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2020/04/15 17:19:53瀏覽3565|回應0|推薦5 | |
善與惡的故事 2020年4月10日, 兩個視頻向公眾發布,震驚了所有人~ 一個受到壓倒性的惡評,被作者刪除了- 確切地說,是由Microsoft微軟刪除的! 另一方在不到三天的時間內獲得了300萬次觀看- 確切地說, 到2020年4月16日,觀看人數達到700+萬! 上帝贏了!
在Micro$oft發布視頻後,引起了排山倒海的不滿。Micro$oft灰頭土臉刪除視頻, 似乎不想再讓您觀看此視頻。 這是Micro$ofts與精英大祭司瑪莉娜.丫婆莫為奇(Marina Abramović)合作的新VR(虛擬現實)廣告。 瑪麗娜·阿布拉莫維奇是誰? Micro$oft將再次刪除之前, 重新觀看該視頻留下的邪惡痕跡 。
上下的畫面,精英大祭司瑪莉娜.丫婆莫為奇(Marina Abramović)的舞台劇《生與死》,共產主義符號+歡呼雀躍,您怎麼看?
"out of shadows 陰影之外"的紀錄片揭開了主流媒體和好萊塢, 如何通過在內容中進行宣傳來操控群眾的面紗。 我們的目標是通過揭露- 我們如何被一個險惡議程中隱形敵人的欺騙和洗腦 -來喚醒公眾。 (1ding: "invisible enemy"這是Trump在流行病戰爭中多次提到的術語,愛國者清楚地知道他指的是誰- 第三次世界善惡大戰一直在暗中悄悄進行) 這個項目是由一群覺醒的專業人員, 經過兩年的血汗和淚水的結果。 它是獨立製作和資助的,可在許多不同的平台上免費提供,任何人都可以觀看。如果您喜歡紀錄片,請分享此視頻。 覺醒者製作這部紀錄片的唯一目的就是要了解真相。 ...此視頻涉及以下主題: 精英對大眾傳媒的控制 好萊塢是一場腦控操作 MKULTRA項目和基於創傷的心理控制 好萊塢的撒旦教與戀童癖 (順便說一句,Youtube抑制了使用搜索找到該視頻的功能。 除非您搜索頻道名稱,否則它不會顯示。) 您可以在outofshadows.org上支持我們的團隊和未來的項目進行捐款 人類正在覺醒,我們被激怒了! 同一天在youtube上發布,比較超級大咖微軟的邪教廣告“the life”, 和渺咖民間獨立製作的喚醒視頻“out of shadows”的點贊/倒贊 2020年4月地球智能報告
我們聲明,地球在這段時間內,正在發生巨變。 儘管您的許多主流媒體都在描述與流行病有關的慘淡景象。實際上,世界正在清除嚴重感染的痕跡,這些感染烙印在堅決維持專制和腐敗的男女身上。這些人正是這種腐朽的根基,現在已經到了他們失敗的最後階段。
(1丁:現在你明白,為何這個病毒自帶名人效應,一攤又一攤高官皇親貴冑和教皇,紛紛推出『自我隔離』的晃子,他們的自我隔離期間可能會進行訊問。 在社媒中,大多數好萊塢名人在自我隔離期間會發布自拍照,他們都沒有化妝,看上去又老又空洞, 筋疲力竭。是否在向他們的handlers發出SOS信號?)
這是一個偉大的過渡時期,因為您的世界正朝著更高的愛和同情的跨度邁進。那些意識到正在發生的事情的人(覺醒者),將依然停留在他們自己的和平範圍內。那些想揚起武器並促進動亂的人,將被憤怒之火吞噬。他們將在這場風暴中迷路,即便怒火撲滅他們也將迷失。 還有有些人,漫無目的地徘徊著,不確定應該做什麼。
這段過渡期結束後,您星球的系統將不再相同。 這將導致金融系統,銀行系統,公司系統,教育系統等即將變革,地球上國與國之間逐漸蔓延的是,地球人民彼此更加透明合作。每個國家都會有自己的規則和治理,但是,從目前發生的這種轉變中,地球上的所有國家都會越來越好。
古老浮泛的精英統治過渡期將在未來幾年內顯現,而且,此即世界潮流正式轉變的基準時間。這種潮流涉及到盛大繁榮的開始。從屬系統的終結,它們將自行過渡,腐敗和階級統治的終結。 在這新時代,人類將開始意識到實現平衡其現代系統,以惠及每個男人,女人和孩子的能力。隨著新系統的建立,修復地球並為所有地球人類帶來更大的平等與和平,這將是完全結束苦難時代的使命。
注意不斷拆除的舊系統、統治者和政府。 他們的時間已經結束。將會發生更多的變化,這些變化不會通過您的主流媒體分享,而是會給那些選擇自行深入研究的人,以及總是與自己內心深處共鳴的人,帶來真相。
We will state that during this time upon the Earth, great changes are afoot. Although much of your mainstream media are painting a very bleak picture as it pertains to an epidemic. In actuality, the world is being cleansed of severe infections that have been imprinted upon men and women determined to create rulership and corruption. These very people that are the root foundations of such corruption have now reached the final stage of their defeat. This will involve their own detainment where through human systems, the stripping away of their rulership appointed to them will no longer be within their possession.
This is a time of great transition as your world moves up the ladder as it pertains to a greater love and compassionate span. Those that realize what is taking place will remain still within the circle of their own peace. Those who wish to take up arms and promote upheaval will be swallowed by a storm of wrath. They will get lost in this storm and feel that they will lose their way should they wish to fight fire with fire. Then there are those who wander aimlessly uncertain of what they should do. It is these people that those who are still in the circle of peace are meant to assist. One who wishes to retaliate with war shall become lost and consumed with it. One who understands the nature of this event pertaining to a false epidemic know that it is time to be still and be within reflection. Through this and the wisdom they gain, they will find prosperity in the willingness to help others greatly in fear and despair regarding this situation. The systems of your planet after this transition has ended will never be the same again. This will lead to an imminent transition of financial systems, banking systems, corporate systems, educational systems and more that will obtain a greater clarity working more in favor with the people of Earth as its spreads gradually from country to country. Each nation has its own rules and governance. Nonetheless, all nations of Earth will become bettered from this transition that is currently taking place. The transitional time of rulership from a bloated and archaic elite will play itself out within the next couple of years. Yet, this is the benchmark time where the tide has officially turned. This tide involves the beginning of a greater prosperity. The end of slave systems that will transition themselves out. The end of corruption and class rulership. For these times are the stepping stones where humanity will begin to realize the capability it holds towards balancing out their modern systems to favor every man, woman and child. These times of suffering will be a mission to end entirely as new systems are being put in place to repair the planet and bring a greater equality and peace for humanity that spans this planet. This is a step in a newer direction. The end of a vast karmic cycle collectively that has repeated itself for many thousands of years and will not need to be repeated. Through the changes in timeline shifts occurring now, this will lead to a wound that will become mended in the years to come. Although much work is still to be done, humanity has shown that in majority, the people want to work together to bring fairness, equality, community and prosperity to each other and the Earth. This shall be the goal as the years continue. Watch for continual dismantling of the old systems, rulers and governance. Their time has come to an end. More changes will occur that will not be shared through your mainstream, but for those who only choose to research thoroughly, and those deeply in touch with their own inner truth. Exposure on a mass level is taking place. People are going to show you who they truly are during this time of great transition. You will see those who are truthful, those who are ignorant as well as those who are deceiving. But also, you will see those ones stepping up to offer compassion and love to all for they see all souls past their characteristics and ideals attached to surface-based agendas. The compassionate are the ones who are called, as they are the ones who will keep the balancing factor of natural order regarding humanity and gracefulness intact. This concludes the Earth Intelligence Report. |
( 時事評論|國際 ) |