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2019/02/18 15:21:03瀏覽3787|回應0|推薦8

由Brad Johnson傳導

天狼星A的安卓尼斯Adronis  -  2018年10月10日

Adronis:我們正在談論的是,現在已經在你們世界上發生的大部分披露。一切都將被公開。你已經進入了一個核心年,一個中心點,在你們幕後發生的許多內部信息,將會完全釋放出來 - 意味黑幕曝光勢在必行。





2019年將是人人出聲抗議的時候,用手括著嘴(如擴音器)的一年,人民會說,“我有話要說。我有東西要分享。“ 今年也可以被稱為「舉報年」。將有更多的舉報人出席並談論絕密計劃,包括「秘密太空計劃SSP」可能會在您的非主流媒體中出現,但您的主流媒體仍在阻擋這個真相。




在火星和土星與它們的衛星(moons)上也發生了很多連根拔起,們與天龍人這個古老的政體系統有關。 天龍人Dracos正在全面撤出太陽系。一旦他們被移除,事件將以更快的速度前進。會有更多形式的天體信息披露,例如在地球月球和其他地方被ET種族遺留下來的秘​​密,和被壓制的科技。



主流媒體也終將被曝光。遮掩黑暗真相的頭條新聞「故事」,從未完全向公眾報導的事件。 (做為假新聞巨獸)CNN將被挑出來,CNN內部的許多人員都參與撒旦儀式(獻祭),他們將被曝光(【核桃醬】消失的小孩去那裡?孌童正常化 CNN帥哥世家的童祭)。 CNN將成為有關主媒披露時間表的準星之一。你將目睹拆解主流媒體的開始。👍👍👍👏👏

已經成立一段時間的世界領導人和銀河 - 地球聯盟(注:丫卓2015年曾提過,普京定期與👽會面,其實這在秘密太空計劃SSP界,各大國領導現今與ET的聯手,早已不是秘密了)將共同關閉所有涉及販運,經濟污染,環境污染以及所有傷害地球的公司系統。這些都將暴露出來。孟山都公司將成為將被挑出來的公司之一。石化燃料行業也將成為人們關注的焦點,從而開始關閉石化燃料產業。當我們經歷這一變化時,(停用石化燃料)一切都會受到影響。

戲劇並不重要, 就讓這些已經創建的內部系統完全自毀,自生自滅。但2019年發生的一切會造成很多人內心混亂。很多暴露的東西會讓你震驚,會非常令人沮喪,也會讓你們很多人震怒。所有這一切都是變革時期(2018-2024)必須經歷的自然過程。

「大揭露」意味著對被阻止真相的實情開放。再次,披露將在地球上的每個層面上進行:社會,政治,金融,教育,乃至你的個人生活 - 所有這些黑暗都將被公開。所有這些披露都會適當地發生。



地球的意識正在上升。她的身體在飛升。隨著地球的揚起上升,所有被含蓋的東西 - 尤其是情緒 - 1切在她身上的生命都需要被公開見光。地球正經歷著靈魂的黑暗之夜,這將會愈演愈烈。

你們每個人也將經歷個人的靈魂黑暗之夜。你們每個人都會意識到你正在點滴開放,尋覓與揭示所有有助於你進入療癒過程的信息。開始分享,開始透露,就是在您自己或團體中執行此療程,讓它發生! 現在是時候直視,進行這種開放了。


【2019大揭示】進程已啟動 今年是大轉變之年*光之兄弟群體2019年1月



We are talking about much of the disclosure that is already taking place upon your world right now. Everything is going to be brought out into the open. You have entered a core year, a center point where much of your own inner developments that have been taking place behind the scenes, are going to be completely unleashed – which means they are going to be exposed.

You are going to find out about disclosures and scandals with the CIA, NSA, FBI, 9/11 situation, child trafficking, pedophiles especially in the Vatican, etc. Declassified documents will become available publicly. Between 2019-2020, the Vatican will be completely exposed and refurbished from the inside out. They will do everything they can to salvage the Catholic system, but those individuals and priests will be exposed who have harmed others through sexual abuse, misconduct and hardships that are torturous.

Also, Satanic rituals will be exposed.

Specific Hollywood celebrity scandals will be called out and exposed. Your internal government systems are being pulled inside out. All these roots will be ripped out and exposed.

Pandora’s boxes will be opening up for truth to be exposed. This also relates to the total and complete exposure of an old regime that is now dying out. In 2019, you will see this old regime crumble and disintegrate.

2019 will be a year where everybody will raise their voice, cupping their hands to their mouths (like a megaphone), and they are going to say, “I have something to say. I have something to share.” This year could also be termed the Year of the Whistleblower. There will be more whistle-blowers coming out and speaking about top secret programs, including the possibility of secret space programs to be brought forth in your alternative media streams but not through your main stream media.

There will be more political trials and military tribunals that will take place. Some will be public and some will be hidden. Look for more forms of arrests taking place on a mass level. (Note: It is estimated that currently 57,000 sealed indictments exist at the U.S. Department of Justice).

There will be a little bit more information about Antarctica, about particular forms of technology that are taking place and stationed within Antarctica that are actively in use.

The benevolent (ET) galactic family of Light will be active throughout 2019 even as they are active right now. They are working behind the scenes. There may be more sightings in the year. You might even see fleets of spacecraft. These fleets that we refer to as the Galactic Confederation of Planets are creating a new infrastructure within this star system. (Note: Sheldan Nidle refers to this Confederation as the Galactic Federation of Light).

There is a lot of uprooting taking place on Mars and Saturn and their moons with the Dracos that have been associated with this old regime system. The Dracos are being completely withdrawn from the solar system. Once they are removed, things will be able to move ahead at a much quicker pace. Many more forms of celestial disclosure will become available such as secret and suppressed technologies that have been left behind by ET races on Earth’s moon, and other places.

The U.S. government’s newly formed Space Force will be the bait that starts to reveal a lot more of these operations that have been taking place in space. Don’t look for NASA or the European Space Agency to do this. The Space Force will be the agency to disclose that other ET civilizations have been visiting your star system for many thousands and thousands of years. That will begin to play more of a part as you move past the year 2020.

2019 is a year of personal and Earth-based disclosure and may include other celestial disclosures as well. Your voices will be your most valuable assets. Many of you are going to be sharing yourselves, exposing situations that have happened in the past that you have been keeping quiet about, and now you are going to start to reveal it a lot more. This is all part and parcel of a great unraveling that has been happening on this planet that will allow new grassroots systems to surface and provide humanity with new experiences of empowerment across the full spectrum of life. You will find this more in the alternative media.

The mainstream media will also be exposed as well. Cover stories that have been released that have kept important situations in the dark. Stories that have not been fully revealed to the public. CNN will be singled out. Many people involved with CNN have been involved with sadistic practices, and they will be exposed. CNN will be one of the networks that will be in the cross-hairs as it relates to these times of disclosure. You will be witnessing the beginning of the dismantling of mainstream media.

World leaders and a Galactic-Earth Alliance that has been formed for some time will be working together to shut down all systems that involve trafficking, economical pollution, environmental pollution, and all systems and corporations that have been hurting the Earth. All of it will be exposed. Monsanto will be one of the corporations that will be singled out. Fossil fuel industries will also be in the spotlight, thereby beginning the process of shutting down the fossil fuel industries. As we move through this span of change, everything is going to be affected.

All of this is drama. None of you have to follow this if you choose. It’s not important. Let these internal systems which have been created, allow them to completely dismantle themselves. Everything happening in 2019 will create a lot of inner turmoil. A lot of what will be exposed is going to shock you, it will be very very upsetting, it will make many of you angry. All of this is a natural process through the span of change (2018-2024).

Disclosure means to bring openness to situations that have been held back. Again, disclosure will take place on every platform on Earth: sociological, political, financial, educational, your personal life – all of this will be brought out into the open. All of this disclosure needs to happen appropriately.

Your sun will trigger aurora activity. What’s taking place on your planet is an internal heating, the same as what’s happening with other planets in your solar system. All of your planets are going through an internal global heating situation.

Earth’s consciousness is rising. Her body is lifting up. As it lifts up, everything that is contained – emotionally - thorugh all life upon her body needs to be brought out into the open. She’s going through the dark night of the soul, and this is going to intensify. Each of you will be going through your own dark night of the soul, as well. Each of you will realize that you are exposing, revealing all this information that is helping you to go into a healing process. Start sharing. Start revealing. Do this on your own or in a group. Let it happen. It’s time for this exposure to take place.

( 時事評論國際 )
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