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由江國慶冤案笑談 [榮譽是軍人的第二生命 !?]
2011/01/30 19:16:26瀏覽698|回應1|推薦2

話說蔣光頭時代不斷灌輸我們 [榮譽是軍人第二生命] , 鄙人不禁好奇追問 [什麼才是軍人的第一生命] ?  近日 [空軍將領/軍官栽贓污陷, 殺人滅口 --- 以求升官發財] 的醜聞 *1 終於再度浮出台面.

原來唾面自乾的這批軍官們奉行著 [軍人第一生命 -- 不擇手段也要升官發財! ] . 在進一步探討之前不妨看個例子 -  Jeremy Michael Boorda . 

美國海軍軍令部長因為多佩帶一枚勳獎而舉槍自盡  v.s. 中華民國空軍司令因為栽贓污陷而升官發財. 這就是中外軍人對於 [榮譽是軍人第二生命] 的看法差異.

江國慶冤案發生地的中華民國如果拖了14年的冗長調查之後還是無法對於蓄意栽贓殺人的眾涉案軍官 [速審速決], 還是無法對於干涉軍方調查的前台北市長陳水扁提出聯帶處分, 還是堅持 [和稀泥/扮爛好人/當不沾鍋] 的搞國家賠償 -- 把 [軍官栽贓殺人滅口] 的事實當成 [正常辦案程序].

要知道我們這些平民百姓 -- 誰都沒命令空軍作戰司令陳肇敏搞殺人滅口的把戲 (力求政績的阿扁市長例外),  而且涉案的空軍軍官們個個藉機升官發財的時候平民百姓也沒分到半點好處. 何以東窗事發之時,  馬震怒先生就打算拿出最拿手的不沾鍋絕技. 借著國家賠償的手段, 懲罰我們這些毫無決定權的平民百姓. 反而讓恬不之恥/唾面自乾的軍官們既不必面對軍法審判, 還可繼續坐領高薪厚祿!?

假設馬震怒先生真的 [不沾鍋我自為之] . 其實這樣決定也很好, 假設 [榮譽是軍人第二生命] 那馬震怒先生領倒政府所做出的國賠決定 -- 剛好証實了  [軍人第一生命 -- 不擇手段也要升官發財! ] 的合理推論!


*1 江國慶案










Jeremy Michael Boorda


Stan Arthur incident

Boorda faced unrelenting hostility from a majority of Naval flag officers who believed that Boorda had betrayed the Navy by allying himself with Clinton administration demands for reform of the Navy's officer corps in the wake of the Tailhook scandal. Naval aviators, in particular, were incensed by the treatment of Stan Arthur (Vice Chief of Naval Operations and senior Naval aviator), whose nomination for the post of Commander, United States Pacific Command was withdrawn by President Clinton at the behest of Senator David Durenberger of Minnesota.[5] Durenberger raised questions over Arthur's possible mishandling of sexual harassment allegations brought by one of the Senator's constituents, a female student Naval aviator named Rebecca Hansen, who was attrited from flight training.[6][7]

It was reasonable to expect protracted hearings to ensue, and the Pacific Command position to remain unfilled during them; Arthur decided to retire from the Navy on February 1, 1995 as a four-star admiral. Boorda issued an unusual public defense of Arthur and his decision not to fight for the nomination, saying

Stan Arthur is an officer of integrity ... who chose to take this selfless action ... in the interests of more rapidly filling a critical leadership position. Those who postulate other reasons for the withdrawal are simply wrong.[6]


Boorda died May 16, 1996 of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest.[8] The autopsy results were not released to the public. He reportedly also left two suicide notes, neither of which was released publicly.[9] He was reported to have been despondent over a news media investigation, led by David Hackworth, into Valor device enhancements he wore on his Navy Commendation Medal and Navy Achievement Medal (small bronze "V" devices, signifying valor in combat), which the media report claimed he was not entitled to wear. Former CNO Elmo Zumwalt, who was Boorda's commander in Vietnam, later indicated that Boorda was authorized to wear them.[10] In 1998, one of Boorda's sons requested a review of his service record. The Board for Correction of Naval Records, the ultimate arbiter of whether Boorda was entitled to wear the Combat V on both Medals, determined that he was not.[11]

Boorda was survived by his wife, Bettie Moran Boorda, four children, and 11 grandchildren.





Defense Department officials said the 57-year-old admiral left behind two suicide notes, both suggesting that he had been driven to take his life by fear that the reputation of the Navy, which has been battered in recent years by a series of scandals, would be further harmed by the disclosures about his medals.

Newsweek magazine said in a statement that it had contacted Boorda earlier in the day to request an interview for ``a story that called into question the military decorations'' that he ``had been wearing for years.'' A Newsweek correspondent was arriving at the Pentagon for an interview with Boorda ``when the Navy learned of the shooting,'' the magazine said.

The Navy's chief spokesman, Rear Adm. Kendell Pease, said he informed Boorda about 12:30 of the inquiries from Newsweek, and that the admiral then announced abruptly that he was going home for lunch instead of eating the meal that had been brought into his office at the Pentagon.

``He said, `I'm going to go home,' '' Pease said. ``He was concerned, but I've seen him much more concerned about other things.''

Defense Department officials said that until about a year ago, Boorda had worn two Vietnam War combat ribbons pinned with a medal ``v'' for valor valor

a rodenticide no longer marketed because of toxicity in horses causing dehydration, abdominal pain, hindlimb weakness, inappetence, fishy smell in urine. Called also N-3-pyridyl methyl N1-p-nitrophenyl urea.
, suggesting that he had seen combat in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia, region of Asia (1990 est. pop. 442,500,000), c.1,740,000 sq mi (4,506,600 sq km), bounded roughly by the Indian subcontinent on the west, China on the north, and the Pacific Ocean on the east. .

He took them off shortly after a military research organization, the National Security News Service, placed a Freedom of Information request for details about the medals. The news service, which had been working with Newsweek and ABC News  on the story, said its research showed that Boorda never saw combat in Vietnam.

``The admiral was not in a war zone during the war,'' said Joe Trento, the Washington bureau chief of the news service. ``You can wear them only if your citation authorizes you to wear them. His didn't.'' The News Service and Newsweek expressed their regrets over the suicide.

``None of us feel very good about this,'' Trento said. Details of Boorda's deployments during the Vietnam War were not available Thursday, although he did serve aboard ships off the Vietnamese coast and would have been entitled to some decorations for that service.

This article is about the American news organization. See also ABC News (disambiguation)

ABC News is a division of American television and radio network ABC, owned by The Walt Disney Company. Its current president is David Westin.


( 時事評論公共議題 )
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2011/01/30 23:46



R2BBr(R2BBr) 於 2011-01-31 02:05 回覆:

反正當初是阿輝與阿扁去逼軍方 [速審速決], 馬震怒先生也該趁機清舊帳, 把這些貪生怕死愛發財的傢伙 -- 請君入甕!