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2020/05/16 15:21:53瀏覽1993|回應4|推薦3 | |
愈發擴大的曝光真相將繼續進行,以便每個男人,女人和孩子都將意識到,長期以來隱藏在陰影中的腐敗和殘骸。在此期間,幾乎沒有一個人對此偉大過渡時期所發生之事沒有反應。這次是揭示陰影深處(deep state)隱蔽內容的頂點。這段時間對您跨越更大的門檻至關重要,因為您正在邁入一個全新的世界。
但是,這段過度時間是逐漸一滴一點形成結果的。毫不奇怪,許多人會不耐煩,希望快速到達結果。(諸如老問『XX何時會發生?XX何時會結束?』然後自言自語, 狼來了!巴巴渴求直到彈性疲乏,想當然爾)
幕後發生了非常大的變化! 由於許多精英已從其權力職位上被撤職,只有少數人會留下來,因為腐敗菁英的曝光對於進一步推動人類集體發展是必要的。他們(菁英)將公開展示其意圖反噬,他們將揭示其議程以尋求更大的控制力,並企圖剝奪人類的自由意志。(體現為企圖以"疫情"為名的立法來逐步剝奪人權)
在這段時間中,即使彼此同意或不同意,您也必須堅定持守。愛, 會使您對男人,女人和孩子抱有慈悲心。這個時期,不但您將顯示自己真正是誰,你也會看清在你面前把性格中真實意圖表露的對方。即使某些觀點看似尖銳,甚至令人沮喪,但您也不應該因為這種觀點而攻擊同伴或他人。無論你們的觀點差異是否提出,並不能通過在對錯上進行爭執來證明誰更強大。愛與慈悲才是在宏觀尺度上的合一關鍵。
堅定持守,團結一起。不僅在身體上,而且在精神上,情感上,心智上表現絕佳參與。通過有志於繁榮,團結和慈悲,你越趨於彼此共享世界的基本通性(普世價值),你越發現成為真正的人類意味什麼,真正成為人類, 本來是什麼。
We speak as one and we represent that of what you term as the Earth Collective Consciousness. There is a peeling of skin that could be termed as debris which is currently lifting itself off your collective consciousness at this time.
This is termed in this way because everything relating to the year of 2020 termed as the year of exposure is moving ahead swiftly. There is a stage that has been arranged for the Elitists as you term them, to expose much of their agendas in clarity due to this time of great transition happening upon the Earth.
This is proceeding precisely as it needs to, and it is proceeding as it needs to to bring transparency to the secrets of distortions that have been kept under heavy guard for many decades. This exposure is helping to release the energetic equivalent of a parasitic strain created through many decades and many centuries of corruption that has been seeded within the collective front of humanity.
This will continue in a great exposure so that every man, woman, and child will become aware of the corruption and debris that has been kept in the shadows for a great deal of time.
During this period, it would be almost impossible for one or few or many not to react to what is taking place during this great transitional time.
This time is the apex of revealing what has been deeply contained within the shadows. This time is crucial to moving you forward past a greater threshold where you are taking a giant leap into an entirely new world.
However, this time is transitory and gradual. It is of no surprise that many are impatient and wish to have this time conclude. Even though it does bring forward great challenges to humanity, it is a necessary time so that you can work and unify in the greatest ways that you can on a majority level.
The intensities of these events will continue until more people are able to awaken from the slumber relating to ignorance and the corrupt happenings involved with their appointed world leaders, otherwise termed as Elitists.
There has been a great shift occurring behind the scenes as it were. As much of the Elitists have been removed from their positions of power. And only a select few are meant to remain because their exposure is necessary in advancing the collective further.
They will reveal their intentions publicly. They will reveal their agendas to bring greater control, and agendas that attempt to take away the free will of humanity. However, this is nothing more than an illusion, and through these illusions of control and corruption, it shall be exposed on greater levels leading to the great collapse of an empire centered upon keeping the debris consciousness of control and corruption intact.
During this time, it is essential that even if you agree or disagree with each other, you are holding space. You are holding love. You are holding compassion for your fellow men, women, and children.
This time will reveal to you who you truly are and who you are seeing before you with their own shared intentions of character. Even though some viewpoints may seem harsh, or even wretched, it is not for you to turn upon your fellow man, woman, or child because of such perspectives.
Whether your differences of perspective are becoming exposed, this does not warrant a strength by battling one another over who is right and who is wrong. Love and compassion are the keys to bringing unification together on a greater scale.
The advancement of humankind will come through the realization that you are living beings. That you are upon the Earth. And that you share the same space.
Through that nature, you deserve to work together with each other holding space, showing love, and sharing compassion. This is what will allow the transitional period taking place now to accelerate into greater revealing. The more that you ally with each other and come together, standing firmly against such shadow agendas that have been upon your Earth for a great deal of time, will bring greater clarity to how you live and exist upon your mother Earth.
Hold space. Gather together. Not just physically, but spiritually, emotionally, mentally and with great presence. The more that you converge yourselves towards the basic commonalities of sharing this world with each other through the intention of prosperity, community and compassion, you will find what it is to truly be human, and to truly become humankind as it was meant to be.
This concludes the Earth Intelligence Report.
( 時事評論|國際 ) |