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2007/12/11 15:49:11瀏覽601|回應0|推薦13



提交者: 奇蹟課程中文部 

摘要: 耶穌說過,每滴眼淚都為我們省下千年光陰。我決心釋放所有妨礙我體驗到我本來面目的障礙…

作者:Judy Allen;譯者:林慧如 ,若水 潤稿


 An early Course stumbling block is the idea “I am not a body.” How can I not be a body when I so intensely experience pain and pleasure? When I cut myself I bleed. When I break a bone, it has to be set. My body will die. So why, then, do we have this body at all, if that is not what we are? To communicate, to ourselves and others. While we are in the dream, any pain experienced by the body or the psyche is simply communication about what needs to be healed.


Last September my column was entitled “The Purpose of Pain.” I quote: “Being overwhelmed by pain of any kind can be the beginning of healing, because it brings us to our limits of suffering. It can become a turning point……Growth need not be painful. It is the resistance to the growth that creates the pain. If we pay attention to the pain, we have a glimpse of our resistance— then we invite in the Holy Spirit to turn the pain into growth. We can choose pain, or we can choose peace.”


Sounds true to me, even now. But it was mostly a head trip at that point. The day after I wrote it, I lifted a 50-lb box (I know, I know, I should have bent my knees……) and immediately knew it was a mistake. What followed was six weeks of intractable back pain. I found the words in the above quote to be “true but not helpful.” I had been writing about emotional pain, primarily, and now I was faced with the stubbornness of physical pain, and the opportunity to invite in the Holy Spirit to turn the pain into growth, and to choose peace instead.


I tried to do that, over and over. It didn’t help one bit. I tried not resisting, but I didn’t really understand what that meant. My resistance, I felt, didn’t cause the pain. My injured back caused the pain. Finally I went to my friend and mentor John Miller, who understands healing, and told him of my misery. His first gift to me was to immediately see and know the absolute truth of my being, which was my perfection as a child of God and a part of God, and to keep on knowing it no matter what picture I presented to him. Then he explained to me how to deal with intractable physical pain. Stop resisting. He didn’t use metaphysical metaphors about what my back pain meant, or what spiritual growth I was resisting. He just said stop resisting the pain. He said go into the pain, experience it fully, allow it to just be. He said the way out of pain is straight through it. And everything in me resisted that idea.

一次又一次的,我嘗試重新選擇,但一點用也沒有。我試著不抗拒,但我著實不懂那是什麼意思。我覺得,導致我疼痛的根本就不是我的抗拒,而是我受傷的背。最後,我去找我那位深諳治癒之道的良師益友John Miller,並告訴他我的遭遇,他給我的第一份禮物是要我立即去看、去體認我真實不虛的實存,那是我身為上主之子與上主的一部份的完美本質,而且要我不斷地體認它,不論我向他訴說的情況有多慘。接著,他告訴我因應棘手的肉體疼痛之道,即是不要抗拒。他沒有用抽象的理論來分析我背痛的原因或隱喻我在抗拒哪一類心靈成長。他只是要我不再抗拒疼痛。他告訴我,進入那個痛,全然體驗它,允許它呈現它的模樣。他說道,出離痛苦的方法就是直接穿越它。但那個時候我體內每個細胞都在抗拒這個想法。


But there was nothing else to do. That night, when I woke up with the first of the back spasms, my reaction was typical: I stiffened my whole body, afraid to relax, knowing when I did the pain was worse. But this time I decided to try John’s suggestion. I invited and allowed the pain to do whatever it would do, let my whole body go limp, felt the pain accelerate, and the next thing I knew I was waking up again with a new bout. I did the same thing that time, with the same result. Each time I woke up in pain, I went into it and through it, and drifted right back to sleep. The next night I didn’t wake as often. And within a few days I noticed that I wasn’t aware of my back any more. I had learned an important lesson, this time in my body rather than in my head.


I have applied this lesson in my life to various kinds of emotional pain— fear, grief, frustration and so on. When I resist I intensify. I can do a “spiritual bypass” around the emotion, quote the Course, and choose joy instead of pain. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I have to turn into the skid, even though it feels like turning in the wrong direction, in order to regain my right direction. Sometimes in the past I have had to allow myself to be depressed until it was over, recognizing that the Holy Spirit was unraveling something inside me that needed to be released. I never knew exactly what that something was, but I knew afterward that it was an important healing of my mind, and that I had to be injected with a paralytic drug—depression—to keep myself still while the healing was accomplished.


“The course does……aim……at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.”
“The Holy Spirit……merely teaches you how to remove the blocks that stand between you and what you know.”
What are our blocks? Our guilt, our grievances and rage, our ungrieved losses, our fear, our resistance. Sometimes that Holy Spirit speaks through a friend, like John, to tell me what I need to do to remove the block and remember the truth of my wholeness. Sometimes the Holy Spirit stands in silent attendance while I go through the emotions without judging myself, allowing all that is not love to come up and be released.

「聖靈只能教你如何去除蒙蔽你真知的障礙。」(T-14, IV 9:5, p262

Jesus has said that each tear shed saves a thousand years. So I am determined to release my blocks to the awareness of Who I Am, even if it means at times going through emotional “pain.” A block stays blocked when it is suppressed, denied, resisted and protected. I suppress, deny, resist and protect out of fear and guilt. The Holy Spirit can help me with the fear and guilt, because “Remembrance of reality is in Him [the Holy Spirit], and therefore in [me].” Sometimes I shed tears of grief, and sometimes of joy. Sometimes they are both at the same time. And each one saves a thousand years.





( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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