The trail may well lead to Jared Kushner.
Remember, he was the owner of 666 Fifth Avenue, where Lucent (Lucifer) Technologies developed microchips that could be implanted in people. From there, the path will almost certainly lead to Switzerland.
Therefore, the Swiss must be given the choice to hand over their leadership group or suffer the consequences.Remember, under their dysfunctional leadership, by 2020, “93% of global economies are shrinking…. And markets are at an all-time high.
This means that the parasitic ruling class is getting richer and richer while everyone else is getting poorer and poorer.As for the Chinese, their real Dragon Family leadership (as opposed to the Communist front with the fake CGping) says they are already cancelling all debts and making a fresh start when the genocidal Khazarian leadership is removed.
( 時事評論政治 )
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