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2020/03/05 16:06:21瀏覽3444|回應0|推薦1

2010-2015 臨界期 span of critical mass
2016-2024 大轉變期 span of change
2025-2035 革新 span of renewal
此時期,零點能量/自由能源誕生,從深海到太空,科學以量子跳躍發展到突破三維物理意識的境界。最明顯的界域是人工智能AI的全面覆蓋,屆時社會將意識到兩種人類文明分別發展,一是「原生態超人( indigenous transhumanism)」,一是「生物器超人( cybernetic transhumanism  )」。前者在物質意識全面解放後,回歸自然生態而自給自足,後者把物理肉身設定在惰性態,意識從而遨遊多維時空甚至宇宙。
2036-2050 銀河開幕期 span of galactic inauguration
天幕初啟,此年限中人類約於2045~50年時地球與外星人在政府/集體層面上,進行大形公開正式接觸(相對於當前的零星的私人目擊者),加入星際聯盟(Galactic Federation)的一員,進而以地球揚升經驗服務宇宙其他正在揚升的文明。好好養生,活過30年,你就有機會和愛桑桑尼人巴夏,面對面give me five了!
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通過此次傳播進行的互動中,我們希望與您談談在接下來的幾個月內,到今夏結束和秋天開始之前,這段時期可稱為"疊加現實"的過程,所發生的是彼此交滙的球形(spheres, 指平行地球的交會)在彼此相應磁場的疊加融合中,形成一個更加蓬勃繁榮的地球現實。
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2020年下個緊接的揚升窗口會發生於春末到初秋~整個仲夏之際,這段窗口期迎入/送走的4D人/3D人不若一和二月份多,但也是可資利用,搭上揚升便車的強力能量放送期,搭揚升便車之法無二,追隨你的心,聽從你的靈魂,校齊天律。天狼星人建議此時窗口能量特別強烈, 身心內外極易發生失衡狀態, 靜心於脈輪打開,依續傾聽並淨化每一個脈輪~從海底輪到頂輪,用以對齊平衡。
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另一方面來看,那些選擇騷擾或傷害他人的行動或議程,旨在操控以力挽舊勢力的人,通過地球上出現的新形式可以局限和束縛舊勢力,進而輕易地溶解並消除它們(不同的政府機構迅速, 不斷地通過了許多新法案和新政策)。

您會在短時間內發現這種情況,因為冠狀病毒意圖影響許多人的預期結果已失敗。致力於通過你們的「全球媒體控制網」在地球上散佈恐懼的組織(參考:比爾蓋茨基金會病毒議程已精心規劃許多年),正孤注一擲它非死即生的存在緊迫性。(1ding: 激活第三次世界大戰可能是們唯一的倖存機會了)

但是, 這疫情遠非緊急情況(此處表示在美國地區),許多關於疫情擴大,病例傳播範圍的報導都將被操縱篡改,強調誇大其辭的論述,僅此而已。正如我們將再次強調「此時無論什麼議程與地球揚升振動不和諧不結盟都將看不到陽光而後毫無機會,因此下場就是被消滅」。( 英國威廉王子近日與愛爾蘭的救護人員對談時,質疑這場疫情武漢肺炎的疫情是不是有點被媒體大肆炒作了 」 )

這本身就是為什麼2020今年被稱為「曝光年份 year of exposure」的本質。實施有利於地球能量的真理,否則那些揮灑愛與真理之光的人,必將不利地球的計劃揭露並拆毀。


每個人都會對現實以及你作為人類種族的走向, 有自己的看法和觀點。請記住,「視角/觀點」與在附近商店中選擇商品沒什麼不同。「視角/觀點」的選擇範圍很廣,既能通過選擇來改變它,也可沉耽於自身視角的價值觀中。


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隨著這些現實時間軸的融合,你們將看到身體上某些湍流產生的水平結果。想想自己的身體及其排毒過程,你們將經歷痛苦或轉變,總體上, 這些痛苦或轉變成消除體內的淤塞,從而使您接收到的能量能夠令物理載器(肉體)恢復活力。目擊地球痛楚與經歷這種(排毒過程)轉變沒有什麼不同。

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In our next interaction through this transmission, we wish to speak to you regarding the overlaying of conjunct realities that are in the process of converging and fully amalgamating upon your planet within these next several months leading into the end of your summer and beginning of your fall season. These realities could be termed as tether realities where the intersection of spheres serving a common magnetic shall infuse realities on a grander level resulting in greater shifts of prosperity for the Earth. 

What this entails is the melding of collective feelings that hold a high resonance with love, joy and prosperity through many of the human populace across the world. Through this effect, you reach a greater platform of cooperation that will render any form of false agenda or corruption obsolete by the simple permission to dissolve it. Seen in another way, those who choose to assuage past any dealings of operations or agendas designed to control, harass or harm anyone else and the planet can easily be dissolved/eliminated by these new forms of abridged tethered realities coming upon the Earth.

The Earth is reaching a new critical level process where love is the result of growth and those that do not align to this process will see their agendas of selfishness revealed very quickly. This is the exact nature that you are seeing, termed as ‘chaos’ upon your planet.

There are many intentions to create havoc and disarray through much of your shadow groups, but very few of their attempts will ever see the light of day in a manner of speaking. The vibrational resonance of your planet is highly intense to the degree that anything in resistance to it shall become an exposure leading to its dismantling in a very short amount of time. 

You will find this the case in the short time ahead regarding your coronavirus as its desired result to affect many has failed. Its only urgency of presence is brought forward by the very organizations committed to spreading fear upon the planet through your common global media. However, this is not an emergency and many of the reports of large spread cases would be the result of doctored, exaggerated results and nothing more.

Whatever agenda is not in harmony with the Earth, as we will say a second time, will not see the light of day and shall therefore be exposed for dismantling.

This in and of itself is the nature of why your year is termed as the year of exposure. Speak the truth that works in favor of the energies of the Earth, or such plans will lead to being exposed and dissolved by those that wield their light of love and truth.

As what has been spoken before pertaining to reality partitioning, this shall continue on a much more accelerated level, and has been intensely manifesting since the beginning of your new year.

Everyone will have their own sides and perspectives on reality and where you are going as a race. Remember that perspectives are no more different than selecting items at your neighborhood stores. There is a wide selection of perspective and they can all be dismissed through your choosing. Indulge the value of your own perspective.

Look into the light of your own truth and value deeply what you feel you are being told inside. For no one holds a better perspective on what is before you in this moment than yourself.

As these timeline realities merge, you will see the results by certain levels of turbulence upon the body. Think of your own body and its process with detoxification. You will experience pains or shifts that are overall attempting to dissolve blockages within your body so that the energies you receive will rejuvenate the physical vehicle. See it no differently than when the Earth experiences such shifts. Earth changes are common when this happens.

Shifts in the various major arenas of events politically, economically and more take nose-dives and will then re-stabilize themselves when appropriate adjustments are made that bring in alignment of coherency to such areas. This will lead to old leaders being exposed losing power, and new shifts engaging so that it follows where the new merged timelines that are tethering to your world have fully fused.This is what change looks like.

It is a constant shifting of currents taking away the stagnant pools of filth and grime so that replenishment can fill the shores as the new waves of change come in. It is all part of the cyclic change taking place now. Change means adjustment. Adjustments will refine your landscapes on all arenas, and you too shall feel these shifts come as your persona of self changes representing a greater truth to come to your surface where empowerment and possibility are now commonplace in your awareness. This is the way of flow as it exists. Harmonize with it and make it an ally rather than dreading it as an enemy.

This concludes the Earth Intelligence Report.

( 時事評論國際 )
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