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美國黑人歌姬〔安妮塔貝克〕──節奏藍調/靈魂浪漫情歌──〔Caught In The Rapture〕
2009/10/15 15:37:10瀏覽201|回應0|推薦1




美國黑人歌姬〔安妮塔貝克〕──節奏藍調/靈魂浪漫情歌──〔Caught In The Rapture

When we met, I always knew

I would feel the magic for you
On my mind constantly
In my arms is where you should be

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you

We stand side by side
Till the storms of life pass us by
Light my life, warm my heart
Say tonight will be just a start

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you
The feelings always new
Caught up in the rapture of you

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Caught up in the rapture of love


R&B抒情經典〔Sweet Love/甜蜜的愛〕後
1986年秋天 剛走紅的28歲美國黑人歌姬安妮塔貝克(Anitha Baker推出〔Rapture/狂喜〕另一首Smooth Jazz/Soul/R&B傑作〔Caught Up In Rapture
在這首浪漫輕柔的Quiet Storm歌曲中
此曲在美國流行榜#37黑人榜得到#6 成人抒情榜#9 英國榜#91
Caught Up In Rapture〕是那種很適合就寢時聆聽的歌曲








( 休閒生活音樂 )
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