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Sheldan Nidle 2014-3-18信息(受壓制的發明出現 廢稅)
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Sheldan Nidle 2014年3月18日更新
11 Eb, 15 Ceh, 10 Caban
Selamat Balik! We return with some wonderful news! Progress continues! The dark cabal is reaching a point where it needs to surrender. All strategies to disrupt the Light have utterly failed. A set schedule is now in effect to distribute the RV funds and prepare you for your prosperity monies. These efforts will also deliver a new banking system based upon the reporting rules agreed upon years ago. These rules will alter how banks operate and severely limit any kind of bank fraud. When all of this is accomplished, new governance can then freely and legally manifest. This new governance will abolish personal taxation and permit a new business environment to emerge. In this fair environment, presently suppressed inventions can appear. These devices will clean your air, water and sky and make possible a formal disclosure of our sacred mission. First contact is to permit us to travel to your shores and begin a mentoring program that is to lead you to full consciousness. During this time, you are to be reintroduced to the Agarthans.


這些努力也將交付一個新的銀行體系,這個銀行體系建立在幾年前就達成一致的申報制度 上。這些制度將會改變銀行運作的方式,並嚴格地限制任何種類的銀行詐騙行為。當所有這些完成時,那時新政府可以自由合法地顯化。

這新政府將會廢止個人稅, 並使得新商業環境可以出現。在這個公平的環境中,當前受壓制的發明能夠出現。這些裝置將會清理你們的空氣、水和天空,並使正式揭露我們的神聖莊嚴任務成為 可能。第一次接觸是要允許登陸,並開始導師計劃,這會引領你們通向全意識。在這個會建立,將會重新將阿加森介紹給你們。
   The Agarthans live in a most beautiful realm and have watched over you for the past 13 millennia. Under their watchful eye, the Ascended Masters of your world have arisen. The myriad Sister and Brotherhoods are dedicated to return this globe to the Light. Each of them has contributed to your conscious spiritual growth. Whether under the yoke of the Anunnaki or their multitudes of minions, you have been restricted from easily following the wisdom of these grand spiritual masters. Due to this, a number of your ancestors were forced to adopt beliefs that favored the dark and its Anunnaki masters. Gradually, the Ascended Masters and their Agarthan allies have shone more and more Light on your spiritual affairs. Our arrival in great numbers, just over two decades ago, allowed this great movement to gain spiritual momentum. It is this sacred energy that makes possible the great triumph over the dark. Aiding all of us are those individuals who are appalled by the dark and intend to end their long reign of terror!
阿加森人生活在一個最美麗的領域,在過去一萬三千年裡一直照看著你們。在他們的照看下,你們世界的揚升大師們興起了。這極大數量的兄弟姐妹致力於使這個星 球回歸於光。他們每一個人都對你們意識到的靈性成長做出了貢獻。

不管是在阿努納奇還是他們大量的僕從的束縛下,你們一直被限制難以容易地跟隨這些偉大的靈 性大師們的智慧。因此,你們許多的祖先們被迫採納有利於黑暗力量及其阿努納奇大師們的觀念信仰。

逐漸地,揚升大師們和他們的阿加森盟友在你們的靈性事物上 照耀越來越多的光。在20年前,我們大規模到來,使這個運動可以取得靈性上的勢頭。就是這個神聖莊嚴能量使對黑暗力量的偉大勝利變得可能。協助我們所有人 的是那些令黑暗力量聞風喪膽的個體們,這些人打算結束黑暗力量的對這個領域的長期統治。
   We now stand at the very edge of manifesting events that are the true preliminaries to your freedom and the rise of new governance. Elements are in play that have already legally forced the dark to relinquish much of its power and prevented large-scale international wars from occurring. The next steps are to end the power of fiat money and shake out the bankers from their lairs. These actions are to set the stage for a permanent prosperity that transforms global poverty and homelessness. It is to replace these horrible scenarios with a jubilee that allows all to get beyond current survival modes and come together at last to creatively solve the pollution and gross depravity that were on the verge of sending you into oblivion. We now are to interact with a people ready to accept its innate spirituality and inner desire to save and protect Gaia. This is to serve you well as you prepare to reunite with your Inner Earth cousins.

許多要素正在進行,這些要素已經合法地迫使黑暗力量讓渡其權力的大部分,並阻 止大規模世界戰爭發生。接下來的步驟是結束紙幣的力量,將銀行家們從它們的謊言中搖晃出來。這些行動將要為永久繁榮搭建舞台,這繁榮會轉化全球的貧窮和無 家可歸

。用大赦來取代這些可怕的場景,這將使所有人超越當前的求生模式,並最終來到一起創造性地解決污染和顯而易見的墮落,這曾經處在將你們送往滅亡的邊 緣了。我們現在就要與這樣的人類互動,這樣的人類已經準備好了接納其與生俱來的靈性以及拯救和保護蓋婭的內在渴望。當你準備好與你們的地心兄弟姐妹們團聚 時,這將會更好地服務於你們。
   These events are to make our contact with you important. As you start to reach out and reclaim your spiritual essence, you are also to reconnect with whom you truly are. Your original Lemurian society was built on a model that you carried from the stars. This model is still in effect in Lemuria. Together you are to forge a new galactic prototype that embodies all of the varied forms of Galactic Society that exist throughout the Galactic Federation. That is why it so vital for us to return you to your former full consciousness state. Then you can produce a variant that demonstrates the vitality present throughout this galaxy. This new star nation is destined to create a natural energy that is to finally cement together this galaxy. Immersed in this grand Light, we are to do much to unfold the Creator's divine plan. Your mission to the former Ancharans is to be an example of the wisdom you have accrued during your long night that has lasted 13 millennia.

你們最初的利莫里亞社會最初是建立在, 你們從其他星球帶回來的模型基礎上的。這個模型現在在利莫里亞仍然有效。你們將一塊打造一個新的銀河社會原型,這個原型具體表達存在於整個銀河聯邦 的所有各種形式的銀河社會。這是為什麼對我們來說使你們回歸到之前的全意識狀態如此至關重要。

然後,你們可以製造一個變體,這個變體展示遍及這個銀河系存 在的活力。這個新的星際國度注定要創造一個自然的能量,這能量最終會粘牢這個銀河系。沉浸在這偉大的光中,我們要做許多事情來展開造物主的神聖計劃。你們 對於之前的安查拉人的任務是將會成為一個智慧的例子,這智慧是你們在你們持續了一萬三千年的長夜中所積累的。
   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive from Agartha with good news! The events that are to begin to transform your world are here. A number of incidents that slowed this from manifesting are now things of the past. The first few events to occur involve the monetary and financial systems of this globe. The post World War II world has been at the mercy of a number of major nations and banks. These institutions have currently been forced by our associates to relent. Bless all and let it be known that Spirit has moved and the Light has grown stronger! The birth of a new financial system, which is being revealed, is to bring you a grand prosperity and permit the shackles forged by the ravages of personal debt to be removed. A new method to move you to a realm that is beyond money has graciously begun. This realm is to ready you for your blessed transformation into full consciousness.


新金融系統的誕生,正在被揭示,將帶給你們偉大的繁榮,使得由個人債務的蹂躪所鑄造的鐐銬可以被移除。一個可以使你們進入一個超越金錢的領域的方法已經優雅地開始了。這個領域就要讓你們為你們受祝福的, 轉化成全意識做好準備。
   Ever since you were plunged into limited consciousness and then put at the mercy of the dark ones, you have been the victims of hate, division and war. Your ancestors told these sorry tales for countless generations till it seemed to be the norm. You are filled with the Light and Love of Heaven. Your fate is not to suffer needlessly at the manipulative hands of the dark. Rather it is to grow again into the Light and be freed from endless abuse. Then you are to realize your power and use our supervision to push yourselves into the Light and accept the grand gift that you are presently receiving with divine grace. Those who have worked so diligently are most joyous that their sacred tasks give you the means to break free from the heinous clutches of the dark ones. A time for revelry arrives. Be blessed and ready to accept these glorious, sacred events!
自從你們被拋入受限意識中,然後任由黑暗力量的擺佈,你們已經成為了仇恨、分化和戰爭的受害者。你們的祖先為無數時代的人們講述這些令人遺憾的傳說,直到 它似乎成為了正常的事情。

你們充滿著天堂的愛和光。你們的命運不是要毫無必要地在黑暗力量的操縱的手中受苦。而是要再次成長進入光中,並成無盡的虐待中解 放。然後,你們就要意識到你們的力量,並用我們的監督來將你們推入到光中,並接納偉大禮物,你們當前正帶著神聖的優雅接納這禮物。

那些一直如此勤奮努力工作的人們感到非常喜悅,他們神聖的任務, 給你們從黑暗力量的可憎的魔爪中解放出來的方法。狂歡的時間到來了。受到祝福並準備後接納這些輝煌的莊嚴的事件。
   We are ready, at the right auspicious time, to address you and give numerous insights that can best direct you in your final march into full consciousness. This galactic event is to give you a number of special abilities. You need to have ones assigned to you that can easily bridge your move into a new and most exciting reality. We rejoice at what is now happening to each of you. This final glorious sprint will give a whole host of information about who you are and why you are here. This is to allow you to better understand what is now happening to Lady Gaia and how you can assist her in protecting the countless eco-systems that live both on and in her. This information is to ready you for reunion with your spiritual and space families. Hence rejoice and sing divine Hosannas to Heaven and to our sacred Creator! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
我們做好準備了,在正確吉利的時間裡,準備好向你們演講並給出眾多的洞見,這些演講和洞見, 可以在你們通向全意識的最後行程中最好地引導你們。

這個銀河事件就要給予你們許多特殊的能力。你們需要有分配給你們的人們(導師),他們可以很容易地架起, 通向一個最令人興奮的新現實的橋樑。我們歡慶現在發生在你們每一 個人身上的事情。這最後輝煌的衝刺將給出一整套有關你們是誰以及為什麼來這的信息。

這會允許你們更好地理解現在在蓋婭夫人身上所正發生的事情, 以及你們如何能夠協助她來保護無數的生態系統,這些生態系統既存在於地表也存在於地心世界。這信息會讓你們為與靈性家人和空間家人的團聚做好準備。因此,歡慶吧,向著 天堂和我們的神聖莊嚴的造物主唱和薩那吧!哈利路亞!哈利路亞!
Today we gave you a brief view at what is unfolding around you. Be gracious and be prepared to accept what has been so wonderfully given you. The changes happening are only the precursor to our arrival and your formal transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

請保持優雅,並做好準備接受所如此精彩地給予你們的事情。這些正發生的變化僅僅是我們的到來, 和你們正式轉變成全意識光之存有的先導。親愛的人們,要知道天堂數不盡的供應和永無止境的繁榮確實是你們的!所以去成為它!Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja!(天狼星語,成為一!處於喜悅中!)
轉載自「xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客」

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